Professor threatens reporter with a machete

Does that scare you more than a gun? That seems to be just fine these days.... New York Post is Murdoch garbage hate loudmouth BS also.... the original pro life table was total BS based on lies- the COLLEGE says..
What in the fuck are you even talking about, you bat-shit crazy twat? A machete to the throat would give me pause. But you shot from that to a gun control and pro-abortion bent. Get on meds if you cannot behave better than that, you fucking psycho!
Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

A reporter with a microphone and a camera man does not pose a serious threat to your physical health or to your life. They may be a pain in the ass but that doesn’t permit you to threaten them with a machete.

The reporter might had been able to use lethal force in that situation and say he was standing his ground. He definitely had good reason ot fear for his life as a machete was pressed against his neck.

If a white, black, brown, red or yellow individual were to attack me with a machete there is a good possibly I would use lethal force as I would have reason to fear for my life. I know how dangerous a machete can be. I could take your head right off your body with one.
You mean as opposed to an unarmed 14 year old Black child?

So you think Stand Your Ground only applies to White people when facing a person of color?

Of course you do.
Thank you for sharing with us about your life, fear, racism...


Democrats have indoctrinated you well & engrained division deeply within you.
Weren't you the piece of used toilet paper who supposedly put me on ignore?

Canb't live w/o your Dado can you?


You won't ever see your Dado shooting at someone because I pissed myself when the doorbell rang.

That's a you thing.
Weren't you the piece of used toilet paper who supposedly put me on ignore?

I did for a while - thought I'd give you a 2nd chance. Silly me - that's what I get for taking a poster who names himself after a laxative off of ignore.

What in the fuck are you even talking about, you bat-shit crazy twat? A machete to the throat would give me pause. But you shot from that to a gun control and pro-abortion bent. Get on meds if you cannot behave better than that, you fucking psycho!
The college had no problem with any of what she did until the machete, brainwashed functional moron hater.... Your lying propaganda artists of Murdoch and your Internet conspiracy nuts are a national disgrace and international horror. Try reality.

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