problems with the Moore pedophila accusations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Let's ignore the fact that a a pedophile involved prepubescent children and not teenagers. Lets look at the claim that he is a pedophile/child molester.

Pedophiles/molesters almost never stop abusing children. They are notorious repeat offenders.

So why doesn't Moore fit the profile? Where are the children he molested in the 40 years since the original claims?

There are none.

Are we expected to honestly believe that Moore is the rare exception to repeat offenders? That he just stopped? Is there any reason to expect more recent accusations to come forward?

It's a pretty significant problem to the claim. One of many.
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
Not according to the mall representatives...
He was not. That is total bullshit, do your own research instead of parroting the MSM's Pinocchio awards.
Moore has 40 year old uncorroborated allegations against him and the Voters can smell the Democrat dirty tricks behind it.
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
Not according to the mall representatives...
show me and then convince me why former employees would verify that he was banned and put on a watch list?

Former mall worker in Roy Moore’s hometown confirms embarrassing rumor

"“We talked about other people,” said Greg Legat, the former mall employee, “and then somebody said, ‘Don’t forget about Roy Moore.’ And I asked, ‘What about Roy Moore?’ and uh, they said, ‘Well he’s banned from the mall.'”

“I said why is he banned,” he continued, “and the police officer wouldn’t tell me, he said, ‘If you see him, let me know I’ll take care of him.'”

“So what did you eventually learn as to the reason why he was banned from the mall?” Tuchman asked.

“I was told that he was bothering girls in the mall,” Legat answered."
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
Didnt the mall manager put that to rest?
For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
Didnt the mall manager put that to rest?
he is a typical sexual predator who abused his power to creep on teenagers.

he ended up marrying one of them once she made it to her 20s...

assuming he is faithful to his wife, the creeping on teeny boppers presumably stopped.

God knows powerful guys like that never cheat on their gullible wives...

and God knows anyone who would abuse their power in such a manner, would never ever abuse their power in other ways also.

For the same reason not all (pick a group) fits the profile.

Anyone that thinks a guy that was put on a watch list at a mall (due to preying on young women ) doesnt have a problem isnt really too bright or they are in denial regarding Moore the pedo.
Except he actually wasn't put on a watch list at a mall... More fake news bought whole cloth by an 80 IQer...
Yeah he was put on a watch list and banned from the mall. Stop being a Drumpfling parrot.
Didnt the mall manager put that to rest?
More #FakeNews: Former Gadsden, Alabama Mall Manager Says 'Roy Moore Was NOT BANNED From Mall' (Video)
the 16 year olds were creepy abuses of power by a 32+ year old district attorney...
the age of consent in alabama, now and at the time, is 16.

the 14 year old was statutory rape...
If it was true..
But honestly, considering words that have come out of his mouth(gawking at high school chicks when he was 30) they could very well be true.
But political smear campaigns are VERY real..
Disputed 40-year old claims are hardly proof of anyone's character. The 40-years of clean should be the obvious determining factor proving Roy is a good man. Bad character would have had a much easier trail to follow. Look at the dems like Bill Clinton's trail....

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