Proggressives next Step.

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Basically he is saying “Germany is better”. Typical America hating liberal. Make no mistake these people hate every part of the American Constitution.
But they understand so little. the German Senate isn’t elected. It is appointed. And it’s President is elected by an electoral college.
The people of Germany don’t get to vote even on their prime minister. He is appointed by party insiders in rounds of deal making.
Sounds fabulous.

Basically you don't understand what I'm saying. You're pretending that ignorance is number one and knowledge is bad.

Firstly, I use the German system because they vote both PR and FPTP at the same time, which shows the massive difference in the two systems. I could find plenty of different countries with Proportional Representation, but I've not found another like Germany.

Secondly, the US Constitution is old and some parts of it are out of date. The US Constitution protects gay marriage, many on the right don't like this. Does this mean they hate the whole constitution?

The German Senate is elected. It's similar in nature to the US Senate, in that it represents the laender, as the US senate represents the states.

Essentially those in the senate represent their Land. They're not representing the people, but the actual political body of their land. And the Land has democratic elections. So, the individuals aren't elected because the individuals aren't really an important part of the process, like in the US. The Land government IS ELECTED and it is the LAND GOVERNMENT that is being represented in the Bundesrat.

Unlike in the US where the Senate and House are equally powerful, the Bundestag is superior to the Bundesrat. The government of Germany is in the Bundestag, they must present legislation to the Bundesrat, and basically they act a little like the Supreme Court in that they determine (before and not after like the US) whether laws are valid under the Basic law.

The Prime Minister isn't elected, and that's because he doesn't actually do anything.

The reality is the Bundestag is the power body, it's elected by Proportional Representation. There are other bodies around it, but really they don't have that much power.

So, your misinterpretation of the German system is noted.
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Feel free to move to Germany then. I have to warn you though, there is no freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. However I am sure that is exactly what you would like about it.

There is plenty of freedom of speech. I've lived in Germany.

No right to bear arms, no, but also no right to get shot like the US. It's much safer.

But feel free to continue to misrepresent shit. We were talking about the way people are elected and your response is to talk about other shit.

Care to talk about how people are elected?
It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Trump won fair and square, suck it up buttercup.
"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.
Every syllable of you rant oozes "victim".....You're demanding the change come from outside you, and demanding that the change come from a third party: The State....You're demanding "fairness" (a completely subjective term) from people whose only tool in the box is the use of proactive aggression.

Well guess what, champ, you've bought into the oldest con game in the known universe: the idea that people, over whom you have absolutely no control, are going to give you satisfactory results....Then you compound this folly by blaming "the system" instead of those who have conned you...How about looking in the mirror and blaming yourself for continuing to be so easily conned?
"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.
Every syllable of you rant oozes "victim".....You're demanding the change come from outside you, and demanding that the change come from a third party: The State....You're demanding "fairness" (a completely subjective term) from people whose only tool in the box is the use of proactive aggression.

Well guess what, champ, you've bought into the oldest con game in the known universe: the idea that people, over whom you have absolutely no control, are going to give you satisfactory results....Then you compound this folly by blaming "the system" instead of those who have conned you...How about looking in the mirror and blaming yourself for continuing to be so easily conned?

I ooze victim because I want representation in government? Are you fucking kidding me?

The problem here is that you're looking for shitty excuses not to get rid of a system that benefits you over other people. It's that simple, champ!
I ooze victim because I want representation in government? Are you fucking kidding me?

The problem here is that you're looking for shitty excuses not to get rid of a system that benefits you over other people. It's that simple, champ!
You never got representation from gubmint....Never going to get it, either....That's the con, foo.

Problem is, foo, that people in other countries DO GET REPRESENTATION.

The problem is, you're ignoring all the information that's out there, looking only at what you know, and deciding you know it all.

That's bullshit.
It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

It's not about next steps by Democrats. It's about the steps the right wing is taking, by thinking it can artificially preserve it's dying ideology. It is a sure sign they know they are dying and taking steps merely to survive in a changing country that will not think like them, or look like them in just another two to three decades. They will win many battles between now and then. But they will lose the war.
It's not about next steps by Democrats. It's about the steps the right wing is taking, by thinking it can artificially preserve it's dying ideology. It is a sure sign they know they are dying and taking steps merely to survive in a changing country that will not think like them, or look like them in just another two to three decades. They will win many battles between now and then. But they will lose the war.

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Feel free to move to Germany then. I have to warn you though, there is no freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. However I am sure that is exactly what you would like about it.

There is plenty of freedom of speech. I've lived in Germany.

No right to bear arms, no, but also no right to get shot like the US. It's much safer.

But feel free to continue to misrepresent shit. We were talking about the way people are elected and your response is to talk about other shit.

Care to talk about how people are elected?
There is no freedom of speech in Germany.

Select political views are outlawed and suppressed which by definition means there is no freedom of speech.
DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.
No, we're a constitutional democracy where the majority gets its way except when the constitution is protecting minority rights.
Remember when californians voted in majority to deny gays the right to marry? it was ruled unconstitutional and the majorities will was over ruled.
Now the constitution does not even make that claim for gay marriage, but it does for the electoral college.
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Feel free to move to Germany then. I have to warn you though, there is no freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. However I am sure that is exactly what you would like about it.

There is plenty of freedom of speech. I've lived in Germany.

No right to bear arms, no, but also no right to get shot like the US. It's much safer.

But feel free to continue to misrepresent shit. We were talking about the way people are elected and your response is to talk about other shit.

Care to talk about how people are elected?
There is no freedom of speech in Germany.

Select political views are outlawed and suppressed which by definition means there is no freedom of speech.

And the same can be said of the US. If you're a racist, your "political views" are outlawed and suppressed. By definition means there is no freedom of speech in the US.
An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.
Gimme a break. We've been using the electoral college system since 1804. If Hillary doesn't understand how it works she sure as shit has no business running for President. How does that translate into the system being against her? She LOST. Can't you accept that?

The election was two years ago. Looks like the only ones that haven't gotten over it is your side. And you won.

A clear sign of fear.

Wonder why that is?
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Feel free to move to Germany then. I have to warn you though, there is no freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. However I am sure that is exactly what you would like about it.

There is plenty of freedom of speech. I've lived in Germany.

No right to bear arms, no, but also no right to get shot like the US. It's much safer.

But feel free to continue to misrepresent shit. We were talking about the way people are elected and your response is to talk about other shit.

Care to talk about how people are elected?
There is no freedom of speech in Germany.

Select political views are outlawed and suppressed which by definition means there is no freedom of speech.

And the same can be said of the US. If you're a racist, your "political views" are outlawed and suppressed. By definition means there is no freedom of speech in the US.
No the same cannot be said of the us.

Political speech and expression is not outlawed here. Even racist speech.

Racist speech is protected by the constitution which makes the us superior.
Last edited:
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.
Yes we want to be more like EUROPE. The progressives have said this for years.

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