Pro-Life all the way: Trump continues to deliver on campaign promises

..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..
and that reason and that reason alone is why roe vs wade ought to be reversed. The courts already contend the baby alive in that scenario. Then it would be alive in any scenario.

The Bible specifically says that if a man harms a woman causing her to miscarry, the man must pay her husband a sum of money for the loss of the child. The Bible does NOT say the man has murdered the child or that he is to be punished for murder.

We are not a theocracy and do not base our laws on the Bronze Age rules of a backwards nomadic tribe.

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I’m posting this to make a point to those using religious and Bibical reasons for opposing abortion.

Realistically, the birth rate did not drop in the years following Roe v Wade which strongly suggests that the decision legalized what in effect had been a thriving abortion trade. That won’t change whether the procedure is legal or not.

I would rather the procedure remain legal, regulated, and open, for the safety of the women.

If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one, or work for better maternity leave and job protections for pregnant women - useful things to make it easier for women to have their babies. Change the Republican employment policies that drive this high abortion rate.
dudette, just don't use tax payer money for your murders. Or close the holes.

Taxpayer dollars aren’t used for abortions. And I’ve never had an abortion. I personally don’t believe in abortion.

You see how that works? Don’t believe in abortion, don’t have an abortion. Leave other people alone. It’s none of your business. It’s not your life, or your family.

Liar. You should get new material.
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

Stop lying. Planned Parenthood gets the biggest chunk of all the money it gets from the feds.
They pretend to spend it on other things..but all those things (when they actually exist, which often they do not) are services that customers only get if they are getting an abortion.

It's a scam. It has always been a scam.
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set

Defunding any sort of assistance for living breathing children, like food stamps, CHiP, school lunches, and inner city education is the Holy Grail for conservatives. It speaks volumes that they care for children only so long as they don’t require tax dollars to do so. Once money is involved, the kids can die for all they care.

And the Holy Grail for leftists appears to be farming out any responsibility toward your neighbors to the government, so that you can feel virtuous for "caring" without ever having to soil yourself by actually interacting with the grubby peons.

Lecture us some more on how to achieve your faux-morality, Dragon. God knows, we're all just DYING to be lazy, hypocritical, and arrogant like you.
And dishonest. She lies in order to facilitate baby killing and the exploitation and butchery of vulnerable women who are being trafficked.

No where in our society does our government or science declare that a zygote, embryo or fetus is a baby or living human being.

Actually science does indeed declare that, in fact science leaves no other option.

A zygote, embryo or fetus are the results of reproduction of two humans. Two humans can only produce another human, nothing else.

So, if a zygote, embryo or fetus are not human as you claim, then what are they? They have to be some form of animal, so which one will you claim they are until the magical time they transform into a human?

Humans are animals. We're Great apes. ;)

Well, that was certainly apropos of nothing.
No where in our society does our government or science declare that a zygote, embryo or fetus is a baby or living human being.

Actually science does indeed declare that, in fact science leaves no other option.

A zygote, embryo or fetus are the results of reproduction of two humans. Two humans can only produce another human, nothing else.

So, if a zygote, embryo or fetus are not human as you claim, then what are they? They have to be some form of animal, so which one will you claim they are until the magical time they transform into a human?

I said living human being.

Yes science agrees that it's the potential or developing to be a living human being.

However, science doesn't say that a zygote, embryo or fetus is a living humming being.

Here you go from a science dictionary:

Zygote: A zygote is a fertilized egg containing two sets of chromosomes, one from the egg (oocyte) and one form the sperm. The zygote is a single cell and the result of a fusion between two gametes, an egg (female) and one sperm cell (male)

a archaic : a vertebrate at any stage of development prior to birth or hatching
b : an animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems; especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception
2: the young sporophyte of a seed plant usually comprising a rudimentary plant with plumule, radicle, and cotyledons
3a : something as yet undeveloped
b : a beginning or undeveloped state of something
  • productions seen in embryo during their out-of-town tryout period
  • —Henry Hewes
: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b

So your proof that zygotes, embryos, and fetuses are not alive (or, presumably, human beings) would be dictionary definitions which either don't address that question at all, or which contradict you?

What a cunning, masterful plan, disproving your own assertion! I never saw that coming!
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

And putting money in one account so that you can move OTHER money into the abortion account is nothing more than a hair-splitting accounting trick.
How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

Um, thanks for sharing. :confused-84:
We're going to shut them down, and the world will be a safer place.

"Planned Parenthood failed to disclose suspected child-sex trafficking to authorities and did not follow through on promises to train staff members in properly reporting instances of such abuse."

"The investigation footage shows Planned Parenthood employees assisting these supposed traffickers, outlining the best ways to get abortions and birth control for 14- and 15-year-old victims. The staffers said that Planned Parenthood clinics would always ignore parental-consent laws and perform abortions for underage girls involved in sex work, and they explained illegal methods of obtaining from clinics both birth control and abortions for minors without health insurance."

Planned Parenthood & Child-Sex Trafficking: Crimes Still Unreported | National Review
Realistically, the birth rate did not drop in the years following Roe v Wade which strongly suggests that the decision legalized what in effect had been a thriving abortion trade.
I actually looked into this many years ago when I was on another forum. I went in with a heavy bias, believing the number of abortions was much lower prior to Roe v. Wade. To my shock and surprise, I found that the abortion rate was almost identical pre- and post-Roe v. Wade.

That's why I say it won't change if Roe is overturned. Especially since abortion has become so much more socially acceptable now, and it is much easier to travel.

So my fellow pro-lifers better start thinking about Plan B.

They aren't.
We're going to shut them down, and the world will be a safer place.

"Planned Parenthood failed to disclose suspected child-sex trafficking to authorities and did not follow through on promises to train staff members in properly reporting instances of such abuse."

"The investigation footage shows Planned Parenthood employees assisting these supposed traffickers, outlining the best ways to get abortions and birth control for 14- and 15-year-old victims. The staffers said that Planned Parenthood clinics would always ignore parental-consent laws and perform abortions for underage girls involved in sex work, and they explained illegal methods of obtaining from clinics both birth control and abortions for minors without health insurance."

Planned Parenthood & Child-Sex Trafficking: Crimes Still Unreported | National Review
What I do not understand is why the pro-life movement has not created a national chain of women's clinics which provide all the same services PP does, without the abortions.

The way to beat PP is with free market competition.
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

And putting money in one account so that you can move OTHER money into the abortion account is nothing more than a hair-splitting accounting trick.
"It wasn't used for abortion, it was used for pennicillin the 13 y.o. sex trafficking victim needed after we hacked her up!"
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

And putting money in one account so that you can move OTHER money into the abortion account is nothing more than a hair-splitting accounting trick.
"It wasn't used for abortion, it was used for pennicillin the 13 y.o. sex trafficking victim needed after we hacked her up!"

"No, we won't spend your money on abortions . . . directly."

You know what would be even easier and cheaper than having accountants go over the books to make sure that the specific taxpayer dollars aren't put into specific accounts? Just don't give ANY taxpayer dollars to them, and there won't even be the possibility. Easy-peasy.
The fact that the left refers to the international funding of infanticide as "U.S. family planning funds" is ironic but not surprising. Nobody is talking about repealing the S.C. decision of Roe v Wade which relied on a "right to privacy" which did not appear in the Constitution but that's how the left gets their base motivated. All the pro-lifers want is for the federal government to stop funding the abortion industry with taxpayer money.

Abortion is one of the left's Holy Grails. It speaks volumes of their mind set
But cutting health care is cool. You people are trash
Killing babies and torturing women for the sake of the sex trade isn't "health care".
No, you people voted to take away people's health care, have fought for decades to stop people from being able to be treated. Then you turn around and pretend to care about fetuses. You people are despicable.
..the objective is to remove federal funding from abortion.

Good Lord you are a fucking, ignorant moron.

The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion ......ITS BEEN law for over FOUR decades, you dimwit..

Stop lying. Planned Parenthood gets the biggest chunk of all the money it gets from the feds.
They pretend to spend it on other things..but all those things (when they actually exist, which often they do not) are services that customers only get if they are getting an abortion.

It's a scam. It has always been a scam.

PP does not get a "chunk of money" from the Feds,. they get Medicaid/care reimbursement for billed services performed on the patient. Abortion is not one of the services they get paid for. .

People are so fucking ignorant is is scary you are allowed to drive a car or procreate.
That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

Um, thanks for sharing. :confused-84:
you know any other way to get pregnant?
How were they illegal before? Don't recall scads of women in jail for getting abortions, do you?

That is why there was so many still happening.

Why do you not favor jailing women for having them if they are illegal?

Partly because I don't think it would be effective toward the most important goal here, ie. saving the lives of babies.

Partly because I think the vast majority of people are abysmally stupid and easily brainwashed, particularly when they're young.

I'll tell you a story. My husband was engaged prior to meeting me, back when he was in college. They were together for two years, and intended to get married right after they both graduated. His fiancee got pregnant. Neither of them had given a whole lot of deep, philosophical thought to the subject before, and she got all panicked and upset and decided to have an abortion, telling herself all the tripe she'd heard from the college culture around her about "not a baby yet, choice, don't let it ruin your life", etc.

Having the abortion actually DID ruin her life. She couldn't forget about it, couldn't move on, got to the point where she couldn't even bear to be around my husband because it reminded her. She broke off the engagement, dropped out of school . . . I just really don't see criminal prosecution on top of all of that as being at all productive or useful, for the women or for society.

The doctors, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing. Not a damned one of them is the least bit deluded or brainwashed about it, because every damned greedy, heartless one of them received copious amounts of training about EXACTLY what is involved at every stage of the process. And they don't give a shit, and they're perfectly happy to lie about it to untrained, poorly-educated laymen in order to line their pockets.

I do agree it is not the most productive way to end as many abortions as possible. The best way to do that is to reduce the number of pregnancies.

And for every story like the one about the girl you told, there is one like the young LCpl that worked for me that at the age of 24 had 1 child and two abortions. She unabashedly used abortion as a means of birth control and it didn't phase her in the least.

Going after the doctors is like only going after the hookers and not the johns.

Well, I'm far from saying JUST go after the doctors. I have one of THOSE stories, too.

Back when I was a young secretary, fresh out of clerical school (when we rode our dinosaurs to class), I worked in the front office of the fertility clinic in one of the major hospitals in the city. We had a woman come in for a consultation. She had had four abortions in the past, and NOW had finally gotten married and wanted to have a baby with her new husband. Only problem is, in the words of the doctor, her body had "learned" to spontaneously abort any pregnancy that came along.

So yeah, I'm not saying there aren't some assholes on the other side of the equation. But it really isn't a question of "fair" (which is a word I virtually never have any use for, anyway) or of culpability. It really is just a question of productive and effective. I don't think criminal prosecution of women who have abortions will be productive and effective; I actually think it would be exactly the opposite.
then don't fornicate.

That is a very nice view, but it ignores basic human nature and all the statistics abstinence only programs have the highest rate of pregnancy.

The bottom line is that people are going to fuck, so the best thing to do is to do everything we can to prevent those that do not want to be pregnant from becoming so.

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