Prognosticate...what does the future hold?

President-elect Biden announces that our national nightmare is over. Also, that the coronavirus pandemic has finally dissipated despite months of incompetence by the Trump administration. The stock market reaches new heights as confidence skyrockets over these two pieces of good news.
Give us a paragraph essay of your prediction what the next year holds.

Warning - This may be graded for accuracy in the future.

Up until a couple of days ago, I thought the powers that be would pull the plug on all the global pandemic fear mongering and send America back to work; re-open and mobilize and all would return to "normal". However, as the vice grips of political/local government interdiction to stem the spread of the virus tighten, I am not so sure at this hour that America will see the old "normal" any time soon. On one hand, it's the apocalypse; on the other, Armageddon never looked so confusing or "normal". Life goes on for millions of Americans one or two shades from the old norm. Cars are still driving in packs on I-95 and plenty of folks here are still out and about.

So what does the near future hold? Right now my money is 50/50 spread on all this going away almost overnight, or the pandemic contingencies remaining in effect or even tightening to the point of suffocating our civilization. At this point, society as we know it could either spring back or collapse—the full "report" just isn't in yet. So we've got one foot in the doorway, getting ready to return to normal, and the other planning to bug out and "Alamo" down in a safe location with everyone we know and love who can or will join us. We're hoping for the best, getting ready for the worst. What else is new?
Give us a paragraph essay of your prediction what the next year holds.

Warning - This may be graded for accuracy in the future.

The beginning of the 2nd Great Depression. Job loss throughout the country on an ongoing basis that will destroy the lives and dreams of 10s of millions of Americans...I already know over 200 people out of work, who may not get their jobs back..........

We have to Trust the Trump....because if the democrats win the White House the economy will never recover.
The crisis will pass. The restrictions on your freedoms will not. In every community there will have emerged a Little Hitler who you have allowed to rule by decree. That person will not give up easily and will tighten restrictions to keep his/her/its grip on that power.

In some communities that will be corrected quickly.

In others, notably those long Democrat, resistance will be brutally put down.

As the economy improves those hungering for their lost liberties will flee the neo-Nazi strongholds, Some will be killed for their "disloyalty" but most will escape and gather together with others. Ultimately there'll be tribe vs. tribe warfare but at a local level. Probably not in any unified way, nationwide.

Not at first.
We will witness an economic bounce back they likes of which the world has never seen before....once the virus has a vaccine and or a treatment the economy will explode back to where it was.....there are no reasons for it not to....we will lose a lot of Americans to this pandemic but it will not reach the numbers dead from this seasons flu.....
"Seeem salah-beeemmmm ..." Billy peers into the domestic future.

The pandemic will wane like any other flu. Social distancing habit will take a bit longer to break.

Economy will restart and slowly return to pre-pandemic levels.

The first Trump-Biden debate will break all previous ratings. The following two will be largely ignored.

Trump will be re-elected in an electoral landslide, again unexpected by the Democrats and media. Democrats will lose the House, Republicans will make gains in the Senate.

With a second term, a friendly Congress and at least one more SCOTUS pick, the Democrats' fate will be sealed for a generation.
President-elect Biden announces that our national nightmare is over. Also, that the coronavirus pandemic has finally dissipated despite months of incompetence by the Trump administration. The stock market reaches new heights as confidence skyrockets over these two pieces of good news.
He-he, you ARE a f*cking clown, konrad!
Give us a paragraph essay of your prediction what the next year holds.

Warning - This may be graded for accuracy in the future.
We WILL get over the Chinese Virus in the next couple months. The final death count directly attributable from the virus will be substantially lower than most numbers predicted. Sleepy Joe Biden will have a SERIOUS health setback within the next few months, and Bernie will win the Dem nomination for president. President Trump will absolutely clobber Bernie, and will win around 40 states. The Dems will begin whining IMMEDIATELY after the election, and will look to undermine Trump's winning, and probably start ANOTHER impeachment clown show.
A slow economic recovery lasting several years. Political opportunists will have a heyday as America looks for someone better. There will be a harsh reckoning for politicians and CEOs who cannot show they did their best.

Sadly I also see a rash of domestic terrorist attacks as the crazies emerge from isolation along with the rest of us as we seek the in-person social activities we used to take for granted.

I also see an easing of the workaholic culture we adopted after 2008. Some Americans are having the first real time off they have had in years. A well-rested workforce will come back suddenly not all that eager to mindlessly grind their life away. I see a lot of people never going back to the jobs they had.

Our health care system will be broken and exhausted prompting a serious discussion of how to repair the serious damage done by this thing to the bottom lines of every for-profit provider. The incredible premium hikes next year will make this inevitable.

Trump is gone but there will be someone just like him to rise up and take his place as the leader of the deplorables. He will make it alright for the Trumpbots to finally turn on Trump like a pack of hyenas.

Biden will be the most boring president ever, which is exactly what America wants right now.
I remember the morning of 9/11... when it became clear we had been attacked... and I woke my wife up and explained what happened, and my first non-explanatory words were "everything is going to change". I imagined troops on every street corner, an end to air travel, people living in fear... and none of that happened. In fact it had very little impact on my life at all.

I think it's going to be rough on older people until there is a vaccine... but someone will come out with some kind of plastic divers helmet or some such so they can get out and about.

We'll wear masks and there will be outdoor hand washing stations and things will pretty much go back to normal. There will be a vaccine and we'll all celebrate... probably around September.

The service industry will suffer...but we'll begin bringing back manufacturing.

Trump will be reelected in a landslide. Dems will likely lose the House.

The media will continue to lose credibility until a new media where honesty is valued above all else.

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