Pro sports infected with TDS

Lakers got a small business loan and then returned the money when the public began to object.
The woke NBA is about half as popular as they used to be before they bent over to accommodate
leftist SJWs.
Yes. Everything Democrats touch turns to sh*t. Just look at Democratically run cities for proof of this.
I haven't watched sports in years.
Looks like the rest of America is catching up.
Well, here is the rest of the story; after WW2 there was a need for 'celebrities' and athletic 'heroes' to operate in the Edward Bernays 'Third Party' propaganda technique.

"If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway", he said. In order to promote sales of bacon, for example, he conducted research and found that the American public ate very light breakfast of coffee, maybe a roll and orange juice. He went to his physician and found that a heavy breakfast was sounder from the standpoint of health than a light breakfast because the body loses energy during the night and needs it during the day. He asked the physician if he would be willing, at no cost, to write to 5,000 physicians and ask them whether their judgment was the same as his—confirming his judgment. About 4,500 answered back, all concurring that a more significant breakfast was better for the health of the American people than a light breakfast. He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up.[61]
Describing the response to his campaign for Ivory Soap, Bernays wrote: "As if actuated by the pressure of a button, people began working for the client instead of the client begging people to buy."[62]
Businesses found these covert methods irresistible. Strother Walker and Paul Sklar wrote in Business Finds Its Voice (1938) that Bernays had offered a solution to popular skepticism of business which arose in the depression: better "to implant an idea in a group leader's mind and let him spread it than to write up an idea and send it to the papers as a release, in the old-fashioned way...".

Today we call these 'third party' people endorsers or influencers, but the technique is the same. These entertainment and athletic celebrities role in the Bernays system is to tell you what is normal, what 'everyone thinks'. That is how they got a lot of good accomplished, like ending Jim Crow and promoting healthier hygiene like daily bathing, I kid you not, and healthier eating habits.

But the far left that our oligarchs have subscribed to due to the oversized influence of the far left churches, (Episcopalians, Presbyterians, methodists, etc) is so far left that even Bernays system cannot work with them now.

I think we are seeing the current Oligarchs becoming irrelevant and marginalized in terms of social influence, and a new more center-right elite that is more Hispanic and street black people influenced will take its place.
My Suns went on a tear to make the playoffs and I didn't watch one minute. I'm done with NBA and the NFL. Washington Football Team my ass.
Washington was found offensive
It’s just the DC football team
Not called DC as they could stand for “ dumb colored”
Foot is offensive to amputees
Balls is very misogynistic

ifs called —————

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