Professor emeritus at NDU says Obama Birth Certificate Issue Needs Resolution


Feb 14, 2011
Liberals, in their condescending intellectual dishonesty, have tried to humiliate and marginalize citizens concerned about the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to be president with such pithy terms as "birther", the sole content of that response being the demeaning-sounding aesthetic of the word. It's time to cut the shit.

No liberal on this board has the credentials of Lou Dobbs in journalism, state legislators in 11 states enacting laws demanding birth records when it comes to political accomplishment, or now, when it comes to constitutional law, certainly not Charles E. Rice, professor emeritus at the Law School of Notre Dame University. In THIS article, Professor Rice says, among other things, this:

"The speculation about President Obama''s eligibility goes on and on, with no reliable access to the truth and with no end in sight. It is time for a new approach."

" I suggest no conclusion as to whether Obama is eligible or not. But the citizens whom the media and political pundits dismiss as "birthers" have raised legitimate questions. That legitimacy is fueled by Obama''s curious, even bizarre, refusal to consent to the release of the relevant records. Perhaps there is nothing to the issues raised. Or perhaps there is. This is potentially serious business. If it turns out that Obama knew he was ineligible when he campaigned and when he took the oath as President, it could be the biggest political fraud in the history of the world. As long as Obama refuses to disclose the records, speculation will grow and grow without any necessary relation to the truth. The first step toward resolving the issue is full discovery and disclosure of the facts. "

Then there's always Michelle Obama herself saying Obama in Kenyan

Unless the liberals here can prove they are higher placed in law than Rice, their opinion doesn't mean shit, especially when Michelle Obama herself admits that Obama is Kenyan, unless liberals are so racist that they're calling her a liar. So is Barack Obama a Keyan or is Michelle Obama a liar? Charles E. Rice, professor emeritus at the Law School of Notre Dame University, wants to know and thinks everyone has the right to know.
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I didn't vote for Obama, don't like him, but if I were him I'd never show my birth certificate if I wasn't forced to. I'd much rather a large group of voters who aren't going to vote for me anyway worry about the certificate rather than the economy, unemployment, the shrinking of the middle class, budget issues, taxes etc.

Oh and on another note, I wouldn't complain about the negative connotation with the word birther if you're going to use a negative connotation with the word liberal as you did in the first sentence of your post.
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I didn't vote for him. I won't vote for him in the next election and I say, that at this point it really doesn't matter much to me anyway.

Even if he were born in Kenya, by the time all the legal finagling were done and the impeachment proceedings had gone through and he was convicted and removed from office, it would be well into his second term and then where would we be? President Biden... Lord help us all! Of course that is assuming he lets Biden run again. Or if they invalidated the entire ticket then we would have President Boehner and I'm not convinced that would be any better. I will say though that President Boehner is slightly more appealing than President Pelosi.

I didn't vote for Obama, don't like him, but if I were him I'd never show my birth certificate if I wasn't forced to. I'd much rather a large group of voters who aren't going to vote for me anyway worry about the certificate rather than the economy, unemployment, the shrinking of the middle class, budget issues, taxes etc.

Oh and on another note, I wouldn't complain about the negative connotation with the word birther if you're going to use a negative connotation with the word liberal as you did in the first sentence of your post.

All you've proven is that you'd be an asshole president. Nice work. Congratulations, Einstein. Were is your esteemed law degree? Oh, that's right, you left it up your ass when you were holding it between your teeth, jerk off.


I didn't vote for him. I won't vote for him in the next election and I say, that at this point it really doesn't matter much to me anyway.

Even if he were born in Kenya, by the time all the legal finagling were done and the impeachment proceedings had gone through and he was convicted and removed from office, it would be well into his second term and then where would we be? President Biden... Lord help us all! Of course that is assuming he lets Biden run again. Or if they invalidated the entire ticket then we would have President Boehner and I'm not convinced that would be any better. I will say though that President Boehner is slightly more appealing than President Pelosi.


per the constitution, if obama is found to be ineligible, his ticket is voided along with all the laws signed. This is why liberals are terrified, and that fear enrages them; it means no Obama laws, no Obama scotus justices, and new president Boehner, and Boehner scotus justices - 2 of them, shifting the power in the SCOTUS almost completely to the right for decades to come. Many extremely important reasons why conservatives need to take this opportunity for purely political gain to seize the moment and getting Obama on this issue. Read the constitution. It's clear as day.
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I didn't vote for Obama, don't like him, but if I were him I'd never show my birth certificate if I wasn't forced to. I'd much rather a large group of voters who aren't going to vote for me anyway worry about the certificate rather than the economy, unemployment, the shrinking of the middle class, budget issues, taxes etc.

Oh and on another note, I wouldn't complain about the negative connotation with the word birther if you're going to use a negative connotation with the word liberal as you did in the first sentence of your post.

All you've proven is that you'd be an asshole president. Nice work. Congratulations, Einstein. Were is your esteemed law degree? Oh, that's right, you left it up your ass when you were holding it between your teeth, jerk off.


Lol damn, must be an off day from school, congratulations on the snow day I really used to anticipate those.

What did I say that triggerred your hissy fit just so I know for future reference?
I didn't vote for Obama, don't like him, but if I were him I'd never show my birth certificate if I wasn't forced to. I'd much rather a large group of voters who aren't going to vote for me anyway worry about the certificate rather than the economy, unemployment, the shrinking of the middle class, budget issues, taxes etc.

Oh and on another note, I wouldn't complain about the negative connotation with the word birther if you're going to use a negative connotation with the word liberal as you did in the first sentence of your post.

All you've proven is that you'd be an asshole president. Nice work. Congratulations, Einstein. Were is your esteemed law degree? Oh, that's right, you left it up your ass when you were holding it between your teeth, jerk off.


Lol damn, must be an off day from school, congratulations on the snow day I really used to anticipate those.

What did I say that triggerred your hissy fit just so I know for future reference?

I dunno. Did I need a reason? Forget OT snow days, I'll ask again, where is your law qualifications that matches Rices's, genius?
I didn't vote for him. I won't vote for him in the next election and I say, that at this point it really doesn't matter much to me anyway.

Even if he were born in Kenya, by the time all the legal finagling were done and the impeachment proceedings had gone through and he was convicted and removed from office, it would be well into his second term and then where would we be? President Biden... Lord help us all! Of course that is assuming he lets Biden run again. Or if they invalidated the entire ticket then we would have President Boehner and I'm not convinced that would be any better. I will say though that President Boehner is slightly more appealing than President Pelosi.


per the constitution, if obama is found to be ineligible, his ticket is voided along with all the laws signed. This is why liberals are terrified, and that fear enrages them; it means no Obama laws, no Obama scotus justices, and new president Boehner, and Boehner scotus justices - 2 of them, shifting the power in the SCOTUS almost completely to the right for decades to come. Many extremely important reasons why conservatives need to take this opportunity for purely political gain to seize the moment and getting Obama on this issue. Read the constitution. It's clear as day.

Forgive my ignorance, but I have heard that about the Constitution before but I don't know where that comes from. I do not recall having read that in the Constitution. Going back (due this discussion) I have quickly found this:


The U.S. Constitution makes the following provisions for the impeachment of federal officials:

Article I, Section 2

Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Article I, Section 3

Clause 6: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Clause 7: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party, (defendant), convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

I have found nothing that states that any laws previously signed into law by said President are invalidated, nor that their court appointments would also be removed from office. It would seem to me that the man would be removed from office and the normal chain of succession would be followed.

I'm not saying you or the others are wrong, but I have not seen anything that clearly states the law as you have put it and yes, I realize I can google it as well, but if you have something to support your point of view, I would appreciate seeing it and where it comes from. If it comes from a SCOTUS ruling that might be something to rely upon; however, no offense intended here, if it comes from a political group promoting the impeachment of President Obama then I would suspect the accuracy of those statements based upon their agenda.

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All you've proven is that you'd be an asshole president. Nice work. Congratulations, Einstein. Were is your esteemed law degree? Oh, that's right, you left it up your ass when you were holding it between your teeth, jerk off.


Lol damn, must be an off day from school, congratulations on the snow day I really used to anticipate those.

What did I say that triggerred your hissy fit just so I know for future reference?

I dunno. Did I need a reason? Forget OT snow days, I'll ask again, where is your law qualifications that matches Rices's, genius?

Did I say Rice was wrong? Did I say he shouldn't have to show his birth certificate? Provide a link, cite, or copy and paste where I went against any of those points.

My point is, until someone made me (aka a court or gov't) I would do the same thing he is. Politically I would want the next election issue to be about my certificate rather than the economic disasters going on in the country if I were him and trying to get re-elected.

2 points of advice that I think will help you in future life moments;

1.) Stop assuming, only makes you look like an ass, actually wait to hear what someone says before derailing and pretending the words in your head are what the other person said.

2.) Replace your computer chair, that bar or spring sticking up out of the middle of it is having a negative impact on your board personality.
Lol damn, must be an off day from school, congratulations on the snow day I really used to anticipate those.

What did I say that triggerred your hissy fit just so I know for future reference?

I dunno. Did I need a reason? Forget OT snow days, I'll ask again, where is your law qualifications that matches Rices's, genius?

Did I say Rice was wrong? Did I say he shouldn't have to show his birth certificate? Provide a link, cite, or copy and paste where I went against any of those points.

My point is, until someone made me (aka a court or gov't) I would do the same thing he is. Politically I would want the next election issue to be about my certificate rather than the economic disasters going on in the country if I were him and trying to get re-elected.

2 points of advice that I think will help you in future life moments;

1.) Stop assuming, only makes you look like an ass, actually wait to hear what someone says before derailing and pretending the words in your head are what the other person said.

2.) Replace your computer chair, that bar or spring sticking up out of the middle of it is having a negative impact on your board personality.

I know what you said about being a jerk if you were president. I got the memo.
Don't strike first and then cry foul when someone else strikes harder. Screw off.
There is one thing that you lefties can NOT deny....

If Obama was a white guy.... this idiocy would'nt stand!

Lets face it... we are racist for demanding to see his BC. :doubt:

I think its all tied to his college records. He did something fraudulant with his citizenship to get cheaper rates. Just my opinion... no facts.

Thats the problem... they just want us to trust them :eusa_eh:
Lol damn, must be an off day from school, congratulations on the snow day I really used to anticipate those.

What did I say that triggerred your hissy fit just so I know for future reference?

I dunno. Did I need a reason? Forget OT snow days, I'll ask again, where is your law qualifications that matches Rices's, genius?

Did I say Rice was wrong? Did I say he shouldn't have to show his birth certificate? Provide a link, cite, or copy and paste where I went against any of those points.

My point is, until someone made me (aka a court or gov't) I would do the same thing he is. Politically I would want the next election issue to be about my certificate rather than the economic disasters going on in the country if I were him and trying to get re-elected.

2 points of advice that I think will help you in future life moments;

1.) Stop assuming, only makes you look like an ass, actually wait to hear what someone says before derailing and pretending the words in your head are what the other person said.

2.) Replace your computer chair, that bar or spring sticking up out of the middle of it is having a negative impact on your board personality.

Nice job of anhilating that bozo. He gives conservatives a bad name; he gives humans a bad name.

I think the laws would be challenged and likely overturned based on such an event however the Senate appoints the Supreme Court Justice for life. He's ignorant for insinuating that justices would have to give up their seats.
I dunno. Did I need a reason? Forget OT snow days, I'll ask again, where is your law qualifications that matches Rices's, genius?

Did I say Rice was wrong? Did I say he shouldn't have to show his birth certificate? Provide a link, cite, or copy and paste where I went against any of those points.

My point is, until someone made me (aka a court or gov't) I would do the same thing he is. Politically I would want the next election issue to be about my certificate rather than the economic disasters going on in the country if I were him and trying to get re-elected.

2 points of advice that I think will help you in future life moments;

1.) Stop assuming, only makes you look like an ass, actually wait to hear what someone says before derailing and pretending the words in your head are what the other person said.

2.) Replace your computer chair, that bar or spring sticking up out of the middle of it is having a negative impact on your board personality.

Nice job of anhilating that bozo. He gives conservatives a bad name; he gives humans a bad name.

I think the laws would be challenged and likely overturned based on such an event however the Senate appoints the Supreme Court Justice for life. He's ignorant for insinuating that justices would have to give up their seats.

Hi, jerk-off! Hope you're having a nice day!

The laws should not need to be challenged if obama is eligible - your contention that they would be changed is essentially a tacit admission that you think he is not eligible and needs to have the laws changed to avert disaster for him and the democrats. Fat chance. Amazing that we see this over and over. I would contend it's you just voicing an opinion that gives yourself comfort - the laws are within the states' rights and will be binding.

the SCOTUS is not glued to it's collective seat. if Obama is ineligible, they have no choice - Those obama appointed would be compelled to leave because obama made the appointments illegally. The GOP-led house and new president would see to that.

Keep daydreaming. Or listen and re-listen to Michelle saying Barack is Kenyan until you get the fucking message, Einstein.
There is one thing that you lefties can NOT deny....

If Obama was a white guy.... this idiocy would'nt stand!

Lets face it... we are racist for demanding to see his BC. :doubt:

I think its all tied to his college records. He did something fraudulant with his citizenship to get cheaper rates. Just my opinion... no facts.

Thats the problem... they just want us to trust them :eusa_eh:

That's true and well said. The response is, essentially, "Shut up and trust us - the enemy".

Well, to hell with that!

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