Pro-Palestinian commentator urges allies to stop with ‘from the river to the sea’ chant: ‘Incredibly hurtful’


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
"The Young Turks" show host and announced 2024 Democratic Party presidential candidate Cenk Uygur turned heads on social media this week after asking his fellow critics of Israel to stop using the "From the River to the Sea" chant, calling it "hurtful" to the Jewish people.

Uygur, who maintains that Israel is committing "war crimes" in Gaza with its response to Hamas’ massacre in Israel on Oct. 7, added that the chant is "counterproductive" to the Palestinian cause.

On his X account Monday, Cenk asked, "Can everyone please stop the dumb ‘from the river to the sea' chant? It is incredibly hurtful to our Jewish brothers and sisters."

"It's also incredibly counterproductive to protecting Palestinians. Do not chant something that majority thinks is call for genocide. Not complicated," Uygur added.

"From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free," is a mantra that has been chanted by radical supporters of Palestine in their demonstrations against Israel. It is widely seen to be a call for violence and genocide against Jewish people in Israel.

What Cenk Uygur doesn't seem to get is that the Palestinians cause is not the betterment of the lives of so called Palestinians, but the but the destruction of Jews/Israel, so From the River to the Sea, clearly a call, as he notes for a genocide of Jews, is exactly what the Palestinians have been trying to accomplish for the last one hundred years.
Uygur, who maintains that Israel is committing "war crimes" in Gaza with its response to Hamas’ massacre in Israel on Oct. 7, added that the chant is "counterproductive" to the Palestinian cause.
This^ is what he's really concerned with. He's correct though. It's an obvious dog whistle for a call for genocide. In case those Palis and their supporters around the world haven't figured it out yet, those Jews are home to stay. If they burn again, THIS TIME the world will burn with them. I fully support them in that right.
It's an obvious dog whistle for a call for genocide.

A dog whistle is something that no one is supposed to hear unless they are among the Initiated knowing what is meant to be heard.

"From the river, to the sea" is a specific and unequivocal call for the removal, or death, of all Jews from Israel.

Everyone knows precisely what it means.

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