Problems With Evolution

Nothing in your cutting and pasting is verifiable.

You can deny and obfuscate but that doesn't make make your claims to supernaturalism true

You are in denial or just plain wrong. Or maybe you didn't like being corrected about "plate tectonics" which has to do with continental drift.

Science backs up the "fountains of the deep" in the Bible.


"An international team of scientists led by Graham Pearson, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Arctic Resources at the U of A, has discovered the first-ever sample of a mineral called ringwoodite. Analysis of the mineral shows it contains a significant amount of water — 1.5 per cent of its weight — a finding that confirms scientific theories about vast volumes of water trapped 410 to 660 kilometres beneath Earth’s surface, between the upper and lower mantle.

“This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local wet spots deep in the Earth in this area,” said Pearson, a professor in the Faculty of Science, whose findings were published March 13 in Nature. “That particular zone in the Earth, the transition zone, might have as much water as all the world’s oceans put together.”

Ringwoodite is a form of the mineral peridot, believed to exist in large quantities under high pressures in the transition zone. Ringwoodite has been found in meteorites but, until now, no terrestrial sample has ever been unearthed because scientists haven’t been able to conduct fieldwork at extreme depths"

The mid-Atlantic ridge is real and comes up through the seafloor.

Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world and not very many have made it to the top. We also have the deepest parts of the ocean where people cannot go. It was a supernatural event that caused it, but stupid atheist scientists cannot accept it. We have the supernatural life, which cannot be created as only life can beget life. The supernatural exists next to the natural. You see this daily.

Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.
Nothing in your cutting and pasting is verifiable.

You can deny and obfuscate but that doesn't make make your claims to supernaturalism true

You are in denial or just plain wrong. Or maybe you didn't like being corrected about "plate tectonics" which has to do with continental drift.

Science backs up the "fountains of the deep" in the Bible.


"An international team of scientists led by Graham Pearson, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Arctic Resources at the U of A, has discovered the first-ever sample of a mineral called ringwoodite. Analysis of the mineral shows it contains a significant amount of water — 1.5 per cent of its weight — a finding that confirms scientific theories about vast volumes of water trapped 410 to 660 kilometres beneath Earth’s surface, between the upper and lower mantle.

“This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local wet spots deep in the Earth in this area,” said Pearson, a professor in the Faculty of Science, whose findings were published March 13 in Nature. “That particular zone in the Earth, the transition zone, might have as much water as all the world’s oceans put together.”

Ringwoodite is a form of the mineral peridot, believed to exist in large quantities under high pressures in the transition zone. Ringwoodite has been found in meteorites but, until now, no terrestrial sample has ever been unearthed because scientists haven’t been able to conduct fieldwork at extreme depths"

The mid-Atlantic ridge is real and comes up through the seafloor.

Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world and not very many have made it to the top. We also have the deepest parts of the ocean where people cannot go. It was a supernatural event that caused it, but stupid atheist scientists cannot accept it. We have the supernatural life, which cannot be created as only life can beget life. The supernatural exists next to the natural. You see this daily.

Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.
Why would you believe those atheist evilutionist scientists?
Nothing in your cutting and pasting is verifiable.

You can deny and obfuscate but that doesn't make make your claims to supernaturalism true

You are in denial or just plain wrong. Or maybe you didn't like being corrected about "plate tectonics" which has to do with continental drift.

Science backs up the "fountains of the deep" in the Bible.


"An international team of scientists led by Graham Pearson, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Arctic Resources at the U of A, has discovered the first-ever sample of a mineral called ringwoodite. Analysis of the mineral shows it contains a significant amount of water — 1.5 per cent of its weight — a finding that confirms scientific theories about vast volumes of water trapped 410 to 660 kilometres beneath Earth’s surface, between the upper and lower mantle.

“This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local wet spots deep in the Earth in this area,” said Pearson, a professor in the Faculty of Science, whose findings were published March 13 in Nature. “That particular zone in the Earth, the transition zone, might have as much water as all the world’s oceans put together.”

Ringwoodite is a form of the mineral peridot, believed to exist in large quantities under high pressures in the transition zone. Ringwoodite has been found in meteorites but, until now, no terrestrial sample has ever been unearthed because scientists haven’t been able to conduct fieldwork at extreme depths"

The mid-Atlantic ridge is real and comes up through the seafloor.

Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world and not very many have made it to the top. We also have the deepest parts of the ocean where people cannot go. It was a supernatural event that caused it, but stupid atheist scientists cannot accept it. We have the supernatural life, which cannot be created as only life can beget life. The supernatural exists next to the natural. You see this daily.

Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.
Fish coming out of the water and walking?

Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.

Christ commands us to be peacemakers ... and here you monger war ... preaching the anti-Christ's message ... shame on you, bad poster, do we need to tell your mommy? ...
A destruction caused by a worldwide FLOOD is not unnatural.
Yes it is. Stop saying dumb stuff. It's no more natural than a worldwide flood of maple syrup.
No it isn't. Stop being so pompously negative. The vast majority of the earth is under water right now. The only thing that keeps our heads above water is the fact that we live on plateaus. If the oceans were shallower and the mountain ranges lowered, we'd be underwater ------ especially as all the ice melts. However, rest assured that GOD promised never to bring about another Worldwide Flood. And HE set HIS rainbow in the sky as a memorial to that promise.
Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.

Christ commands us to be peacemakers ... and here you monger war ... preaching the anti-Christ's message ... shame on you, bad poster, do we need to tell your mommy? ...
It must be remembered that even Christ flipped over a few tables...
Why would you believe those atheist evilutionist scientists?

Do you think atheist scientists are evil now? Darwin was evil. So racist and genocidal.

How can fish grow legs and feet and crawl out of the sea, especially whales? That's some far out fairy tale.

It doesn't happen. Macroevolution does not happen. Abiogenesis does not happen. Transitional fossils do not happen.

Otherwise, the evidence would be there and there would be youtubes, papers, discovery of aliens, discovery of planets we could colonize, and creation scientists admitting evolutionists were right. Instead all we get from evolutionists is belief in the atheism religion, i.e. they assume no God. I think they have to be held to a higher standard and just get drenched in the Lake of Fire for a long time.
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Why would you believe those atheist evilutionist scientists?

Do you think atheist scientists are evil now? Darwin was evil. So racist and genocidal.

How can fish grow legs and feet and crawl out of the sea, especially whales? That's some far out fairy tale.

It doesn't happen. Macroevolution does not happen. Abiogenesis does not happen. Transitional fossils do not happen.

Otherwise, the evidence would be there and there would be youtubes, papers, discovery of aliens, discovery of planets we could colonize, and creation scientists admitting evolutionists were right. Instead all we get from evolutionists is belief in the atheism religion, i.e. they assume no God. I think they have to be held to a higher standard and just get drenched in the Lake of Fire for a long time.
That shrill tirade is rather disturbing. It's religious extremism taken to a whole new low of fear and ignorance.
A destruction caused by a worldwide FLOOD is not unnatural.
Yes it is. Stop saying dumb stuff. It's no more natural than a worldwide flood of maple syrup.
No it isn't. Stop being so pompously negative. The vast majority of the earth is under water right now. The only thing that keeps our heads above water is the fact that we live on plateaus. If the oceans were shallower and the mountain ranges lowered, we'd be underwater ------ especially as all the ice melts. However, rest assured that GOD promised never to bring about another Worldwide Flood. And HE set HIS rainbow in the sky as a memorial to that promise.
I think you meant to write, “... if the oceans were deeper...”

But yes, a typical creationist argument resolves to “if things were different, things would be different”.
There's an obvious counter-example to the global flood scenario ... in the Columbia River Gorge the high water mark is still plainly visible 800 feet above river level ... above that level remain the pristine tuffs untouched by flood waters ... if the entire Earth was inundated, these tuffs would have washed away ... care to explain why they didn't? ...
The big problem I have with evolution is nobody saw it happen. The scientific method is supposed to be based on observations. Nobody observed a whale lose it's legs and go live in the ocean. Nobody observed dinosaurs become birds. Nobody actually saw a T-Rex or a stegosaurus.Nobody living actually saw a trilobite. The best the scientists can honestly say is there is fossil evidence of something that possibly could have been a T rex or a stegosaurus.To insist that they are certain about it is complete bullshit.
It's called inductive reasoning. No one has seen God either and there's even less evidence for his existence. Plus, the existence of fake fossils is not evidence that evolution isn't real, just as the existence of fake Rolexes doesn't mean real Rolexes don't exist.

God will be proved the moment humans colonize Mars and begin genetic engineering of life

Just a fact
The big problem I have with evolution is nobody saw it happen. The scientific method is supposed to be based on observations. Nobody observed a whale lose it's legs and go live in the ocean. Nobody observed dinosaurs become birds.
Nobody actually saw a T-Rex or a stegosaurus.Nobody living actually saw a trilobite.

The best the scientists can honestly say is there is fossil evidence of something that possibly could have been a T rex or a stegosaurus.To insist that they are certain about it is complete bullshit.



How Fake Fossils Pervert Paleontology [Excerpt]

Is it a bird? Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a fake

9 Fossils and Finds That Were Total Fakes

Fake bird fossil highlights the problem of illegal trading

Fake 'giant spider fossil' dupes scientists

There is big money to be made in faking fossils. It's very likely this game has been going on for years and years. That means those skeletons of extinct animals you see in the museums could all be fakes. That would mean they never existed alive.

While there have been instances of fake fossils, they are far from common. The evolution of the whale is well documented in the fossil record. You're grasping at straws to hold on to you religious beliefs.

There are no fossils that determine where life came from only that life existed. Furthermore evolution does not disprove god it only shows that god wanted life to continue to flourish after he left
The big problem I have with evolution is nobody saw it happen. The scientific method is supposed to be based on observations. Nobody observed a whale lose it's legs and go live in the ocean. Nobody observed dinosaurs become birds. Nobody actually saw a T-Rex or a stegosaurus.Nobody living actually saw a trilobite. The best the scientists can honestly say is there is fossil evidence of something that possibly could have been a T rex or a stegosaurus.To insist that they are certain about it is complete bullshit.
It's called inductive reasoning. No one has seen God either and there's even less evidence for his existence. Plus, the existence of fake fossils is not evidence that evolution isn't real, just as the existence of fake Rolexes doesn't mean real Rolexes don't exist.
God will be proved the moment humans colonize Mars and begin genetic engineering of life. Just a fact.
How so? If it's a fact, please give a source for your information and make it scientific. This isn't the 'Religion' forum.
The big problem I have with evolution is nobody saw it happen. The scientific method is supposed to be based on observations. Nobody observed a whale lose it's legs and go live in the ocean. Nobody observed dinosaurs become birds. Nobody actually saw a T-Rex or a stegosaurus.Nobody living actually saw a trilobite. The best the scientists can honestly say is there is fossil evidence of something that possibly could have been a T rex or a stegosaurus.To insist that they are certain about it is complete bullshit.
It's called inductive reasoning. No one has seen God either and there's even less evidence for his existence. Plus, the existence of fake fossils is not evidence that evolution isn't real, just as the existence of fake Rolexes doesn't mean real Rolexes don't exist.
God will be proved the moment humans colonize Mars and begin genetic engineering of life. Just a fact.
How so? If it's a fact, please give a source for your information and make it scientific. This isn't the 'Religion' forum.
Look when we go to mars one of the first things done will be to adapt oxygen producing bacteria and food sources to the martian atmosphere. The work is already started.

LOL please post the evidence of life from a dead pond............


Those who fail to dream

Are already dead

Ill drop a rose on your grave
Nothing in your cutting and pasting is verifiable.

You can deny and obfuscate but that doesn't make make your claims to supernaturalism true

You are in denial or just plain wrong. Or maybe you didn't like being corrected about "plate tectonics" which has to do with continental drift.

Science backs up the "fountains of the deep" in the Bible.


"An international team of scientists led by Graham Pearson, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Arctic Resources at the U of A, has discovered the first-ever sample of a mineral called ringwoodite. Analysis of the mineral shows it contains a significant amount of water — 1.5 per cent of its weight — a finding that confirms scientific theories about vast volumes of water trapped 410 to 660 kilometres beneath Earth’s surface, between the upper and lower mantle.

“This sample really provides extremely strong confirmation that there are local wet spots deep in the Earth in this area,” said Pearson, a professor in the Faculty of Science, whose findings were published March 13 in Nature. “That particular zone in the Earth, the transition zone, might have as much water as all the world’s oceans put together.”

Ringwoodite is a form of the mineral peridot, believed to exist in large quantities under high pressures in the transition zone. Ringwoodite has been found in meteorites but, until now, no terrestrial sample has ever been unearthed because scientists haven’t been able to conduct fieldwork at extreme depths"

The mid-Atlantic ridge is real and comes up through the seafloor.

Mt. Everest is the highest peak in the world and not very many have made it to the top. We also have the deepest parts of the ocean where people cannot go. It was a supernatural event that caused it, but stupid atheist scientists cannot accept it. We have the supernatural life, which cannot be created as only life can beget life. The supernatural exists next to the natural. You see this daily.

Instead, the atheist scientists believe in dumb things like fish coming out of the water and walking. Can you verify any of your fairy tale claims? The answer is HECK NO!!! Thus, you are wrong and have egg on your face once again.
Fish coming out of the water and walking?

Haha. Do they belong to your family?

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