Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’

The libertarians and the Gipper's far reactionary righties are frothing.

Gipper, tell us more about your far right.
There is no Far Right with any political power Fakey.

You keep decrying the Far Right, like a good little DNC drone, but you can't name one person or organization that makes up your mystical Far Right.
Come on, tell us who is on the far right that you think has no power. You can trust us to not make fun of you.
Bush did no such thing. It is well documented that the economy was fucked up because of Democrat Congress forcing banks to loan deadbeats money who didn't have a job. Katrina disaster because of mayor and governor of Louisiana. Quit blaming everything on Bush. Democrats were the cause.

Is there any part of Bush's presidency you are going to hold him accountable for? I mean, given how little he did according to you, you'd wonder why he went to the trouble of stealing the election.

Anyway, the bank collapse had nothing to do with poor people buying houses. It had to do with the banks taking those bad mortgages (most of them given to people who had jobs) and selling them as overvalued investments.

Same thing with Katrina. If Bush had gotten off his ass when the Hurricane was bearing down, maybe they could have gotten an evacuation started.
And we wonder how the hell a loser like Barck Obama could get elected. Well, its all about how they are conditioned growing up

Guess I would get a huge 'F' in the class. BTW- Looked it up and its not pretty

Professors threaten bad grades for saying ‘illegal alien,’ ‘male,’ ‘female’

  • Washington State students risk a failing grade in one course if they use any common descriptors professor considers “oppressive and hateful language.”
  • In another class, students will lose one point every time they use the words “illegal alien” or “illegals” rather than the preferred terms of “‘undocumented’ migrants/immigrants/persons.
  • Poster.jpg
You're certainly not going to bother the PC Police with this, they love this kind of thing.

Intimidation, punishment, control. They'll defend this all day long.

That's how they roll, baby!


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