Progressive Propaganda: The Voter Fraud Edition

Fragile little snowflake, Trump has nothing to do with this. Voter fraud existed decades and decades before Trump even ran for office :laugh:

I know he put you in your place, but damn man, you can't let him live rent-free in your head the rest of your life. That isn't healthy.
Where is that hand-jerking-off emoji?
Voter fraud is real and it is rampant. There’s a reason Democrats don’t want secure elections.
I'm stoked to hear all the new reports of voter fraud. I heard bigfoot was caught red-handed trying to vote outside his district!
I'm stoked to hear all the new reports of voter fraud. I heard bigfoot was caught red-handed trying to vote outside his district!
I'm not sure what is worse - how you're so "stoked" to reject all reality and facts or how you're so "stoked" to bend over to accommodate any Dumbocrat.

Both are pretty fucking gross really.
I'm not sure what is worse - how you're so "stoked" to reject all reality and facts or how you're so "stoked" to bend over to accommodate any Dumbocrat.

Both are pretty fucking gross really.
I get it. No one wants to admit that they fell for a con. Keep the faith!
Voter Fraud is real and it is rampant...
Ever notice this only happens in states or counties where Democrats are in power?
You mean ballots were sent out and not returned?
Yes, that is what happens

California has a population of 40 million of which 30 million are eligible to vote

For you to claim 10 million ballots were not returned is bogus
It will never go away. You cannot steal an election and expect it to. Your lie has failed.
For you to claim 10 million ballots were not returned is bogus
  1. I didn’t “claim” shit. I shared an article that covered facts.
  2. This is why you don’t vote by mail
10 unaccounted ballots is a problem. 10 million is a crisis. But, Democrats need voter fraud to win elections.
Dayum, looks like we need to do a recount and an audit in California too.
Recounts do not mean shit. illegal votes can be counted over and over. Anything our government is involved in should be transparent. When it comes to elections that is nowhere near to happening.

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