Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

I'm "pro banning of homosexuals"?

That's the second time you've lied.

I knew I was wasting my time responding. Thanks for the stimulating conversation.

Youve yet to comment on how you feel about the homosexual ban, and finding it "sad" that the opposite school speaks against the banning.

Youre literally against the school promoting the values of inclusiveness, because they dont support a school that favors BANNING opposing viewpoints.

Whats that called, Mac....

starts with an H
So in your mind, the fact that I think we should try to communicate with people who want to ban gays, means that I want to ban gays.

That's such a shallow and infantile thought process that I'm really not sure how to respond.

To provide an answer that you may understand, no, I don't think we should ban gays, and I'm pro-gay marriage and pro-gay adoption.

I hope that helps to calm you down a bit.
You spoke out in this thread against the school that canceled the game, stating its sad that they teach non inclusiveness.

BEFORE, speaking out against the school thats literally BANNING people.

Why do you think youre that crafty, Mac? Youre not, youre just a poorly reasoned hypocrite. You stepped on your own argument in your very first post by not realizing that the REASON for the protest, was the NON INCLUSIVENESS that youre spouting its sad that we do not teach.

Blatant hypocrisy
Whatever you'd like.

I the real world, I've said the same thing all along: We should encourage and enable communication, and not shun and avoid each other.

You can run with any fantasies that make you feel better about yourself.
You should do a better job at trying to hide being a hypocrite.

You agree with their protest, because theyre protesting just sad youre pro inclusiveness.

But said.... that its sad that theyre not being inclusive.

Its totally gross hypocrisy, Mac.
Okay, thanks!

Youve yet to comment on how you feel about the homosexual ban, and finding it "sad" that the opposite school speaks against the banning.

Youre literally against the school promoting the values of inclusiveness, because they dont support a school that favors BANNING opposing viewpoints.

Whats that called, Mac....

starts with an H
So in your mind, the fact that I think we should try to communicate with people who want to ban gays, means that I want to ban gays.

That's such a shallow and infantile thought process that I'm really not sure how to respond.

To provide an answer that you may understand, no, I don't think we should ban gays, and I'm pro-gay marriage and pro-gay adoption.

I hope that helps to calm you down a bit.
You spoke out in this thread against the school that canceled the game, stating its sad that they teach non inclusiveness.

BEFORE, speaking out against the school thats literally BANNING people.

Why do you think youre that crafty, Mac? Youre not, youre just a poorly reasoned hypocrite. You stepped on your own argument in your very first post by not realizing that the REASON for the protest, was the NON INCLUSIVENESS that youre spouting its sad that we do not teach.

Blatant hypocrisy
Whatever you'd like.

I the real world, I've said the same thing all along: We should encourage and enable communication, and not shun and avoid each other.

You can run with any fantasies that make you feel better about yourself.
You should do a better job at trying to hide being a hypocrite.

You agree with their protest, because theyre protesting just sad youre pro inclusiveness.

But said.... that its sad that theyre not being inclusive.

Its totally gross hypocrisy, Mac.
Okay, thanks!
No problem, hypocrite

Next time you run in to moralize and proclaim that its sad that a team canceled a game because youre pro inclusiveness..

maybe research the fact that they canceled the game because theyre pro inclusive of homosexual kids, and they dont support the bigotry against them.

That way, you wont step in shit and realize you railed against the wrong fuckin kids
It's actually fuckin sick if you think about it - to teach your kids that Homosexuals should be Banned from places and discriminated against...

That's literally a morally evil thing to do, to teach kids that.

And to teach other kids that its appropriate to stand up against a school of grown up adults that TEACH actually really cool.

The elders in Country are so disturbingly bigotted and gross, sometimes. Holy shit
Homosexuality is a fact of life - it occurs in Nature in almost every species.

Banning actual human beings from places because of it...

and teaching kids that that's the right thing to do..

Is the literal definition of being regressive.
Just out of curiosity, how exactly did this school ban homosexuals? Could someone please post the ACTUAL school rules. I've heard the media originally made a mistake about saying this school banned a student from speaking at graduation. This never actually occurred, so could someone please tell me specifically what behavior you are objecting too. I'd love to discuss this with people, even though I'm a casual Christian.
Just out of curiosity, how exactly did this school ban homosexuals? Could someone please post the ACTUAL school rules. I've heard the media originally made a mistake about saying this school banned a student from speaking at graduation. This never actually occurred, so could someone please tell me specifically what behavior you are objecting too. I'd love to discuss this with people, even though I'm a casual Christian.
Its based on the other school's Principal stating it in her letter declining the Game.

If she's wrong, and they don't actually ban homosexuals - then itd be great to know the truth and why shed lie.
Because we want to teach our children to be willing to communicate with people who are not like them.

It really saddens me that we've reached a point where that even needs to be said. In America.

Says the guy who posts in the CDZ and puts people on ignore when they contradict him?

I think the more important message is to teach kids that being a bigot will get you ostracized in polite society.

If this was a school that refused to hire minorities, we would not be having this conversation.
To all the anti-Christian posters, I don't hate you back. Just because people who hate Christianity say it is a hate filled religion, this doesn't make that assertion true.

I wouldn't know, I haven't met any "Christians". People who do what Jesus said to do. Haven't met them. I've met a bunch of self-righteous religious phonies who hate gay people for absolutely no good reason, but I wouldn't call those folks "Christians".
My JV year of high school, our varsity had decimated the school we were playing the week before we had to play it. When we showed up, we were pelted with rocks when getting off the buses. Not pea gravel but rail road track sized rocks. We still played. We kicked their butts too. :boohoo:

You shouldn't be playing sports if you are afraid of Jesus and/or Lesbians.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

Isn't saying people who hold Christian beliefs are not worth associating with bigotry as well?
I would say that if my thoughts were completely binary, and I couldn't use my reasoning for context.

Christian Beliefs are, by their very scripture, bigoted against certain folks.

Disengaging them based on that - or what binary thinkers would call "anti bigotry bigotry" isn't hypocritical, it's morally consistent against Bigotry.

i've seen all groups, races and people be bigoted against certain folks. shouldn't we be teaching / promoting tolerance?

anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

Isn't saying people who hold Christian beliefs are not worth associating with bigotry as well?
I would say that if my thoughts were completely binary, and I couldn't use my reasoning for context.

Christian Beliefs are, by their very scripture, bigoted against certain folks.

Disengaging them based on that - or what binary thinkers would call "anti bigotry bigotry" isn't hypocritical, it's morally consistent against Bigotry.

i've seen all groups, races and people be bigoted against certain folks. shouldn't we be teaching / promoting tolerance?

anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
Banning people encourages our advanced divide. I fully agree with you that it shouldn't be encouraged.
anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.

Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.
To all the anti-Christian posters, I don't hate you back. Just because people who hate Christianity say it is a hate filled religion, this doesn't make that assertion true.

Be careful what you call "Christianity." This school does not, absolutely does NOT represent the entire faith. This whole anti-LGBTQ thing comes from a specific set of cults. Please specify your denomination.
anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.

Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.
let people meet and see they're not nearly as different as *may* be believed. i grew up in a catholic school and it just wasn't as hellfire and brimstone as many people think. i've long since lost the need for religion but i don't get the hate for it.

reminds me of Silicon Valley - the HBO show. one dude didn't care if the world knew he was gay but once they found out he went to church, he was banned from all the techie functions.
anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.

Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.
They're not punishing the kids - they're punishing the adults that made the policy. You're blaming the adults grown up enough to not put up with modern day bigotry - and less worried about the school that bans gay people - which is the same thing as a school that would ban black people. Sexual attraction, you're born with it - get over it and grow the fuck up or face the consequences when rational people don't want to dignify your irrational behaviors.
anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.

Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.
They're not punishing the kids - they're punishing the adults that made the policy. You're blaming the adults grown up enough to not put up with modern day bigotry - and less worried about the school that bans gay people - which is the same thing as a school that would ban black people. Sexual attraction, you're born with it - get over it and grow the fuck up or face the consequences when rational people don't want to dignify your irrational behaviors.
people don't always agree - this hardline attitude from one side is just as bad as the hard line attitude from the other.
anything as far as i'm concerned that encourages or advanced divide and hate is questionable, at best.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.

Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.
They're not punishing the kids - they're punishing the adults that made the policy. You're blaming the adults grown up enough to not put up with modern day bigotry - and less worried about the school that bans gay people - which is the same thing as a school that would ban black people. Sexual attraction, you're born with it - get over it and grow the fuck up or face the consequences when rational people don't want to dignify your irrational behaviors.
people don't always agree - this hardline attitude from one side is just as bad as the hard line attitude from the other.
Actually, they're empirically different.

"Hard line" is a firm ban.
Having a principled difference of opinion is - declining an invitation because you don't respect the ethos of a place that discriminates for irrational reasons.
This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.


Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

The kids aren't the problem here, it's the adults. Therefore, you hit them where it hurts, in public prestige and the pocketbook (Sports are a big source of revenue for these schools).

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.

Again, says the guy who talks down to people and puts people on ignore when they dispute him too much.
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This is just another reflection of how we have decayed as a culture. Punish. Mock. Attack. Avoid. Divide. That's a terrible message to send to our kids.

Play the game and have a banner that addresses the issue in the stands. Wear rainbow arm bands. Rainbow sneakers. Whatever. But BE there.


Then encourage the kids to talk civilly with the other kids. I have NO doubt that there will be Christian kids who would admit they disagree with the policy, as long as they're not being attacked, mocked and screamed at.

The kids aren't the problem here, it's the adults. Therefore, you hit them where it hurts, in public prestige and the pocketbook (Sports are a big source of revenue for these schools).

This is just where we are. We've lost the capacity to communicate like reasonable adults, and we're seeing the predictable result all around us. We're celebrating, defending and encouraging actions that divide us even further. This is an ego-driven self-inflicted wound.

Again, says the guy who talks down to people and puts people on ignore when they dispute him too much.

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