Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S.

Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax

Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.
The oil companies are responsible for their own distribution systems. If they wanted to build in redundancy to prevent this type of shortage, they would have at least proposed that at some point.
They did genius. They do all the time. Progressives block it. You really should stop commenting on things that you are not informed on.
Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax

Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
The oil companies are responsible for their own distribution systems. If they wanted to build in redundancy to prevent this type of shortage, they would have at least proposed that at some point.
They did genius. They do all the time. Progressives block it. You really should stop commenting on things that you are not informed on.

So they wanted a redundant line in case that one broke? Link?
Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax

Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
I'm not "changing" anything, sparky. I'm simply providing additional material which supports the thread title. Please ask an adult for help.
Progressive policies continue to have a profound devastating impact on this country. This is just the latest example:

"Fuel supplies in at least five states — Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas — were threatened by the spill, and the U.S. Department of Transportation ordered the company responsible to take corrective action before the fuel starts flowing again."

Just one leak of a single oil pipeline is negativity affecting 5 states. We had the opportunity to add the Keystone Pipeline but it was blocked by progressives. Not only would it have created jobs (that we desperately needed after the Obama regime destroyed so many of them) but it would have added the type of redundancy and additional resources we need in a situation like this.

Gas Prices Rise, Stations Running Out in Southeast U.S. After Pipeline Spill
Ah yes, let us just run the Keystone across major US aquifers. The record of the energy corporations is so fine on maintaining their pipelines. Just ask the people on the Yellowstone river in Montana. And the Keystone was not intended to transport gasoline, it was intended to transport the heavy oil from the tar sands. The Tar Sands are one of the filthiest operations on the planet.
All of the policies that Dumbocrats babe implemented and want to implement were implemented in Venezuela. This is how it always ends - famine, poverty, and misery:

Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela

How is Venezuela related to a busted pipeline here? You are getting goofier with each post.
No matter how hard you try to run from the facts are change the focus of this thread - you continue to fail. You're just not that bright.

(Psst...sparky...check the thread title again. It's not about a "busted pipeline") :lmao:
Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax

Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
I'm not "changing" anything, sparky. I'm simply providing additional material which supports the thread title. Please ask an adult for help.

Again, what does Venezuela have to do with a pretend proposed redundant pipeline that was never blocked by anybody? Perhaps you should go back and reread your OP. If you want a tread about Venezuela, then start one.
Ah yes, let us just run the Keystone across major US aquifers. The record of the energy corporations is so fine on maintaining their pipelines.'s not nearly as good as the government's record. The same government you want controlling everything. See. Just look at this exceptional record:

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange -

Report: Social Security paying millions to dead people

But the smallest samples of the epic failures of government. The private sector has an exponentially better record on everything from budgets to the environment, cupcake.

Another perfect example. Not only did the progressive state income tax not balance the budget despite an astounding $126 billion in revenue - but it has made spending explode as the progressives now believe the have a blank check at their disposal...
  • In 1991, Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker decried the state’s “orgies of spending,” and said his income tax proposal—which would include fiscal discipline—would balance the books.
  • Connecticut recently marked the 25th anniversary of the income tax, which has resulted in little to no spending restraint.
  • State spending grew 71% faster than inflation from 1991 to 2014 and
  • Most of that went toward debt services payments and state employee benefits—which combined grew 174% over the rate of inflation, according to a report by the Yankee Institute for Public Policy, a Connecticut think tank.
  • “But many states lean on the revenue from an income tax will can discourage labor, drive down wages, and drive business to relocate.”
What Happened After Blue State Introduced an Income Tax

Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
I'm not "changing" anything, sparky. I'm simply providing additional material which supports the thread title. Please ask an adult for help.

Again, what does Venezuela have to do with a pretend proposed redundant pipeline that was never blocked by anybody? Perhaps you should go back and reread your OP. If you want a tread about Venezuela, then start one.
The thread is on the failures of progressive policies. Your illiteracy is a monumental issue that you desperately need to address sparky.
Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
I'm not "changing" anything, sparky. I'm simply providing additional material which supports the thread title. Please ask an adult for help.

Again, what does Venezuela have to do with a pretend proposed redundant pipeline that was never blocked by anybody? Perhaps you should go back and reread your OP. If you want a tread about Venezuela, then start one.
The thread is on the failures of progressive policies. Your illiteracy is a monumental issue that you desperately need to address sparky.

If that's what you wanted it to be about, then why didn't you put it in the OP dumbass? Your little picture shows a dropped mike. Does that mean you are finally going to shut up?
Progressive policies continue to have a profound devastating impact on this country. This is just the latest example:

"Fuel supplies in at least five states — Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas — were threatened by the spill, and the U.S. Department of Transportation ordered the company responsible to take corrective action before the fuel starts flowing again."

Just one leak of a single oil pipeline is negativity affecting 5 states. We had the opportunity to add the Keystone Pipeline but it was blocked by progressives. Not only would it have created jobs (that we desperately needed after the Obama regime destroyed so many of them) but it would have added the type of redundancy and additional resources we need in a situation like this.

Gas Prices Rise, Stations Running Out in Southeast U.S. After Pipeline Spill

No dumbass. The leak is on a refined gasoline line, not oil. There has already been 6000 gallons dumped in central Alabama. Do you want them to pump more out on the ground, or would it be better to fix the break first? doesn't matter the resource, you moron. The point is - you idiots continuously block the tools we need for energy.

The fact that you have to attempt to change the issue from what it is to a discussion on "its not oil, it's refined gas" speaks volumes. I guess you can't come up with something to defend this kind of stupidity, uh? Don't worry - I wouldn't be able to either. But then, that's why I don't support progressivism.

Since you are an idiot, I'll explain this one time. The shortage is is gasoline at the pumps, which is what the broken line was transporting. Bitumen from Canada, or crude oil from anywhere else wouldn't make any difference. Refineries have plenty of feed stock. The finished product is the shortage. I know you can get this if you just try.
Since you are beyond an idiot - I'll explain this again to you. If there were more pipelines for everything (including the "refined gasoline" that you want to focus on) this wouldn't be an issue. No worries friend - I don't expect progressives to understand redundancy or "single point of failure". These are concepts way beyond a progressives ability to grasp. It's why you people need to live off government to survive.
My, but you are truly one dumb ass. Over half the pipelines in the ground are operating at less than half pressure, because they are so old and corroded. The energy corporations are making billions every quarter, but make no attempt to remedy that.

And why should we give the energy companies free reign to build pipelines designed to fail? They have the money to do it right. Had they done the job right on that pipeline, they would not be in trouble now. As it is, they get a minimal fine, and we, the taxpayer, gets to foot the bill. The corporations continue to privatize the profits, and socialize the costs, and people like you support them.
Since this is your thread, why don't you at least try to stay on subject dumb ass?
Hey dumb-ass? The thread it titled "Progressive policies continue to negatively impact the U.S." - stupid. It is not titled "the oil spill". Therefore, my last post that you are criticizing here is 100% on subject. Damn are you dumb. You can't follow any thread. You're illiteracy is a real problem.

Yes, and your OP was a diatribe about spilled gasoline and redundancy. Having that silly idea swatted down, you are wanting to change the subject.
I'm not "changing" anything, sparky. I'm simply providing additional material which supports the thread title. Please ask an adult for help.

Again, what does Venezuela have to do with a pretend proposed redundant pipeline that was never blocked by anybody? Perhaps you should go back and reread your OP. If you want a tread about Venezuela, then start one.
The thread is on the failures of progressive policies. Your illiteracy is a monumental issue that you desperately need to address sparky.
Then this thread is a failure. I know you wish for the wonderful economic successes of the Bush Administration.
Progressive policies continue to have a profound devastating impact on this country. This is just the latest example:

"Fuel supplies in at least five states — Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas — were threatened by the spill, and the U.S. Department of Transportation ordered the company responsible to take corrective action before the fuel starts flowing again."

Just one leak of a single oil pipeline is negativity affecting 5 states. We had the opportunity to add the Keystone Pipeline but it was blocked by progressives. Not only would it have created jobs (that we desperately needed after the Obama regime destroyed so many of them) but it would have added the type of redundancy and additional resources we need in a situation like this.

Gas Prices Rise, Stations Running Out in Southeast U.S. After Pipeline Spill

No dumbass. The leak is on a refined gasoline line, not oil. There has already been 6000 gallons dumped in central Alabama. Do you want them to pump more out on the ground, or would it be better to fix the break first? doesn't matter the resource, you moron. The point is - you idiots continuously block the tools we need for energy.

The fact that you have to attempt to change the issue from what it is to a discussion on "its not oil, it's refined gas" speaks volumes. I guess you can't come up with something to defend this kind of stupidity, uh? Don't worry - I wouldn't be able to either. But then, that's why I don't support progressivism.

Since you are an idiot, I'll explain this one time. The shortage is is gasoline at the pumps, which is what the broken line was transporting. Bitumen from Canada, or crude oil from anywhere else wouldn't make any difference. Refineries have plenty of feed stock. The finished product is the shortage. I know you can get this if you just try.
Since you are beyond an idiot - I'll explain this again to you. If there were more pipelines for everything (including the "refined gasoline" that you want to focus on) this wouldn't be an issue. No worries friend - I don't expect progressives to understand redundancy or "single point of failure". These are concepts way beyond a progressives ability to grasp. It's why you people need to live off government to survive.
My, but you are truly one dumb ass. Over half the pipelines in the ground are operating at less than half pressure, because they are so old and corroded. The energy corporations are making billions every quarter, but make no attempt to remedy that.

And why should we give the energy companies free reign to build pipelines designed to fail? They have the money to do it right. Had they done the job right on that pipeline, they would not be in trouble now. As it is, they get a minimal fine, and we, the taxpayer, gets to foot the bill. The corporations continue to privatize the profits, and socialize the costs, and people like you support them.

That's another reason why dumbass thinks private industry does so much better. They don't have to pay the price of their fuck ups. The big bad gubment has to pay for that.
All of the policies that Dumbocrats have implemented and want to implement were implemented in Venezuela. This is how it always ends - famine, poverty, and misery:

Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela
What a fucked up liar you are. No Americans have had anything to do with the Venezuela's problems. It was people like you that made so many homeless because of the Bush administration.
I never said Americans had anything to do with Venezuela. So you're either a liar or illiterate. Based on your past posts - I'm confident in saying it's both. You're an illiterate liar.

I said the same policies that progressives advocate for here in America were implemented down in Venezuela and ended the same way it always does - famine, poverty, and misery. Complete and total collapse.
All of the policies that Dumbocrats have implemented and want to implement were implemented in Venezuela. This is how it always ends - famine, poverty, and misery:

Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela
What a fucked up liar you are. No Americans have had anything to do with the Venezuela's problems. It was people like you that made so many homeless because of the Bush administration.
I never said Americans had anything to do with Venezuela. So you're either a liar or illiterate. Based on your past posts - I'm confident in saying it's both. You're an illiterate liar.

I said the same policies that progressives advocate for here in America were implemented down in Venezuela and ended the same way it always does - famine, poverty, and misery. Complete and total collapse.

You are really floundering now. If you have any self respect left, you'll just shut up , and hope for better luck later
All of the policies that Dumbocrats have implemented and want to implement were implemented in Venezuela. This is how it always ends - famine, poverty, and misery:

Horrifying photos show how children are dying of hunger in Venezuela
What a fucked up liar you are. No Americans have had anything to do with the Venezuela's problems. It was people like you that made so many homeless because of the Bush administration.
I never said Americans had anything to do with Venezuela. So you're either a liar or illiterate. Based on your past posts - I'm confident in saying it's both. You're an illiterate liar.

I said the same policies that progressives advocate for here in America were implemented down in Venezuela and ended the same way it always does - famine, poverty, and misery. Complete and total collapse.

You are really floundering now. If you have any self respect left, you'll just shut up , and hope for better luck later
Of course you want me to "shut up" - I'm telling the truth. Progressives always want people telling the truth to shut up. That's why you guys make such an effort to silence them.

Notice you can't dispute the facts so you keep trying to hijack the thread?

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