Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids





But don't apologize. It's in the quote chain.

Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.
Dodging the statement then, you literalist fuck.
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

and now that the world knows this "school" is preaching homophobia, we can act accordingly.

Not seeing a problem here.

It isn't preaching anything. the only reason the people outside of those going to the school know about it is because the media wanted to do a hit piece on Pence via his wife.

The only bigotry going on here is on the part of the Progressive school, for not being even able to associate with the Christian school via a fucking high school basketball game.

Maybe the Sheridan students just plain don't want to associate with these people know that they know what ICS is about.

Maybe they should stop being full of themselves and play basketball. playing someone in a game is not an endorsement of anything.

The Giants playing the Cowboys does not mean the Giants endorse what they Cowboys do, as players, as an organization, or anything else.
I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.
Why expose school children to a bunch of bigoted fucks.

Because maybe they can learn to deal with people who disagree with them instead of trying to ruin or shun them?

That they learn that their views are not the be all end all?
I didnt dodge it - in FACT, I elaborated on why the two were made analogous.......they're both dispositions outside of your conscious control.

Unless you're going to tell me that your brain can tell your dick to get a boner for a tree if you really really wanted it to.

No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.
The school promotes a certain morality, and asks for that from their staff. That is way different than not wanting to even be on the court of the school for a basketball game.

No it isn't.

They don't want their staff to be gay.

The parents don't want their kids playing with little homophobes...

Done deal. Kids learn an important life lesson, being a homophobe is going to be a stigma as years go on. Good to learn that now.

Kids learn to be a bigoted fuck like you. Sorry, but if we want to learn to live together all you are doing is forcing this country towards a reckoning that cowards like you will not end up seeing the end of.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Seems like each school is standing by their principles to me. If the prog school doesn't want to play with the Xtians then so be it. IE. Not. Important. Outrage over nothing.

I’ve been wanting to use this icon.

This sounds like the appropriate thread.

Still don’t know who didn’t want to play with who…or why it matters.

Gosh, it was really nice of you to take the time to come into the thread and post about how you don't know what the topic is and don't understand the conversation and really don't think it's important, anyway. Because I know all of us were on pins and needles wondering if Cornball approved of the topic or could even comprehend it.

Your post is almost as big a waste of space as you are.
I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.

didn't read your post. Just the title.

I have no doubt that icky christian schools would refuse to play sports with any secular school that proudly enrolled gays and atheists and muslims.


Jaelene Hinkle’s decision not to play for the U.S. women’s national soccer team last summer was, she said, a simple one. Because of her religious beliefs (christian)

This school has played in this league for years. They are playing women's basketball, which has at least one probable lesbian on each team (and probably a closeted one on the Christian team)

It was because the uniform had an LGBT pride patch on it, not because she played with gay people (women's soccer, c'mon).
No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.

I’ve been wanting to use this icon.

This sounds like the appropriate thread.

Still don’t know who didn’t want to play with who…or why it matters.

It's pretty clear from the article. The "progressive school" says it feels uncomfortable playing at the Christian school, and I guess will forfeit the game there.

Maybe they saw the idiocy of that Convington bunch and figured fuck that, we don't have to be a participant in that shit.

Maybe you should post in something other than mindless slogans that don't really relate to the conversation.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Seems like each school is standing by their principles to me. If the prog school doesn't want to play with the Xtians then so be it. IE. Not. Important. Outrage over nothing.

The thing is the Christian school's team isn't enforcing any qualifications on any other team.

Stop trying to link admittance policies with being on the court at the same time, in a given place.
Another sign that leftists are trying to split the nation in two. They would love to secede if they could figure out how.

They don't want to secede. They want to isolate conservative Christians in ghettos so they can run everything exactly as they want without ever having to hear opposing arguments.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
Imagine if this had been a Christian school refusing to play a Muslim school.

Front page news, marches, boycotts, apology tours.

Cable "news" "panel discussions", one after the other. Starbucks taking a training day off, the whole thing.

Hypocrites teaching hate.
If these so called Christians actually followed the teachings of Christ they wouldn`t have this problem. When they start protesting wars and gun violence I may take their anti-abortion stance a little more seriously. Trump supporters have earned a one way ticket to hell.

So I hear you saying, "It's your own fault that we abuse you, because you insist on disagreeing with us!"

Who ever asked you to take anything seriously? You flatter yourself that anyone is panting for your approval, or would even accept it if you begged them.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!

Maybe the pa
This has absolutely nothing to do with "multi-culturalism." Multiculturalism" has to do with accepting the way that someone was born. ICS is an institution that chooses to push an ideology of hatred against others. Nobody has said anything about the race, sex, ethnicity, etc. of anyone at ICS.

You comment as if we all have to accept and encourage every ideology on the planet, regardless of its vulgarity and hatred of others. You act as if we people have no right to avoid such vulgar people.

Multiculturalism is about culture. MULTI CULTURALISM.

THe progressives at the one school, can't deal with the fact that another school has a different culture.

Multiculturalism has failed. Indeed, considering your response, one has to question whether it was ever meant to succeed.
Of what "culture" is ICS?

Some type of Evangelical Christian it seems. And the progressives cant' abide by it. It offends them and their bigotry.

Maybe Sheridan parents simply don't want their children exposed to evangelical bigots. Why can't they shield their children?

1. The irony that you would generalize that all evangelicals are bigots. You have the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.

2. THe article discussed how they were not only NOT playing at the other's school, but had tactics to try to offend and harass the students when they came to play at their school.

3. That you support this bigotry, is further proof that multiculturalism is dead, if it was ever real to begin with.

So how can Sheridan parents keep their kids from coming into contact with ICS kids?
and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.

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