Progressive crazy Cali...

/——-/ A libtard moonbat like you complains that taxes are unfair to the rich? Gov Cuomo agrees and sues to stop the rich from paying their fair share. Funny stuff.
New York sues federal government over tax law
You're not supposed to design your tax policy to punish the other party, brainwashed functional moron.
/——/ I live in a Blue State and it affects me, and I’m a Republican who approves. I love the libtards having a conniption fit over paying more taxes. Now the pressure is on for them to lower our property taxes. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You appear to be totally blinded by garbage propaganda. Lower federal aid under Republicans has been driving up your property taxes for years Super duper. Your post is nonsensical.
/—-/ You didn’t even know what I was talking about until I explained it to you. So why don’t the democRATs running Congress reinstating the federal aid? BTW most of the property taxes is for teacher union funded pensions. You dope.
Of course I knew what you were referring to, with a little doubt because you can't express yourself very well. LOL
/—-/ If you only knew who you were debating.
/——-/ A libtard moonbat like you complains that taxes are unfair to the rich? Gov Cuomo agrees and sues to stop the rich from paying their fair share. Funny stuff.
New York sues federal government over tax law
You're not supposed to design your tax policy to punish the other party, brainwashed functional moron.
/——/ I live in a Blue State and it affects me, and I’m a Republican who approves. I love the libtards having a conniption fit over paying more taxes. Now the pressure is on for them to lower our property taxes. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You appear to be totally blinded by garbage propaganda. Lower federal aid under Republicans has been driving up your property taxes for years Super duper. Your post is nonsensical.
/—-/ You didn’t even know what I was talking about until I explained it to you. So why don’t the democRATs running Congress reinstating the federal aid? BTW most of the property taxes is for teacher union funded pensions. You dope.
Of course I knew what you were referring to, with a little doubt because you can't express yourself very well. LOL
/——/ No you didn’t. You had no clue. You’re just lashing out with whatever crap you pull out of your azz.
Crazy Cali same difference
Crazy GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America you mean. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.... How about a reasonable low income housing policy and a reasonable mental health system? Can't blame them for going where the weather is nice and the people are not right wing brainwashed assholes who blame the poor...
many are leftwing brainwashed assholes who are getting pretty sick of this shit happening in their backyards......
Brainwashed connotes believing lies. That is the GOP and many Independents. Democrats do not have a giant propaganda machine like the gop's. We have journalists and law enforcement. No comparison at all except for the duped.
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Global Warming and the $100 trillion solution, Wind Turbines and Solar Panels?
Tens of Millions of Illegal Aliens?
A phone nuclear deal with Iran?
One sided trade with China?
USA's manufacturing moving overseas?
Common Core education?
Homosexual Marriage?
Homosexual adoption of straight baby boys?
More regulations?
More laws?
More taxes?

I think I could go on and on, but you should get the idea. You have gotten everything you wanted and asked for.
Liberal utopia, and if the democrats get their way, the rest of America will look just like that.
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

So you're telling us you're moving?
I am working on my home country, no. What the hell are you doing super duper?
Liberal utopia, and if the democrats get their way, the rest of America will look just like that.
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

So you're telling us you're moving?
I am working on my home country, no. What the hell are you doing super duper?

Besides watching Trump make liberals lose their collective minds?
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Global Warming and the $100 trillion solution, Wind Turbines and Solar Panels?
Tens of Millions of Illegal Aliens?
A phone nuclear deal with Iran?
One sided trade with China?
USA's manufacturing moving overseas?
Common Core education?
Homosexual Marriage?
Homosexual adoption of straight baby boys?
More regulations?
More laws?
More taxes?

I think I could go on and on, but you should get the idea. You have gotten everything you wanted and asked for.
Yes our courtrooms are not brainwashed functional morons, otherwise only in blue States. Otherwise a load of crap.if you were actually interested in what has actually happened, Google the only tax graph you need to know. We have a flat tax system now, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everybody else. You people are brainwashed functional morons.
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

So you're telling us you're moving?
I am working on my home country, no. What the hell are you doing super duper?

Besides watching Trump make liberals lose their collective minds?
I'm pretty used to you zombies nowadays I've been doing this for 10 years you guys are perfect for the book, to explain to the Future how people could get so idiotic.
Crazy GOP give away to the rich screw everybody else America you mean. No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.... How about a reasonable low income housing policy and a reasonable mental health system? Can't blame them for going where the weather is nice and the people are not right wing brainwashed assholes who blame the poor...
many are leftwing brainwashed assholes who are getting pretty sick of this shit happening in their backyards......
Brainwashed connotes believing lies. That is the GOP and many Independents. Democrats do not have a giant propaganda machine like the gop's. We have journalists and law enforcement. No comparison at all except for the duped.
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
This message board is about National politics not California politics and I have no idea what lies you ever did say about Democrats in California. Jesus Christ what a load of crap LOL
Yeah... try not to tell such dumbass lies. You're not talking to another one of your moron brain washed leftist here, you're talking to a conservative, and we all know you're full of shit.

The parts of the country that you people control, i.e., mainly the cities, LA, San Franqueerco, Portland, Seattle, NYC... they're all filthy toilets, period. The rest of the nation out here in fly over country where all us Bible Clingin', gun totin', deplorables live, it's nothing like the garbage dumps you call cities, it's pretty nice out here.

But I'll repeat, if you fuckin' leftist commie rat pricks had your way, the entire nation would like just like your cess pool liberal utopia feces dump cities do, and you're a liar for saying it wouldn't. We know better. We know who and what you filthy people are.
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

So you're telling us you're moving?
I am working on my home country, no. What the hell are you doing super duper?

Besides watching Trump make liberals lose their collective minds?
I'm pretty used to you zombies nowadays I've been doing this for 10 years you guys are perfect for the book, to explain to the Future how people could get so idiotic.

That would explain your ineptitude.
I've been doing this for over 30 years and I can spot you as an ill informed brainwashed non functional moron from a mile away.
That's a good one, it's been about 50 years since we got anything we wanted, except for ObamaCare when we had 60 votes for 3 weeks.
Global Warming and the $100 trillion solution, Wind Turbines and Solar Panels?
Tens of Millions of Illegal Aliens?
A phone nuclear deal with Iran?
One sided trade with China?
USA's manufacturing moving overseas?
Common Core education?
Homosexual Marriage?
Homosexual adoption of straight baby boys?
More regulations?
More laws?
More taxes?

I think I could go on and on, but you should get the idea. You have gotten everything you wanted and asked for.
Global warming is not a democratic program. Your party are absolute morons at this point. They will lie cheap steal to protect tax cuts on the rich and the giant corporations and their whole corrupt system of lobbyists. Poor America.. next time the Democrats get in it's the nuclear option for you. Then we really will get what we want tax hikes on the rich good infrastructure cheap college and training healthcare for all crush big Health big Pharma costs, living wage paid parental leave daycare, ID card to end illegal immigration, everything every other rich country has.
many are leftwing brainwashed assholes who are getting pretty sick of this shit happening in their backyards......
Brainwashed connotes believing lies. That is the GOP and many Independents. Democrats do not have a giant propaganda machine like the gop's. We have journalists and law enforcement. No comparison at all except for the duped.
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
This message board is about National politics not California politics and I have no idea what lies you ever did say about Democrats in California. Jesus Christ what a load of crap LOL
i lived in california franco...i dont know what those assholes do in other states...but remember you dipshits in other states follow the democrats in california like they are gods gift to democrats...and we all know you are pretty much a far gone brainwashed dem dupe....
go to any other rich country all socialist and you'll find much much cleaner and better infrastructure, better mental Health you name it. You know how they do it? They tax the rich their fair share. Everything works just great the rich are happy enough. And there are plenty of them. Your sympathy for the greedy idiot rich is touching.

So you're telling us you're moving?
I am working on my home country, no. What the hell are you doing super duper?

Besides watching Trump make liberals lose their collective minds?
I'm pretty used to you zombies nowadays I've been doing this for 10 years you guys are perfect for the book, to explain to the Future how people could get so idiotic.

That would explain your ineptitude.
I've been doing this for over 30 years and I can spot you as an ill informed brainwashed non functional moron from a mile away.
So you have been on internet message boards for 30 years? So you are a liar as well as it brainwashed idiot. Do you have any examples of my ill-informed opinions, troll?
next time the Democrats get in it's the nuclear option for you. Then we really will get what we want tax hikes on the rich good infrastructure cheap college .
Cheap College? DemoRAT's run the colleges! DemoRAT's ran up the costs! Now you don't like what you did? It everyone's fault but your own?
Brainwashed connotes believing lies. That is the GOP and many Independents. Democrats do not have a giant propaganda machine like the gop's. We have journalists and law enforcement. No comparison at all except for the duped.
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
This message board is about National politics not California politics and I have no idea what lies you ever did say about Democrats in California. Jesus Christ what a load of crap LOL
i lived in california franco...i dont know what those assholes do in other states...but remember you dipshits in other states follow the democrats in california like they are gods gift to democrats...and we all know you are pretty much a far gone brainwashed dem dupe....
tell me a lie from a national Democrat for crying out loud and never mention California or another state ever please this is about National politics to me again. We in New York are not nouveau-riche idiots. LOL
Global warming is not a democratic program. Your party are absolute morons at this point. .
Global warming is pure demoRAT. At the University level, where much fake research takes place to NASA and NOAA. Research funded by demoRATs.

Global Warming and the fake solution, to build and build and build forever, solar panels and wind turbines. Pure demoRAT.
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
This message board is about National politics not California politics and I have no idea what lies you ever did say about Democrats in California. Jesus Christ what a load of crap LOL
i lived in california franco...i dont know what those assholes do in other states...but remember you dipshits in other states follow the democrats in california like they are gods gift to democrats...and we all know you are pretty much a far gone brainwashed dem dupe....
tell me a lie from a national Democrat for crying out loud and never mention California or another state ever please this is about National politics to me again. We in New York are not nouveau-riche idiots. LOL
i have the Senators and Reps from the State are not national?...and you would have to be one gullible person to only think only one side lies to you...they both lie my friend....they tell you want you want to havent figured that out yet?...
democrats dont lie franco?....if you believe that go see Dr. Vinnie Boomba....he is an expert at how to undo brainwashing.....
Blah blah blah you never have any examples for your b*******.
franco i have given example after example in california...and what do you tell me? tell me well california doesnt run the country....who cares about california....and more shit like go see dr. boomba....he can help you...
This message board is about National politics not California politics and I have no idea what lies you ever did say about Democrats in California. Jesus Christ what a load of crap LOL
i lived in california franco...i dont know what those assholes do in other states...but remember you dipshits in other states follow the democrats in california like they are gods gift to democrats...and we all know you are pretty much a far gone brainwashed dem dupe....
tell me a lie from a national Democrat for crying out loud and never mention California or another state ever please this is about National politics to me again. We in New York are not nouveau-riche idiots. LOL
The entire Republican party is now based on garbage propaganda. Their facts are not correct what they believe is totally wrong. Hillary is not a criminal until she is at least indicted for something for crying out loud ditto all the other Democrats. The rich do not pay enough in taxes. They believe unbelievable crap 47% don't pay any taxes that's how brainwashed functionally dumb the GOP base is. So many imaginary scandals it's pathetic the whole world of Journalisma law enforcement thinks they are nuts. And now you too if you keep blabbing garbage.

now tell me one goddamn lie from a national Democratic politician that is not a prediction for crying out loud.
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