Progressive rioters attempt to destroy another city, deface women's WWII memorial


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
How many conservatives rioted, smashed things, and attacked police after known leftist extremist Barack Obama was elected?


How many conservatives rioted when Obama was RE-elected after having signed Obamacare and backed down on his promises in Syria?



Progressive Rioters Attempt to Destroy Another City Deface Women s WWII Memorial - Katie Pavlich

Progressive Rioters Attempt to Destroy Another City, Deface Women's WWII Memorial

Katie Pavlich
May 11, 2015

Progressive rioters took to the streets and threw another temper tantrum over the weekend. This time, it was in London where "peaceful protesters" stormed the streets, vandalized property and defaced the Women's World War II memorial in response to the re-election of conservative Prime Minister David Cameron.

A protest has erupted in central London against the re-election of Britain's Conservative prime minister David Cameron, with demonstrators throwing bottles, cans and smoke bombs at riot police.

Scuffles broke out when the anti-austerity demonstrators, blaring hooters, banging pots and chanting obscenities, confronted lines of police outside the gate leading to the prime minister's Downing Street residence. At one point a bicycle was hurled at police.

Police arrested 17 people, and four police officers and one member of police staff were injured during the protest, a Scotland Yard spokesman said.

A Reuters photographer estimated that a couple of hundred people took part in the protest, including a group of about 25 black-clad youths with sunglasses and face masks.

Not surprising.

Its always liberal and progressives who fight for basic human rights.

Conservatives/RWs want Big Government and invasive laws.

If it had been left to the conservatives/RWs here, we would still be speaking with an English accent.
Not surprising.

Its always liberal and progressives who fight for basic human rights.

Conservatives/RWs want Big Government and invasive laws.

If it had been left to the conservatives/RWs here, we would still be speaking with an English accent.

Republicans seem to believe that being walked on without saying ouch is a virtue.
Nope. Pointing out that progressives have gone across the pond, and all over the world, to commit outrages.... and conservatives haven't. Thanks for asking! :biggrin:
progressives have always been in English long before the us was ever a country.why are you asshole always so ignorant?
Notice the quick subject change, away from how much damage progressives are doing? Coupled with sudden onset of namecalling and cursing?
Nope. Pointing out that progressives have gone across the pond, and all over the world, to commit outrages.... and conservatives haven't. Thanks for asking! :biggrin:
progressives have always been in English long before the us was ever a country.why are you asshole always so ignorant?
Notice the quick subject change, away from how much damage progressives are doing? Coupled with sudden onset of namecalling and cursing?

Liberal characteristics to the core. You can always tell when these people can't defend their own agenda.
Not surprising.

Its always liberal and progressives who fight for basic human rights.

Conservatives/RWs want Big Government and invasive laws.

If it had been left to the conservatives/RWs here, we would still be speaking with an English accent.

What a crock of shit. Progressive pansies never would have run away from their masters. And they never would have fought when the British came. They would have opted to talk about it, and kept talking all the way back to England where their sorry asses would have been thrown in jail or maybe they would have been beheaded.
Not surprising.

Its always liberal and progressives who fight for basic human rights.

Conservatives/RWs want Big Government and invasive laws.

If it had been left to the conservatives/RWs here, we would still be speaking with an English accent.

What a crock of shit. Progressive pansies never would have run away from their masters. And they never would have fought when the British came. They would have opted to talk about it, and kept talking all the way back to England where their sorry asses would have been thrown in jail or maybe they would have been beheaded.

^^Someone doesnt know the definition of conservative or progressive
Nope. Pointing out that progressives have gone across the pond, and all over the world, to commit outrages.... and conservatives haven't. Thanks for asking! :biggrin:
progressives have always been in English long before the us was ever a country.why are you asshole always so ignorant?
Notice the quick subject change, away from how much damage progressives are doing? Coupled with sudden onset of namecalling and cursing?
false I corrected your obvious lack of any education in history, a common trait among conservative slapdicks.
^^Someone doesnt know the definition of conservative or progressive

All I see is a bunch of wimps who follow their leader blindly. You guys are the ones who call yourself liberals or progressives. Maybe you should just start being more honest.
Not surprising.

Its always liberal and progressives who fight for basic human rights.

Conservatives/RWs want Big Government and invasive laws.

If it had been left to the conservatives/RWs here, we would still be speaking with an English accent.
So let me get this straight, you support secession?

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