Progressive Government Fails

Corporations are NOT citizens!

You obviously don't understand the definition of a corporation as opposed to a natural born citizen ergo you erroneously equate money as "free speech".

You are also woefully uninformed as to your obligations as a citizen;

Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities | USCIS

Defending the Constitution means defending the rights of others.

You fail. Epically.
Corporations are people under the 14thA. I've shown that. You've thrown crap around.
CU was an excellent decision that expanded free speech. The Court held that the ability to spend money is part of free speech. You fail on that count.
Your link is absurd. There is no law or regulation that obligates me as a private citizen to defend the COnstitution. That is why sworn LE and military must take an oath to that effect. You fail.
Another absurd failure from the Failure in Chief of USMB.

Corporations cannot vote. Corporations cannot bear arms. Corporations cannot worship. Corporations cannot be elected to office. You have failed to proved that corporations are entitled to any of those rights that persons have under the Constitution.

As far as the US government being "absurd" you will need to take that up with them. Any legal immigrant applying for citizenship is required to know what the rights and responsibilities of citizenship entail. Judging from your response you would fail the citizenship test.

Straw man.
Your arguments are worthless.
Before the Great Society, poverty was decreasing at quick rate.
Since the Great Society, the levels have remained, relatively the same.
There is no benefit in that... creating a dependent class and stratifying society.

Programs that increase real growth and free market competition
to create jobs would do more for people and the US in the long run


I could have sworn that the old rightwing line was that FDR started the war on poverty with his infamous New Deal, Social Security, etc.

I get the chart doesn't work as well if you use that old talking point.

Most of FDR's stuff was thrown out as unconstitutional
Even then, the things he did just prolonged the Depression.
Sort what you see with Papa Obama and his crappy economic performance.

No wonder FDR wanted us in WW II
Before the Great Society, poverty was decreasing at quick rate.
Since the Great Society, the levels have remained, relatively the same.
There is no benefit in that... creating a dependent class and stratifying society.

Programs that increase real growth and free market competition
to create jobs would do more for people and the US in the long run


I could have sworn that the old rightwing line was that FDR started the war on poverty with his infamous New Deal, Social Security, etc.

I get the chart doesn't work as well if you use that old talking point.

Most of FDR's stuff was thrown out as unconstitutional
Even then, the things he did just prolonged the Depression.
Sort what you see with Papa Obama and his crappy economic performance.

No wonder FDR wanted us in WW II

jeezus, a spew of idiotic talking points all disproven here dozens of times.
sure they have

truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Really Papa Obama and the extreme left have lost the trust of the American people
because of all the lies.

How can anyone believe what they say now?

Obama lied
American Trust and healthcare plans died
Last edited:
Liberals drag out the successes of liberalism in the distant past. They don't realize that liberalism passed the point of diminishing returns years ago.

It is a good thing to donate to charity. The government has decided that it isn't up to you to donate to charity, you don't give enough, so the government will take your earnings by force and support the entitlement state. However, since it was at one time noble to donate to charity, liberals think that taking a "fair share" according to them, and giving it on your behalf.

Why would you give to a charity that gives handouts to the poor if you believe that handouts to the poor does them more harm than good?
"while there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."

Abortion, outside of those justifiable by physician as indicated, is indeed a disgrace to a civilized society regardless of your position on the lawfulness or political views thereof.
Liberals drag out the successes of liberalism in the distant past. They don't realize that liberalism passed the point of diminishing returns years ago.

It is a good thing to donate to charity. The government has decided that it isn't up to you to donate to charity, you don't give enough, so the government will take your earnings by force and support the entitlement state. However, since it was at one time noble to donate to charity, liberals think that taking a "fair share" according to them, and giving it on your behalf.

Why would you give to a charity that gives handouts to the poor if you believe that handouts to the poor does them more harm than good?

Because unlike government handouts, Carbine, these handouts come with no strings attached. Whereas government handouts enslave you to bureaucracy, and put you at the mercy of the government. There are poor people in need, but the Government doesn't know or care who they are.

Charities I've used ask for confirmation of your lack of income. They don't continue giving you money to sit on your butt and make nothing of yourself.
Liberals drag out the successes of liberalism in the distant past. They don't realize that liberalism passed the point of diminishing returns years ago.

It is a good thing to donate to charity. The government has decided that it isn't up to you to donate to charity, you don't give enough, so the government will take your earnings by force and support the entitlement state. However, since it was at one time noble to donate to charity, liberals think that taking a "fair share" according to them, and giving it on your behalf.

Why would you give to a charity that gives handouts to the poor if you believe that handouts to the poor does them more harm than good?

Because charity remains that...

as opposed to the current system which creates a dependent class
with feelings of expectations

Nothing really more than sugar coated slavery
You fail. Epically.
Corporations are people under the 14thA. I've shown that. You've thrown crap around.
CU was an excellent decision that expanded free speech. The Court held that the ability to spend money is part of free speech. You fail on that count.
Your link is absurd. There is no law or regulation that obligates me as a private citizen to defend the COnstitution. That is why sworn LE and military must take an oath to that effect. You fail.
Another absurd failure from the Failure in Chief of USMB.

Corporations cannot vote. Corporations cannot bear arms. Corporations cannot worship. Corporations cannot be elected to office. You have failed to proved that corporations are entitled to any of those rights that persons have under the Constitution.

As far as the US government being "absurd" you will need to take that up with them. Any legal immigrant applying for citizenship is required to know what the rights and responsibilities of citizenship entail. Judging from your response you would fail the citizenship test.

Straw man.
Your arguments are worthless.

How strange then that you cannot defeat my allegedly "worthless arguments"!

What does that say about yours?

Corporations cannot vote. Corporations cannot bear arms. Corporations cannot worship. Corporations cannot be elected to office. You have failed to proved that corporations are entitled to any of those rights that persons have under the Constitution.

As far as the US government being "absurd" you will need to take that up with them. Any legal immigrant applying for citizenship is required to know what the rights and responsibilities of citizenship entail. Judging from your response you would fail the citizenship test.

Straw man.
Your arguments are worthless.

How strange then that you cannot defeat my allegedly "worthless arguments"!

What does that say about yours?

I already have.
You're just too stupid to realize it.
Built on a foundation of un-sustainability. The conservative way.

No, based upon free enterprise, lack of government interference and the introduction of 2 transformation technologies: electricity and mass production

All great buzzwords until you see the result. Crash!

I'm sure you're proud.

All the CPE's eventually collapse from the impossibility of
trying to get to their Utopia

Remember these socialists from the Left, they were suppose to be around forever

[ame=]Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik - YouTube[/ame]

Obama lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
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I already have.
You're just too stupid to realize it.


There was no irony there. Even unintentional. IT demonstrates you do not understand what irony means.

At this stage it is more than apparent that you are just a waste of time. You cannot defend your allegations and you are incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts. You don't know how to engage in a constructive debate. Your kneejerk reaction is to call anything you cannot understand "stupid" which is where the irony comes in that goes clear over your head. Have the last word because obviously you need it far than I do! Have a nice day.
Onus is on you to substantiate your allegations when you have been called on them.

You have nothing.


You have FAILED to substantiate that Citizens United was a "wonderful decision on 1A rights" ergo you concede that it isn't!

You have FAILED to substantiate that "corporations are 'persons' under the 14thA" ergo you concede that it doesn't!

You have FAILED to substantiate that it is NOT the "duty of all Americans to uphold the rights of every citizen" ergo you concede that they do have said obligation.

I wish Derideo_Te here would display some evidence that she's researched this stuff at more than just the "Talk Radio" level. She keeps repeating left-wing talking points. None of them are true, all of them are simplifications, and each of them are just banal cliches that have calcified into talking points.

It would be nice if she gave us anything with more substance. (For instance, I read a critique of the housing meltdown by an Austrian economist inspired by rightwing hero, Friedrich Hayek. It was brilliant and interesting, and it was delivered in an academic, non-partisan tone. I'd love to see Derideo_Te say something that isn't on every left-wing website. I'd love to see her struggle with the ideas rather than just spamming for the left). Maybe she could present a comparative analysis of the German and American Citizens United. Perhaps she could compare the relative growth and output of the economies since the "Great Recession" - and explain to us which of the two economies relies more on "progressive" policies. (Who knows what she means by progressive, but I'm guessing it's the demand centered policies of the Keynesians).

Derideo_Te doesn't have to take my word for it. That's not the point. It's just sad to see that she is part of the left-wing "cut and paste" culture which merely seeks to indoctrinate people. It would be great to see her give us a deeper analysis - in whatever form that takes - rather than the same tired bullshit we see repeated everywhere.

There was no irony there. Even unintentional. IT demonstrates you do not understand what irony means.

At this stage it is more than apparent that you are just a waste of time. You cannot defend your allegations and you are incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts. You don't know how to engage in a constructive debate. Your kneejerk reaction is to call anything you cannot understand "stupid" which is where the irony comes in that goes clear over your head. Have the last word because obviously you need it far than I do! Have a nice day.

This is HILARIOUS coming from [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] - who I so thoroughly owned that she ran off to another thread crying about how badly I whipped her (like a small child)... :lmao:

Derideo_Te cannot defend anything she says or any of her positions, yet declares "victory" in every post on those grounds.... :bang3:

Sweetie - you're an idiot Dumbocrat who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. But you're a parasite who wants to mooch off of your fellow citizen, and so you push your absurd, insane, and just plain humiliating agenda of "I deserve what you have". Here is a PRIME example from the beat down I gave you in the other thread:

The U.S. Constitution specifically cites 18 enumerated powers of the federal government - delegated to them by the states. Healthcare is not one of them. When pointing out how your argument fails due to that FACT, you nonsensically cite the "Supreme Court ruling" on the ACA.

One earth shattering problem though, stupid. The Supreme Court is not authorized to amend the Constitution and grant the federal government a 19th power. They simply are not empowered to do that. So healthcare is still not an enumerated power of the federal government and thus they have zero authority to intercede in it.

The fact that you CANNOT "support your position" that the Supreme Court can arbitrarily add an enumerated power is proof by your own standards that you concede you're an asshole and and an idiot who is WRONG.

Game. Set. Match.

There was no irony there. Even unintentional. IT demonstrates you do not understand what irony means.

At this stage it is more than apparent that you are just a waste of time. You cannot defend your allegations and you are incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts. You don't know how to engage in a constructive debate. Your kneejerk reaction is to call anything you cannot understand "stupid" which is where the irony comes in that goes clear over your head. Have the last word because obviously you need it far than I do! Have a nice day.

This is HILARIOUS coming from [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] - who I so thoroughly owned that she ran off to another thread crying about how badly I whipped her (like a small child)... :lmao:

Derideo_Te cannot defend anything she says or any of her positions, yet declares "victory" in every post on those grounds.... :bang3:

Sweetie - you're an idiot Dumbocrat who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. But you're a parasite who wants to mooch off of your fellow citizen, and so you push your absurd, insane, and just plain humiliating agenda of "I deserve what you have". Here is a PRIME example from the beat down I gave you in the other thread:

The U.S. Constitution specifically cites 18 enumerated powers of the federal government - delegated to them by the states. Healthcare is not one of them. When pointing out how your argument fails due to that FACT, you nonsensically cite the "Supreme Court ruling" on the ACA.

One earth shattering problem though, stupid. The Supreme Court is not authorized to amend the Constitution and grant the federal government a 19th power. They simply are not empowered to do that. So healthcare is still not an enumerated power of the federal government and thus they have zero authority to intercede in it.

The fact that you CANNOT "support your position" that the Supreme Court can arbitrarily add an enumerated power is proof by your own standards that you concede you're an asshole and and an idiot who is WRONG.

Game. Set. Match.

Looks like someone can't take a hint and has resorted to stalking instead! Just as well they provided that handy ignore feature. However if s/he/it continues to abuse the mention function s/he/it will be reported.
At this stage it is more than apparent that you are just a waste of time. You cannot defend your allegations and you are incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts. You don't know how to engage in a constructive debate. Your kneejerk reaction is to call anything you cannot understand "stupid" which is where the irony comes in that goes clear over your head. Have the last word because obviously you need it far than I do! Have a nice day.

This is HILARIOUS coming from [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] - who I so thoroughly owned that she ran off to another thread crying about how badly I whipped her (like a small child)... :lmao:

Derideo_Te cannot defend anything she says or any of her positions, yet declares "victory" in every post on those grounds.... :bang3:

Sweetie - you're an idiot Dumbocrat who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. But you're a parasite who wants to mooch off of your fellow citizen, and so you push your absurd, insane, and just plain humiliating agenda of "I deserve what you have". Here is a PRIME example from the beat down I gave you in the other thread:

The U.S. Constitution specifically cites 18 enumerated powers of the federal government - delegated to them by the states. Healthcare is not one of them. When pointing out how your argument fails due to that FACT, you nonsensically cite the "Supreme Court ruling" on the ACA.

One earth shattering problem though, stupid. The Supreme Court is not authorized to amend the Constitution and grant the federal government a 19th power. They simply are not empowered to do that. So healthcare is still not an enumerated power of the federal government and thus they have zero authority to intercede in it.

The fact that you CANNOT "support your position" that the Supreme Court can arbitrarily add an enumerated power is proof by your own standards that you concede you're an asshole and and an idiot who is WRONG.

Game. Set. Match.

Looks like someone can't take a hint and has resorted to stalking instead! Just as well they provided that handy ignore feature. However if s/he/it continues to abuse the mention function s/he/it will be reported.

You're going to report him for posting in a thread?
Everything he says is spot on. Except calling you a girl. You've failed, utterly, to substantiate any point or engage in fruitful debate. Everything is merely a slogan or cliche heard on, e.g. Rachel Maddow.
Life is too short to deal with people like that.
This is HILARIOUS coming from [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] - who I so thoroughly owned that she ran off to another thread crying about how badly I whipped her (like a small child)... :lmao:

Derideo_Te cannot defend anything she says or any of her positions, yet declares "victory" in every post on those grounds.... :bang3:

Sweetie - you're an idiot Dumbocrat who has been thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. But you're a parasite who wants to mooch off of your fellow citizen, and so you push your absurd, insane, and just plain humiliating agenda of "I deserve what you have". Here is a PRIME example from the beat down I gave you in the other thread:

The U.S. Constitution specifically cites 18 enumerated powers of the federal government - delegated to them by the states. Healthcare is not one of them. When pointing out how your argument fails due to that FACT, you nonsensically cite the "Supreme Court ruling" on the ACA.

One earth shattering problem though, stupid. The Supreme Court is not authorized to amend the Constitution and grant the federal government a 19th power. They simply are not empowered to do that. So healthcare is still not an enumerated power of the federal government and thus they have zero authority to intercede in it.

The fact that you CANNOT "support your position" that the Supreme Court can arbitrarily add an enumerated power is proof by your own standards that you concede you're an asshole and and an idiot who is WRONG.

Game. Set. Match.

Looks like someone can't take a hint and has resorted to stalking instead! Just as well they provided that handy ignore feature. However if s/he/it continues to abuse the mention function s/he/it will be reported.

You're going to report him for posting in a thread?
Everything he says is spot on. Except calling you a girl. You've failed, utterly, to substantiate any point or engage in fruitful debate. Everything is merely a slogan or cliche heard on, e.g. Rachel Maddow.
Life is too short to deal with people like that.

More evidence as to why you are waste of time. You just make up patently stupid lies. Nowhere does it say that s/he/it will be reported for "posting in a thread".
Looks like someone can't take a hint and has resorted to stalking instead! Just as well they provided that handy ignore feature. However if s/he/it continues to abuse the mention function s/he/it will be reported.

You're going to report him for posting in a thread?
Everything he says is spot on. Except calling you a girl. You've failed, utterly, to substantiate any point or engage in fruitful debate. Everything is merely a slogan or cliche heard on, e.g. Rachel Maddow.
Life is too short to deal with people like that.

More evidence as to why you are waste of time. You just make up patently stupid lies. Nowhere does it say that s/he/it will be reported for "posting in a thread".

Its right there in your post. You're planning on reporting him. His only "crime" was posting in a thread.
I think you're pathological.

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