Professor threatens reporter with a machete

You mean as opposed to an unarmed 14 year old Black child?

So you think Stand Your Ground only applies to White people when facing a person of color?

Of course you do.
Actually I have introduced several black and Hispanic individuals to target shooting handguns and they went on to get concealed carry permits. I wouldnā€™t have done that if I were a racist.

As I said you have no idea what you are talking about on the subject of stand your ground.


"'Stand your ground' is the idea that as you walk around in the world, as long as you're doing it lawfully ā€” you're on the sidewalk or somewhere you're supposed to be ā€” and somebody attacks you, you don't have to run away on the street," he said. "There's no duty to retreat as long as you are confronted with potentially deadly force."

Exactly how was the reporter attacking the woman and what was the potential deadly force he threatened her with?


To qualify for immunity in Florida under the law, a person must prove he or she ā€œreasonably believed it was necessary to use force to prevent death or great bodily harm.ā€ The circuit judge in Rodarteā€™s case cited ā€œclear and convincing evidenceā€ that did not apply, and the appeals court said ā€œcompetent, substantial evidenceā€ supported the trial judgeā€™s decision.

ā€œIf someone is pushing you or punching you, it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a death sentence for that person,ā€ Dorsten said.
Sorry dumbfuck, Trayvon doubled back and attacked Zimmerman. After Zimmerman had ceased any pursuit. Once again, you are owned by facts and truth.
You mean like the guys who followed Arbery

The llist is endless as, I'm sure, is your justification for the murder of unarmed Black men
Actually I have introduced several black and Hispanic individuals to target shooting handguns and they went on to get concealed carry permits. I wouldnā€™t have done that if I were a racist.

As I said you have no idea what you are talking about on the subject of stand your ground.


"'Stand your ground' is the idea that as you walk around in the world, as long as you're doing it lawfully ā€” you're on the sidewalk or somewhere you're supposed to be ā€” and somebody attacks you, you don't have to run away on the street," he said. "There's no duty to retreat as long as you are confronted with potentially deadly force."

Exactly how was the reporter attacking the woman and what was the potential deadly force he threatened her with?


To qualify for immunity in Florida under the law, a person must prove he or she ā€œreasonably believed it was necessary to use force to prevent death or great bodily harm.ā€ The circuit judge in Rodarteā€™s case cited ā€œclear and convincing evidenceā€ that did not apply, and the appeals court said ā€œcompetent, substantial evidenceā€ supported the trial judgeā€™s decision.

ā€œIf someone is pushing you or punching you, it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a death sentence for that person,ā€ Dorsten said.
Thanks for the totally irrelevant self congratulations and I'm oh so sure some of your best friends are Black/Latin/Asian, Jewish...

You knew it wouldnā€™t take long. This low-class ā€œprofessorā€ with her profanity-laced tirade against pro-lifers (ironically calling THEM violent) and then holding a machete to a reporterā€™s neck blames racism and white supremacy for being fired.

Listen up: you canā€™t go around threatening people with violent weapons and acting like an out-of-control street bum and then blame racism for the consequences.

You knew it wouldnā€™t take long. This low-class ā€œprofessorā€ with her profanity-laced tirade against pro-lifers (ironically calling THEM violent) and then holding a machete to a reporterā€™s neck blames racism and white supremacy for being fired.

Listen up: you canā€™t go around threatening people with violent weapons and acting like an out-of-control street bum and then blame racism for the consequences.


The "media" did this.

Time is coming.

This is what started her rise to fame.... Here she is attacking some peaceful pro-life students who simply have an abortion information display...

Next, she attacked a reporter from the NY Post, holding a machete to his neck....

Then, she chased him to the street with the weapon...


She smiles as she is per walked....



These violent Leftist extremists are teaching indoctrinating our children, and it is alarming.

Hunter College is a public college in NYC.
This is what started her rise to fame.... Here she is attacking some peaceful pro-life students who simply have an abortion information display...

Next, she attacked a reporter from the NY Post, holding a machete to his neck....

Then, she chased him to the street with the weapon...


She smiles as she is per walked....



These violent Leftist extremists are teaching indoctrinating our children, and it is alarming.

Hunter College is a public college in NYC.

Political activists, of any stripe, are generally shitty, entitled human beings. More news at 11. :rolleyes:
This is what started her rise to fame.... Here she is attacking some peaceful pro-life students who simply have an abortion information display...

Next, she attacked a reporter from the NY Post, holding a machete to his neck....

Then, she chased him to the street with the weapon...


She smiles as she is per walked....



These violent Leftist extremists are teaching indoctrinating our children, and it is alarming.

Hunter College is a public college in NYC.

The New York Post is a lying Murdoch propaganda operation like FOX...
Thanks for the totally irrelevant self congratulations and I'm oh so sure some of your best friends are Black/Latin/Asian, Jewish...

Of course you will not believe me because it is you that is a racist.

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