Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S.

Progressive policies continue to have a profound devastating impact on this country. This is just the latest example:

"Fuel supplies in at least five states — Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas — were threatened by the spill, and the U.S. Department of Transportation ordered the company responsible to take corrective action before the fuel starts flowing again."

Just one leak of a single oil pipeline is negativity affecting 5 states. We had the opportunity to add the Keystone Pipeline but it was blocked by progressives. Not only would it have created jobs (that we desperately needed after the Obama regime destroyed so many of them) but it would have added the type of redundancy and additional resources we need in a situation like this.

Gas Prices Rise, Stations Running Out in Southeast U.S. After Pipeline Spill
Pipeline leaks are progressive? Huh?
Progressive policies continue to have a profound devastating impact on this country. This is just the latest example:

"Fuel supplies in at least five states — Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas — were threatened by the spill, and the U.S. Department of Transportation ordered the company responsible to take corrective action before the fuel starts flowing again."

Just one leak of a single oil pipeline is negativity affecting 5 states. We had the opportunity to add the Keystone Pipeline but it was blocked by progressives. Not only would it have created jobs (that we desperately needed after the Obama regime destroyed so many of them) but it would have added the type of redundancy and additional resources we need in a situation like this.

Gas Prices Rise, Stations Running Out in Southeast U.S. After Pipeline Spill
Pipeline leaks are progressive? Huh?
No. Blocking the Keystone Pipeline (which would have brought a continuous flow of oil into the U.S.) is progressive. Trying to eliminate the entire coal industry is progressive.
Progressivism requires one to suspend all reality in favor of an ideology. Their entire ideology has been a spectacular failure world-wide and still they push for it. It has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket and caused the collapse of the middle-class:

Taxpayers are being squeezed financially in Obamacare’s tightening vice.

On one side, taxpayers already are funding Obamacare entitlements, notwithstanding President Barack Obama’s high-profile promise to spare middle-class Americans from new taxation. Liberals in Congress and elsewhere are seeking remedies, among them heavier taxpayer subsidies and bigger deficits, that will squeeze taxpayers even more.

On the other side, those whose income is too high to qualify for subsidies must pay for overly expensive Obamacare coverage without any assistance.

Obamacare’s Squeeze Play on Taxpayers
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015
Yah, you can say that again. The most Progressive Presidents in History were Nixon, Eisenhower, Teddy R and Lincoln. Remember them? And what party they were in. I am a Progressive Conservative much like those folks. WE are not represented by either party. Those 4 made life so much better for most folks in America. Unlike today where extremists have hijacked both parties.
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Well that's a nice false narrative. The Dumbocrats promised to lower healthcare costs with their outrageous, unconstitutional, crap-sandwhich legislation. Instead, it skyrocketed to record highs.

Everything they promised was a lie and White House e-mails proves they knew they were all lies. They did it anyway because they wanted power and control over the healthcare sector. The fact that you support that type of communism is tragic.
lol, progressive policies have launched America into the modern age and invested greatly into education, science and infrastructure. All things that wouldn't be nearly where it is today if it was up to you.

We'd still be swimming in our shit if it wasn't for progressive policies.

Loserterian policies of deregulation caused the great depression and great recession.

Loserterian bullshit doesn't work and never will.
How did progressive policies launch America into the modern age? When did "the modern era start?"
Remember when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Dumbocrats egregiously lied to the American people and said that the Affordable Healthcare Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for the American people? The left continues to destroy America in their quest for power and control.

Record-High Health Care Spending Hits $3.2 Trillion in 2015

The cost increases are much lower than they had been for years.
Well that's a nice false narrative. The Dumbocrats promised to lower healthcare costs with their outrageous, unconstitutional, crap-sandwhich legislation. Instead, it skyrocketed to record highs.

Everything they promised was a lie and White House e-mails proves they knew they were all lies. They did it anyway because they wanted power and control over the healthcare sector. The fact that you support that type of communism is tragic.

Part of it was to get a handle on medical and pharmaceutical costs. Neither was allowed by an all Republican Congress.

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