Professor goes on CNN and compares the media to American soldiers

I can see that. 2AM sirens to dive into trenches because of incoming mortars, RPG’s flying into your car while driving, 5 year olds with bombs strapped to them running up to give them a hug.

Daily life of a reporter.
The media plays a crucial role in defending this country from dictatorship. The first thing a would-be-dictator does is try to control the media so that the public can't find out what he's doing and hears only what he wants them to hear. Forced transparency is an anathema to a would-be-dictator. Remember, it was Woodward and Bernstein who exposed Nixon, and he was guilty of what he was accused of. Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Guess who exposed that to us?
The media plays a crucial role in defending this country from dictatorship. The first thing a would-be-dictator does is try to control the media so that the public can't find out what he's doing and hears only what he wants them to hear. Forced transparency is an anathema to a would-be-dictator. Remember, it was Woodward and Bernstein who exposed Nixon, and he was guilty of what he was accused of. Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Guess who exposed that to us?

Actually the media is able to broadcast propaganda in support of any political faction. Sometimes it fails to tell the truth which is how we end up with fake news.
The media plays a crucial role in defending this country from dictatorship. The first thing a would-be-dictator does is try to control the media so that the public can't find out what he's doing and hears only what he wants them to hear. Forced transparency is an anathema to a would-be-dictator. Remember, it was Woodward and Bernstein who exposed Nixon, and he was guilty of what he was accused of. Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Guess who exposed that to us?
Call me when you find a journalist and not a brown shirter.
The media plays a crucial role in defending this country from dictatorship. The first thing a would-be-dictator does is try to control the media so that the public can't find out what he's doing and hears only what he wants them to hear. Forced transparency is an anathema to a would-be-dictator. Remember, it was Woodward and Bernstein who exposed Nixon, and he was guilty of what he was accused of. Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Guess who exposed that to us?
Like using the IRS to control elections? That kind of top notch coverup?
'journalists' are no big deal , its just a job done for money although many may like doing the job . Journalists are doing nothing more then what they want to do .
The media plays a crucial role in defending this country from dictatorship. The first thing a would-be-dictator does is try to control the media so that the public can't find out what he's doing and hears only what he wants them to hear. Forced transparency is an anathema to a would-be-dictator. Remember, it was Woodward and Bernstein who exposed Nixon, and he was guilty of what he was accused of. Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Guess who exposed that to us?

The fake media would be the first ones to do the dictator's bidding to keep from getting shot.

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