Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’

A racist too Joey...damn you are really a mess.

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point- that Obama has improved the economy and AMerica's standing.

You obviously can't get past your racism to see that.

You are going to be really unhappy when your grandkids go to a school named after this guy.

America's standing? LMAO. On which list there sparky?

The economy is on life support and is not real

A racist too Joey...damn you are really a mess.

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point- that Obama has improved the economy and AMerica's standing.

You obviously can't get past your racism to see that.

You are going to be really unhappy when your grandkids go to a school named after this guy.
Joey you should seek mental health if you REALLY believe this POTUS is great.

W and BO are nearly identical know W is bad, but your DNC delusions make you think BO is great. Truly a mental problem.
Oh again?

It is amazing that leftists like you continue this fantasy that America is doing great under BO, when the reality is clearly evident to thinking people.

Maybe Big Ears is really a plant for your mystical Far Right.

Again, what FIGURES to you base that on.
Quit fueling the race war Joe. As hard as you and the left are trying, it has to be in the cards.

Guy, your side is the one that absolutely lost its shit when the black guy got elected.

I thought your side went nuts when Clinton got elected, but man, Obama has driven you guys up the flew.

Who would want to go to 'FAILURE TECH' ? Obama is the only one on the Deans list

America's standing? LMAO. On which list there sparky?

The economy is on life support and is not real

Okay, I know you have to have your own reality where life is truly miserable because there's a Negro in the White House...

Reality - we are a lot better off than we were when Obama took office.
A racist too Joey...damn you are really a mess.

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point- that Obama has improved the economy and AMerica's standing.

You obviously can't get past your racism to see that.

You are going to be really unhappy when your grandkids go to a school named after this guy.

FAILURE TECH... Obama sanctioned...

Who would want to go to 'FAILURE TECH' ? Obama is the only one on the Deans list

Funny, only "Failure" I saw was when Bush crashed the economy, lost a major city to a flood, and went to war with a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist.
America's standing? LMAO. On which list there sparky?

The economy is on life support and is not real

Okay, I know you have to have your own reality where life is truly miserable because there's a Negro in the White House...

Reality - we are a lot better off than we were when Obama took office.

A retard could of done the same thing.. Oh wait... That's redundant

Who would want to go to 'FAILURE TECH' ? Obama is the only one on the Deans list

Funny, only "Failure" I saw was when Bush crashed the economy, lost a major city to a flood, and went to war with a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist.

Barney Frank killed the economy and Obama is keeping it on life support

Joey you should seek mental health if you REALLY believe this POTUS is great.

W and BO are nearly identical know W is bad, but your DNC delusions make you think BO is great. Truly a mental problem

Where did I say he was "Great"?

Why don't you argue the points being made?

Are unemployment, inflation, the stock market, GDP growth, or just about any statistic you want to cite, better than the were in 2009.

Yes, they are.

The thing is, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, I did vote for him in 2012 because I fucking hate Mormons.

Objectively, though, things have gotten better, Maybe Obama didn't have anything to do with any of that, maybe he did, but they are better than they were.
A retard could of done the same thing.. Oh wait... That's redundant

But your retard made things worse, that's the point.

I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.

Before Bush (who I voted for twice) fucked everything up. Before my 401K tanked and my mortgage went underwater and I had to take a 20% pay cut.
A retard could of done the same thing.. Oh wait... That's redundant

But your retard made things worse, that's the point.

I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.

Before Bush (who I voted for twice) fucked everything up. Before my 401K tanked and my mortgage went underwater and I had to take a 20% pay cut.

Why did you leave your money in the market while it tanked? :cuckoo:

Your mortgage went underwater because you're irresponsible. :confused-84:

You took a pay cut? That sucks. Hopefully your skills were of such value that other opportunities awaited you. :dance:

Barney Frank killed the economy and Obama is keeping it on life support


Dude, seriously, get a fucking grip. 2008 happened because you guys got nearly everything you wanted. You got a deregulated banking industry, you got tax cuts for the rich, you got runaway free trade that allowed all the factories to be moved to China. You got an SEC that was largely ineffectual and friendly to the banks.

The only thing you didn't get was social security privatized, which would have made things even worse than they were.

Why did you leave your money in the market while it tanked? :cuckoo:

Your mortgage went underwater because you're irresponsible. :confused-84:

You took a pay cut? That sucks. Hopefully your skills were of such value that other opportunities awaited you

I was in a 401K, like most Americans. You don't seem to get that we were all along for your ride.

Nope, I bought a house at fair market value. I'm not the one who takned the housing market by building a shitload of McMansions no one wanted to buy.

Frankly, I was happy to have a job after Bush fucked up the economy. People I worked with were out of work for YEARS thanks to that asshole.

This is why we should never leave you guys in charge. You fuck things up and you take NO RESPONSIBILITY.
And we wonder how the hell a loser like Barck Obama could get elected. Well, its all about how they are conditioned growing up

guy, Obama got elected because Bush fucked up everything he touched.

I know you have a hard time grasping this. Bush fucked it up. He fucked up the economy, he fucked up the war, he fucked the response to Katrina.

I think your side needs to grasp this, because you are going to be scratching your heads when Hillary beats Jeb Bush easily in 2016.
Bush did no such thing. It is well documented that the economy was fucked up because of Democrat Congress forcing banks to loan deadbeats money who didn't have a job. Katrina disaster because of mayor and governor of Louisiana. Quit blaming everything on Bush. Democrats were the cause.
Okay Bush fucked up everything...then Big Ears fucked up everything MORE.

I don't suppose the DNC has told you that?

I know that is what you want to believe, because "Eeek, a Negro!!!"

But reality- Unemployment is down from where it was in 2009. so is inflation, so is the deficit, in fact, nearly any economic metric you want to pick is in a better place. GDP Growth is up, the markets (despite last week's corrections) are better than they were.
We are in negative growth. Obama regime changed the metrics calculation.
The libertarians and the Gipper's far reactionary righties are frothing.

Gipper, tell us more about your far right.
The libertarians and the Gipper's far reactionary righties are frothing.

Gipper, tell us more about your far right.
There is no Far Right with any political power Fakey.

You keep decrying the Far Right, like a good little DNC drone, but you can't name one person or organization that makes up your mystical Far Right.

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