Pro-Life GOP Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Abortion

lol, it CAME from hufferpost for starters, believe it if you want...watching you people get your panties in a bunch of this petty NON story was quite amusing though...
Now you all can go get a laugh over Glen Beck wreaking his car next

It is a "NON story" to you because you are a hyperpartisan Republican and that is the only reason. I happen to think a politician who tells his constituents one thing and does the complete opposite behind their backs is quite newsworthy. You're kind of partisanship is the reason why we keep electing the lowest common denominator to our "representative" government.

really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.
It is a "NON story" to you because you are a hyperpartisan Republican and that is the only reason. I happen to think a politician who tells his constituents one thing and does the complete opposite behind their backs is quite newsworthy. You're kind of partisanship is the reason why we keep electing the lowest common denominator to our "representative" government.

really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.

oh please with the family values, Bill Clinton had a affair and people still ADMIRE HIM. I never said the guy wasn't scum, just that this WASN'T important at this time and no skin off our asses..
really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.

oh please with the family values, Bill Clinton had a affair and people still ADMIRE HIM. I never said the guy wasn't scum, just that this WASN'T important at this time and no skin off our asses..

Clinton had no family values.

It's always important to learn when those in power are cheaters and liars.
Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.

oh please with the family values, Bill Clinton had a affair and people still ADMIRE HIM. I never said the guy wasn't scum, just that this WASN'T important at this time and no skin off our asses..

Clinton had no family values.

It's always important to learn when those in power are cheaters and liars.

then we can agree on I said, as far as I'm concerned we can kick out half of these Congress asses, be they R or D and I would be ok with it
I find that hard to believe. You don't even have one good personality, much less "multiple".

aww Dean its want to wear diapers and dress up like a little girl.....hey thats ok.....:rolleyes:....but you should not put your name on your letter to the thing i know your going to be on HBO's Real Sex in a diaper....come on should know better.....

You dress up like a little girl? OK, if you want. I'm sure that's one of your more "inventive" personalities.

you cant spin this one Dean.....your name is at the bottom of the i said you dont put your name on something like this if you dont want your "friends" to find we know.....its cool Dean i wont tell anyone......i promise....
Why is that? Because the hypocrisy of yet another "family values" conservative has been exposed? Maybe that's why these kinds of issues should be left out of the government and people left free to make their own choices, good or bad.

lol, it CAME from hufferpost for starters, believe it if you want...watching you people get your panties in a bunch of this petty NON story was quite amusing though...
Now you all can go get a laugh over Glen Beck wreaking his car next

It is a "NON story" to you because you are a hyperpartisan Republican and that is the only reason. I happen to think a politician who tells his constituents one thing and does the complete opposite behind their backs is quite newsworthy. You're kind of partisanship is the reason why we keep electing the lowest common denominator to our "representative" government.

I happen to think a politician who tells his constituents one thing and does the complete opposite behind their backs

sounds like a Democrat.....Most Republicans let you know they are fucking you....
really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

I'm not a Democrat

Last time I checked abortion was still legal, and entirely up to the woman.
It is a "NON story" to you because you are a hyperpartisan Republican and that is the only reason. I happen to think a politician who tells his constituents one thing and does the complete opposite behind their backs is quite newsworthy. You're kind of partisanship is the reason why we keep electing the lowest common denominator to our "representative" government.

really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.
You're technically correct. However, let's face it. The guy who wrote the Ten Commandments with God on the Mountain brought back with him the words, "Thou shalt not Kill." If he had not killed the centurion who was beating one of his people with a razored whip, he would never have been sent out into the wilderness to certainly die, since few ever came back once banished by the uppity ups in Egyptian royalty.

Any person whose spouse develops dysfunction might slip, family values or not. Often people who are chosen for congress seem to have it all--family background, high principles, and tend to be drop-dead good looking. These people are pursued relentlessly by people of the opposite sex. Some of the pursuers are also some of the best-looking people on God's green earth.

While I'm not rubberstamping this behavior, all people do stupid things in their personal lives sometimes. This one already paid a high price for his mistake. His family may be more dear to him once he has lost them than when he was too close to be anything but blinded by his love for them, thinking it would always be that way no matter what he did.

Furthermore, why wasn't he excoriated 9 years ago or whenever in the past this happened?

He's only being excoriated now because it's silly season--the time of an election. Suddenly, it's his adversary's only chance to take away his seat.
He's guilty only of growing too soon old and too late smart. And that deal about the abortion? St. Peter could be holding that little cherub's hand at Heaven's door some day asking him why he denied it life. I don't know this for sure, I'm just wondering how heavenly beings deal with such episodes of the heart. I'm thinking they might frown. :dunno:
really, you do vote right? As far as I'm concerned we can throw the whole lot of their asses out of congress, we have too many asses up ther as it is...
but this story was STUPID...He supposedly pressured a mistress to have a abortion, what man hasn't done that at one time or another...lets get back to THE REAL for the rest of your spill, you should preach to your brothers and sister in the Democrat party about the scum they elect

Someone who is truly a family values individual wouldn't have had an affair to begin with; someone who is truly pro-life would never even consider abortion as an option. This guy is scum ... whether he has an R, D or any other letter next to his name.

The bolded, above? That's just a loony statement.
You're technically correct. However, let's face it. The guy who wrote the Ten Commandments with God on the Mountain brought back with him the words, "Thou shalt not Kill." If he had not killed the centurion who was beating one of his people with a razored whip, he would never have been sent out into the wilderness to certainly die, since few ever came back once banished by the uppity ups in Egyptian royalty.

Any person whose spouse develops dysfunction might slip, family values or not. Often people who are chosen for congress seem to have it all--family background, high principles, and tend to be drop-dead good looking. These people are pursued relentlessly by people of the opposite sex. Some of the pursuers are also some of the best-looking people on God's green earth.

While I'm not rubberstamping this behavior, all people do stupid things in their personal lives sometimes. This one already paid a high price for his mistake. His family may be more dear to him once he has lost them than when he was too close to be anything but blinded by his love for them, thinking it would always be that way no matter what he did.

Furthermore, why wasn't he excoriated 9 years ago or whenever in the past this happened?

He's only being excoriated now because it's silly season--the time of an election. Suddenly, it's his adversary's only chance to take away his seat.
He's guilty only of growing too soon old and too late smart. And that deal about the abortion? St. Peter could be holding that little cherub's hand at Heaven's door some day asking him why he denied it life. I don't know this for sure, I'm just wondering how heavenly beings deal with such episodes of the heart. I'm thinking they might frown. :dunno:

I knew you would try to minimize it because the guy is a conservative repub family values hypocrit. Why not call him what he is?
I sometimes think Democrat and Republican politicians personally believe the same things: abortion is ok, gay marriage is fine. But Republican politicians pretend not to in order to get elected. That would explain all the gay, abortion, cheating, and divorce scandals that they have.

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