Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S.

Actually, you RW Nutcases do that and don't really care who it hurts. You have 4 years to fix things. If you can't, get ready to see your buddies unemployed.
There is nothing to "fix" until you progressives screw everything up. For instance, we had the greatest healthcare in the world until you nitwits created "Obamacare" and put us trillions more in debt. Now we have to repeal that shit.

What is this "WE" you speak of. It was only great for a percentage of the population. The rest were just sent home to die. was "only" great for 91% of the population. And the rest? Well, they weren't sent home to die (you lying drama queen). They were given FREE healthcare (unfortunately).

Time for you to pony up a few decent cites for your 91% and the 9% that got it free.
It was the Dumbocrats who declared that 30 million American's didn't have health insurance. We have 330 million Americans. Do the math.

As far as the other 9% that didn't have coverage - besides the obvious (Medicaid, charities, etc.) it is illegal for a hospital to refuse a person healthcare. I personally know an individual who recently had a costly surgery (an older gentlemen who was self-employed). He was no insured, so the hospital simply ate the cost.

If you don't know either of those facts are true and you need a link to confirm them, then you are woefully uninformed and really shouldn't be discussing any of this. Both of what I stated are common knowledge.

What does an emergency room do for someone with diabetes, or heart disease, or any of the other chronic diseases if they aren't in an emergency situation, and have no insurance? They send them home to die.
What does an emergency room do for someone with diabetes, or heart disease, or any of the other chronic diseases if they aren't in an emergency situation, and have no insurance? They send them home to die.
That's simply not true at all. A person with heart disease will receive open heart surgery. A person with diabetes will receive their medications for free through a multitude of different charities. And both could be eligible for Medicaid.

Furthermore, even if your lie were true, what is your point? Society is responsible for someone who is too inept to take care of themselves? Uh...I don't think so.
What does an emergency room do for someone with diabetes, or heart disease, or any of the other chronic diseases if they aren't in an emergency situation, and have no insurance? They send them home to die.
That's simply not true at all. A person with heart disease will receive open heart surgery. A person with diabetes will receive their medications for free through a multitude of different charities. And both could be eligible for Medicaid.

Furthermore, even if your lie were true, what is your point? Society is responsible for someone who is too inept to take care of themselves? Uh...I don't think so.

Really? Surgery isn't always the correct treatment for heart disease. It is only considered when all other more reasonable treatments are ruled out, and when it finally is called for, it is not always approved in a timely manner. Follow up treatment without insurance is limited to only recovery from the surgery. Heart surgery rarely cures heart disease. It requires continued treatment, usually for the rest of the patients life.
Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
About 1 in 100 children have heart problems. Are you blaming them? You have no idea what you are talking about.
Kids Health Info : Heart problems in children
Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
Not at all. I'm saying that someone who can't figure out how to insure themselves is too inept to figure out how to take care of themselves. There are tons of progressives roaming the earth that make sure they have the lastest and greatest $900 iPhone and take lavish vacations around the world rather than pay for health insurance.
Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
Not at all. I'm saying that someone who can't figure out how to insure themselves is too inept to figure out how to take care of themselves. There are tons of progressives roaming the earth that make sure they have the lastest and greatest $900 iPhone and take lavish vacations around the world rather than pay for health insurance.

I agree. We should all have insurance. Isn't that what the ACA is for?
Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
Not at all. I'm saying that someone who can't figure out how to insure themselves is too inept to figure out how to take care of themselves. There are tons of progressives roaming the earth that make sure they have the lastest and greatest $900 iPhone and take lavish vacations around the world rather than pay for health insurance.

I agree. We should all have insurance. Isn't that what the ACA is for?
No. The ACA is for the left to control healthcare in America.
Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
Not at all. I'm saying that someone who can't figure out how to insure themselves is too inept to figure out how to take care of themselves. There are tons of progressives roaming the earth that make sure they have the lastest and greatest $900 iPhone and take lavish vacations around the world rather than pay for health insurance.

I agree. We should all have insurance. Isn't that what the ACA is for?
No. The ACA is for the left to control healthcare in America.

That's what you have been told, but you have been told lots of stuff that just isn't true.
What does an emergency room do for someone with diabetes, or heart disease, or any of the other chronic diseases if they aren't in an emergency situation, and have no insurance? They send them home to die.
That's simply not true at all. A person with heart disease will receive open heart surgery. A person with diabetes will receive their medications for free through a multitude of different charities. And both could be eligible for Medicaid.

Furthermore, even if your lie were true, what is your point? Society is responsible for someone who is too inept to take care of themselves? Uh...I don't think so.

Not true because you said so, right?

Care to discuss all the things that EM doesn't cover like long term care for kidneys, heart, etc. that an operation won't cure. And long term care without insurance will only last for a few weeks. Then it's gone. Those are facts.

You mention Medicaid. It takes about 2 years to qualify for Medicaid. In those two years, all costs are on the person. Plus, there is an income limit. Last time I checked it was less than 1300 bucks a month income. Almost anyone with a job makes more than that. At 1500 a month, chances are, you can't afford to use your employers insurance. More Facts. Now, go home to use those "Benefits" from an employer, you will probably be terminated which negates your "Benefits". The Employer sends you home to die. You can't change facts. With the loss of those "Benefits" you have to choose between feeding your kids and your medicine that would keep you alive. Maybe you would not listen to hungry and cold children but the rest of us do.

As for Charities, There is only so much money and support to go around. Bless their hearts, they do what they can but it's not nearly enough. Are you aware that the funds given to Charities have gone down? They have less to work with meaning fewer people that really need the help will get it. More Facts.

Now, admit those facts and then answer what we need to do. BTW, I am fully insured myself but I watch my neighbors try and make it and they are struggling. If they own a house, it gets sold to pay for medical. If they want a new car to replace the broken down junker they drive, they can't do that anymore since their credit will not allow them to get the loan and their income won't allow them to pay cash. And that credit history just keeps getting worse. Meanwhile, they are trying to get to the Medicare Age of 65. Medicare and Medicaid doesn't pay for existing medical bills. If you owe 30K for medical bills, you have to pay for that yourself. And under SS you won't make enough to do that. Even taking a job paying less than 15K a year won't do the job either. That means you make enough to exist, not really live. 25K a year (both SS and a 15k job) doesn't give you any wiggle room.

These are facts that you can't dispute. If you try then you are just trolling.

Now, let's hear the fix. If you can't offer fixes then the problems are still there. I believe that if the same zeal were to be put into the fix as the denial then we would already have the fix. Yes, I know the ACA is problematic. But it was designed to be fixed without needing the votes to replace it. If the same zeal were to be put forward into fixing the ACA it would be much better. You see, I pay 105 bucks a month myself and find it unfair. That is almost as much as a private insurance plan. I am covered 100% by Medicare and Tricare yet I pay that 105 bucks a month. The ACA doesn't apply to me yet I pay the money for it. Yes, the ACA or a replacement program is needed. But until then, we pay for your stupidity to admit the need and not holding YOUR representatives feet to the fire to get it done. Just saying the ACA needs replacement isn't enough. I requires the replacement first. Or do we send more people home to die.
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Are you tying to say that anyone who has heart disease caused it themselves?
Not at all. I'm saying that someone who can't figure out how to insure themselves is too inept to figure out how to take care of themselves. There are tons of progressives roaming the earth that make sure they have the lastest and greatest $900 iPhone and take lavish vacations around the world rather than pay for health insurance.

I agree. We should all have insurance. Isn't that what the ACA is for?
No. The ACA is for the left to control healthcare in America.

That's what you have been told, but you have been told lots of stuff that just isn't true.
I'm not a progressive - I don't operate off of what I am told. I think for myself. I read for myself. I learn for myself. You should try it sometime.
You mention Medicaid. It takes about 2 years to qualify for Medicaid. In those two years, all costs are on the person.
Gasp! Noooooo..... Oh the humanity! You mean that a person has to cover the costs for their own lives? What kind of world do we live in?

Hey you realize that's the entire point of life? I'm not responsible for you. You are not responsible for me. Communism doesn't work. It never has. It ends in collapse and povert. It creates a single point of failure.
As for Charities, There is only so much money and support to go around. Bless their hearts, they do what they can but it's not nearly enough. Are you aware that the funds given to Charities have gone down?
Are you aware that the decrease in charity directly correlates with the drastic increase in taxes to cover illegal, unconstitutional, and inept programs like Obamacare? Fact

Are you aware that America is the most charitable nation in the world despite having the highest taxes in the world? Fact

Get rid of all of the waste, fraud, and corruption in the federal government, return them to their 18 enumerated powers only, drop taxes to 10%, and watch the flood of money that flows into charities. Fact
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These are facts that you can't dispute. If you try then you are just trolling.
Well that's convenient. Knowing you are wrong, you simply declare that anyone who disputes what you say is "trolling". It's nice to know you're interested in a real conversation.
Now, let's hear the fix. If you can't offer fixes then the problems are still there.
Certainly! Here is the "fix":
  • Let people figure it out for themselves. Require them to be big boys and girls and take care of their own lives. Government is not a mommy and daddy designed to coddle and care for you
  • It is not the government's responsibility to "fix" what you perceive to be "problems". The fact that you don't even know that much is why you are woefully unqualified to be having this discussion
Yes, I know the ACA is problematic. But it was designed to be fixed without needing the votes to replace it.
That is the kind of astounding ignorance that could only come from the left. Something was "designed" to be "fixed"? :lmao:

Why in hell would something be intentionally designed with flaws that require "fixing"? That's a progressive refusing to accept that progressive policy ends in failure and desperately trying to find an excuse.
Now, let's hear the fix. If you can't offer fixes then the problems are still there. I believe that if the same zeal were to be put into the fix as the denial then we would already have the fix. If the same zeal were to be put forward into fixing the ACA it would be much better.
If progressives used the same zeal to achieve what they desire through the legal and ethical means of foundations rather than the illegal/unconstitutional means of government, we would have no problems left in the United States.

You are free any time you want to create the Daryl Hunt foundation which acts like the ACA and covers healthcare costs for those that can't afford it. I'm sure all of your liberal icons will give until it hurts to help. Bill Maher. Steven Colbert. George Clooney. Arianna Huffington. Whoopi Goldberg. Bill Gates. There are literally millions of bleeding heart liberals with hundreds of billions of dollars to spare.

What is the problem? Get up off of your ass and start the foundation.
For all of those "Fight for $15" minimum wage nitwits who do not understand basic economics:


Two Minimum Wage Charts for Andy Puzder
I just came across this-
Apr 29, 2011 2:42:41 AM
The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?
NOTtheTalk - The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-? (Environment)

then I found this—

There are a lot of folks who believe "the end of oil is near" is an old stale myth but at least remember that there will be a point when this will be true; this you cannot deny.

Even the illiterate has a right to be ignorant. I know the data below will be difficult for you to understand so please ask a friend to explain it to you.

It is expected that by the year 2035, demand will reach 110.3 million barrels a day. Companies eventually will start to transition to alternative forms of energy and will be interesting to see what the future holds for renewable energy.

Which countries have the biggest oil reserves?

A 2013 study concluded that peak oil "appears probable before 2030", and that there was a "significant risk" that it would occur before 2020
Peak oil - Wikipedia

When the price of gasoline rises, people naturally buy less of it; the amount of this reduction being determined by the amount of the price increase and the consumer's elasticity of demand for gasoline. This does not necessarily mean that people will drive less (though it is likely), it may mean that consumers trade in their SUVs for smaller cars, hybrid vehicles, electric cars or cars that run on alternative fuels.

Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Countries With The Largest Proven Oil Reserves

Rank Country Reserves (millions of barrels), 2017 US EIA
1 Venezuela 300,878
2 Saudi Arabia 266,455
3 Canada 169,709
4 Iran 158,400
5 Iraq 142,503
6 Kuwait 101,500
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800
8 Russia 80,000
9 Libya 48,363
10 United States 39,230
11 Nigeria 37,062
12 Kazakhstan 30,000
13 China 25,620
14 Qatar 25,244
15 Brazil 12,999
16 Algeria 12,200
17 Angola 8,273
18 Ecuador 8,273
19 Mexico 7,640
20 Azerbaijan 7,000

TOTAL 1,609,149 million proven barrels

The World’s Largest Oil Reserves By Country
It is expected that by the year 2035, demand will reach 110.3 million barrels a day or 40,259 a year

1609149/40259 = 40+/- years left​

It's all gone by 2060 ad
The Truth Will Set us Free
For all of those "Fight for $15" minimum wage nitwits who do not understand basic economics:

View attachment 103008

Two Minimum Wage Charts for Andy Puzder

That has to be the worst graph posted in a while...

Lets look at the countries that don't have a minimum wage.

Austria has 98-99% of the country workers in collective bargain agreement (i.e. union membership)

For Denmark, Finland and Finland they also have a similar collective agreements...

Italy unemployment rate is 9.7%...

So are you encouraging mandatory union representation and collective bargaining over minimum wage... Now we can talk about that...

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