Product Generations


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Taking a pot shot at iPhone 6 just now I got to thinking, if iPhones are worth buying at all, why are they up to version 6? Did 1-5 suck so bad they needed v6? And if they did, shouldn't we assume 6 sucks as well? Why is there a new version of cars and trucks every year? Why should we buy a given year's version if the car makers are just gonna redo it next year?

Doesn't anyone make anything good any more?

Computers are another example. I'm on a p2 400 the invoice here say I got back in Feb 1999. Accepted wisdom in computing is we need to buy a new one every 3 years? Really? Why? I'm here using a modern site just fine. I can't view the latest version of Flash or intense multimedia, but everything else works just fine. And let's face it, Flash is really just code for Ads. :)

If modern products are only good for 1 year until teh next generation comes out, why buy any of it?
Technology is rapidly advancing.

You don't have to get the newest model of Iphone. Get whatever, its a freaking awesome device and a great resource. I hardly consider it a "phone". Its so much more than that, and replaces so many other things once you have it. You would find it extremely useful even if you never called anyone with it.

Just... keep the criminal activity to a minimum. Never know who's watchin'. Turn it off and leave it at home if you gotta go do something *ahem* illegal

And don't use it to go chattin' it up with ISIS lol
I don't like wireless communications. It's not secure. Don't need it to be secure any more, but still not a fan. :)
Apple is the master of planned obsolescence, and why not? technophiles simply HAVE to have the latest and best and will gladly fork over $700 every 6 months for the bragging rights.

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