Zone1 Pro-White Flyers Labeled as "Hate".."Neo-Nazi"..and "White Supremacy". But Why ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The flyers' content can be seen in this Fox61 News report >>>

How are these flyers "hateful" ? I see no hate in them. They merely promote the protection & welfare of white people. So ? Isn't that what the NAACP & Congressional Black Caucus do for blacks ?
After 57 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, and now CRT hate speech against whites, and Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (thankfully being shredded in the courts for its anti-white racism) what these flyers promote seems entirely reasonable, and to be expected.
Whites are being targeted just for being whites. Eventually, it will lead to violent confrontation on a wide scale and it will not benefit ANY AMERICAN.
Never heard of them, however as democrats continue to target white America, via their racist pro-communist China agenda, then it is all but assured that if indeed this is a neo-nazi group, they will experience growth!

Ultimately, what the fascist Garland and Wray, at Justice and FBI need worry about, is Americans targeting them and their fascist agents right back, in direct retaliation for Garland & Wray's indefensible politicization of Justice and FBI, Americans are armed to the teeth and they will not long tolerate Garland and Justice department behaving exactly as the Gestapo, NKVD, and Stasi did!

Garland is a profound threat to the United States, he belongs in prison for the rest of his life, Wray is thought by DIA to be a traitor to the United States, totally compromised by communist China!
Whites are being targeted just for being whites. Eventually, it will lead to violent confrontation on a wide scale and it will not benefit ANY AMERICAN.
No, whites aren't targeted just for being white.
Never heard of them, however as democrats continue to target white America, via their racist pro-communist China agenda, then it is all but assured that if indeed this is a neo-nazi group, they will experience growth!

Ultimately, what the fascist Garland and Wray, at Justice and FBI need worry about, is Americans targeting them and their fascist agents right back, in direct retaliation for Garland & Wray's indefensible politicization of Justice and FBI, Americans are armed to the teeth and they will not long tolerate Garland and Justice department behaving exactly as the Gestapo, NKVD, and Stasi did!

Garland is a profound threat to the United States, he belongs in prison for the rest of his life, Wray is thought by DIA to be a traitor to the United States, totally compromised by communist China!
Whites are democrats, so they are targeting themselves?
Whites are already protected and when on average, whites have 20 times the wealth of everyone else, the general welfare of whites is just fine. So such flyers are not necessary.
Whites are already protected and when on average, whites have 20 times the wealth of everyone else, the general welfare of whites is just fine. So such flyers are not necessary.
Doesn't matter what they're being targeted FOR. All that matters is in programs like AA, ARP and the PP, whites take the fall, while blacks benefit. Immoral and illegal.
Whites are already protected and when on average, whites have 20 times the wealth of everyone else, the general welfare of whites is just fine. So such flyers are not necessary.
Whites are not "protected".. Blacks are protected, and I already mentione d 3 of the programs that are examoles.

And where is this "20 times the wealth" idea coming from ? CNN ? MSNBC ? New York Times ? No, the general welfare of whites NOT AT ALL "fine". That notion is what liberals are DUPED into believing.

Whatever wealth whites, or any race, has, this thread is not a matter of that. It is a matter of how whites are abused by government programs stacked against them, and how common thought (spread by leftist media) dupes Americans into thinking what you say.

It is also the TOPIC of the New England flyer cited in the OP, that some claim to be racist or hateful, but show no evidence of that being the case. Just because a race promotes itself, and works to defend itself, that doesn't mean that it has hate toward other races. If that were true, then the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus would be defined as hateful.
Suppose we had a Congressional White Caucus ? Could that be called "hateful", or "racist" ? (for doing the same thing that blacks in Congress are doing ?) :dunno:
Whites are democrats, so they are targeting themselves?
Stop with the retarded urban dweller routine, where you retards simple mindedly imply racism can only be white, the single most racist population in the United States are the urban dwelling black populations, which are murderously racist, there is a reason why you racists are drawn to the democrat party every election cycle, demonstrating 90-97% support for the party of the ku klux klan, birds of a feather as we like to say.... :poke:
Stop with the retarded urban dweller routine, where you retards simple mindedly imply racism can only be white, the single most racist population in the United States are the urban dwelling black populations, which are murderously racist, there is a reason why you racists are drawn to the democrat party every election cycle, demonstrating 90-97% support for the party of the ku klux klan, birds of a feather as we like to say.... :poke:
No, rural/urban right wing whites own racism. The KKK is now republican.

Calling out racism is not racism no matter how much you try to gaslight.
No, rural/urban right wing whites own racism. The KKK is now republican.

Calling out racism is not racism no matter how much you try to gaslight.
FALSE! 90% of American racism resides with Democrats in Affirmative Action, Biden's "American Rescue Plan", Obama's Promise Program, and CRT.
I have heard the phrase “I am a proud black man” so often, I take it as a given. To be black is to be proud based on color. My thinking is “while being black is obviously nothing to be ashamed of, it also shouldn’t be a basis for pride.” I’m not ashamed of being a paste-y white guy. But being white also isn’t a point of pride. Neither is my right handedness or my brown eyes.
Some flyers adn teh state police and fbi are investigating? And what will they do? Arrest and jail someone for making a flyer?
The flyers' content can be seen in this Fox61 News report >>>

How are these flyers "hateful" ? I see no hate in them. They merely promote the protection & welfare of white people. So ? Isn't that what the NAACP & Congressional Black Caucus do for blacks ?
After 57 years of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, and now CRT hate speech against whites, and Biden's "American Rescue Plan" (thankfully being shredded in the courts for its anti-white racism) what these flyers promote seems entirely reasonable, and to be expected.

Where are the FLYERS? The vid just swooshes PAST the point where PART of the flyers are shown. If there is no COMPLETE copy of the flyers available -- this CAN NOT BE discussed in Zone 1. How DO YOU KNOW what's on them?
I smell soy....Likely a leftist false flag operation.

OR -- an undercover sting operation by their "newly created" State Hate Crimes unit. Just sayin'. Trust in govt policing agencies has been GREATLY damaged by the FBI and current DOJ. Entapment is their best tool lately. Along with domestic spying capabilities.

Wish I could say it "couldn't be" -- but I cant.

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