Profile pics, Flag flying, Moment o silence; Great...but WHO KILLS ISIS!!???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I see everyone is changing their Facebook pics to have the French colors and sports teams are flying Frances flags. We're doing moments of silence. Liberals are mad that it took away from BlackLivesMatter protests. People are doing feel good stuff all over the world.

BUT WHO KILLS ISIS!!!??? NONE OF that shit matters until we start killing these fucking rag heads....and jailing them....BEFORE they get here!! Close the fucking borders. Freeze all migration. And cut out this cancer.
I changed mine, for a 3 day mourning period.

back to normal now.
So now it's facebook pics. When did hashtags go out of style? These people who really really care keep changing their outfits, don't they? Busy busy.
I see everyone is changing their Facebook pics to have the French colors and sports teams are flying Frances flags. We're doing moments of silence. Liberals are mad that it took away from BlackLivesMatter protests. People are doing feel good stuff all over the world.

BUT WHO KILLS ISIS!!!??? NONE OF that shit matters until we start killing these fucking rag heads....and jailing them....BEFORE they get here!! Close the fucking borders. Freeze all migration. And cut out this cancer.

Gonna find a Russian flag I think. ;)

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