Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.
Why expose school children to a bunch of bigoted fucks.

Because maybe they can learn to deal with people who disagree with them instead of trying to ruin or shun them?

That they learn that their views are not the be all end all?
Ignoring bigotry is not the answer. There is no putting up with bigotry, hatred, and racism.
I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.
Why expose school children to a bunch of bigoted fucks.

Because maybe they can learn to deal with people who disagree with them instead of trying to ruin or shun them?

That they learn that their views are not the be all end all?
Ignoring bigotry is not the answer. There is no putting up with bigotry, hatred, and racism.

So basically all religious people either have to ignore their religion or go into camps?


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!
Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
Thats rlly weird, Marty.

You guys are really emo....seriously!
Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
Thats rlly weird, Marty.

You guys are really emo....seriously!

And you are a sock of some other progressive loser, which one I have not determined yet.

And as for the emo thing. 2003 called, it wants its insult back.
I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.
Why expose school children to a bunch of bigoted fucks.

Because maybe they can learn to deal with people who disagree with them instead of trying to ruin or shun them?

That they learn that their views are not the be all end all?
Ignoring bigotry is not the answer. There is no putting up with bigotry, hatred, and racism.

Probably why Marty's calling him out on it.

Oh, wait, YOU were probably trying to say that mistreating Christians for their beliefs is some "noble attack" on bigotry, rather than the bigotry it actually is.

I have a question, and I'm really curious if you'll answer it honestly, or try to pretend you're not the hate-filled hypocrite everyone knows you are.

If Harvey Milk High School in NYC had a basketball team (I have no idea if they do or not) and it was scheduled to host a game, and the other team said they refused to set foot on their campus because they "didn't feel safe", that the Harvey Milk team would have to come to their campus, and that they further intended to verbally abuse and mistreat them when they showed up . . . would you consider that perfectly okay behavior and justifiable? Or is it only okay when it's directed at people you have personally decided don't deserve to exist?
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.
That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
Thats rlly weird, Marty.

You guys are really emo....seriously!

And you are a sock of some other progressive loser, which one I have not determined yet.

And as for the emo thing. 2003 called, it wants its insult back.
I've been here for 10 years and have never been banned once. You're a really different kinda weirdo, huh?
you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.

When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
Thats rlly weird, Marty.

You guys are really emo....seriously!

And you are a sock of some other progressive loser, which one I have not determined yet.

And as for the emo thing. 2003 called, it wants its insult back.
I've been here for 10 years and have never been banned once. You're a really different kinda weirdo, huh?

9.5 years. try to be accurate.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.

You believe you're a decent enough person to judge others?
I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.
Why expose school children to a bunch of bigoted fucks.

Because maybe they can learn to deal with people who disagree with them instead of trying to ruin or shun them?

That they learn that their views are not the be all end all?
Ignoring bigotry is not the answer. There is no putting up with bigotry, hatred, and racism.

So basically all religious people either have to ignore their religion or go into camps?
If they use it as an excuse to be bigots, yes.

Christianity does not exclude gay people, neither do Christians.
Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Seems like each school is standing by their principles to me. If the prog school doesn't want to play with the Xtians then so be it. IE. Not. Important. Outrage over nothing.

The thing is the Christian school's team isn't enforcing any qualifications on any other team.

Stop trying to link admittance policies with being on the court at the same time, in a given place.

None of that is relevant. The Xtian school has been boycotted by the prog school for either good/bad reason or no reasons at all. Speculation beyond the facts is a fool's errand.

It is all relevant. If you actually read the link, it would explain the progressive schools "reasons" for not wanting to play at the Christian school.

Note they offered to let both games be played at the progressive school, and insinuated the christian school players would be mocked mercilessly.

To quote the Stones: "You can't always get what you want".
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.

When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.
"bully pulpit of opinion?"

Like banning someone. That's using force.

Choosing not to dignify it is a different means to expose how absurd the discrimination is, and it's a non-violent and non-forceful way to do it. That's wisdom. Guys like YOU existing makes it Courage, as well.

The fact is, the Team forfeits. They lose the game, they win the point against Bigots and the trends point to them being correct in the History books as well.

Try not to lash out about their opinions, so hard.
Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....
Thats rlly weird, Marty.

You guys are really emo....seriously!

And you are a sock of some other progressive loser, which one I have not determined yet.

And as for the emo thing. 2003 called, it wants its insult back.
I've been here for 10 years and have never been banned once. You're a really different kinda weirdo, huh?

9.5 years. try to be accurate.
Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....

This from a one thast runs to the moderator to get you banned.
Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

Be careful, G.T. is a wibble baby that can't handle mean words thrown is his direction.

You will end up with a G.T. Puddle from all the melting....

I have rain boots.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.

When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.

Frankly, the league should inform Bigot High School that if they do not show up to the game where and when it has been scheduled, they will forfeit the game to their opponents. I believe that is the standard rule in high school leagues for no-shows.

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