Professor threatens reporter with a machete

Does that scare you more than a gun? That seems to be just fine these days.... New York Post is Murdoch garbage hate loudmouth BS also.... the original pro life table was total BS based on lies- the COLLEGE says..
The New York Post is often more accurate than CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times. For example the New York Post was right on Hunter Biden’s laptop. The coverup by the media and the Deep State likely enabled Biden to beat Trump.

OK she went too far, but then again it was a Murdoch incorporated garbage propaganda loud mouth reporter no doubt yelling and carrying on in the corridor with all her neighbors around. And the kids with the pro life crap were not in the right place according to the college. Great job dividing and making the country hate itself as always, GOP crap propaganda machine.... they were talking about her all morning on FOX before the machete and I do believe she became a little upset.....

Post full of feelings.
Standing her ground.

She felt threatened whenn a White MAGAT showed up at her door and made her feel threatened .
Sure. The reporter threatened her life with his microphone.

Give me a break.

When she realized she was on camera she pulled the machete down quickly.
The New York Post is often more accurate than CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times. For example the New York Post was right on Hunter Biden’s laptop. The coverup by the media and the Deep State likely enabled Biden to beat Trump.

pure crap duhhh....
blood thirsty arnt you
The person holding the knife only made it as clear as crystal glass that they most definitely were, and when at least one person that negative is in the equation, I can't see the product being a positive one should one positive person be placed with that negative person.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, instead of following science, perhaps it's time to start following what is learned in math class.
We are talking about a crazy bitch holding a fucking machete to some guy’s throat. But hey, it’s YOUR credibility at stake if you want to make such stupid comments. 🤡
So I suppose if she'd been White and holding a Glock you'd be ok with it?

Your hypocrisy is showing.
Standing her ground.

She felt threatened whenn a White MAGAT showed up at her door and made her feel threatened .
"She felt threatened when a White MAGAT... made her feal threatened"???
You're a fucking idiot. There was NOTHING threatening about his behavior. If she really was that neurotic, she could have simply not opened the door.
Try again, dumb ass.
how many murders by black in 2023 thousands
While I'm sure you'd love to "regulate" Black people back to chattel it's your refusal to impose even the tiniest regulation on guns that puts many of those murders right in your lap.

Dream of the children you'll kill today.
Sure. The reporter threatened her life with his microphone.

Give me a break.

When she realized she was on camera she pulled the machete down quickly.
Doesn't matter his intentions, it only matters she felt threatened. STAND YOUR GROUND!

You clowns have used that to excuse the shootings of dozens of Black people.
Doesn't matter his intentions, it only matters she felt threatened. STAND YOUR GROUND!

You clowns have used that to excuse the shootings of dozens of Black people.
Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

A reporter with a microphone and a camera man does not pose a serious threat to your physical health or to your life. They may be a pain in the ass but that doesn’t permit you to threaten them with a machete.

The reporter might had been able to use lethal force in that situation and say he was standing his ground. He definitely had good reason ot fear for his life as a machete was pressed against his neck.

If a white, black, brown, red or yellow individual were to attack me with a machete there is a good possibly I would use lethal force as I would have reason to fear for my life. I know how dangerous a machete can be. I could take your head right off your body with one.

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