Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Seems like each school is standing by their principles to me. If the prog school doesn't want to play with the Xtians then so be it. IE. Not. Important. Outrage over nothing.

The thing is the Christian school's team isn't enforcing any qualifications on any other team.

Stop trying to link admittance policies with being on the court at the same time, in a given place.

None of that is relevant. The Xtian school has been boycotted by the prog school for either good/bad reason or no reasons at all. Speculation beyond the facts is a fool's errand.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

So I hear you saying that playing a basketball game against a team from a Christian school is participating in and endorsing their beliefs. But refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is ridiculous, because how could THAT be construed as participating in and endorsing their lifestyle.

Do I have this straight, or are you actually less hypocritical than I currently think you are?
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

Isn't saying people who hold Christian beliefs are not worth associating with bigotry as well?

Yes, but that's GOOD bigotry, because it's against people who are holding beliefs they're not supposed to have.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

So I hear you saying that playing a basketball game against a team from a Christian school is participating in and endorsing their beliefs. But refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is ridiculous, because how could THAT be construed as participating in and endorsing their lifestyle.

Do I have this straight, or are you actually less hypocritical than I currently think you are?
You don't have it straight, because the word "cake" was nowhere inside of the post you're quoting.

Let me know when you have it straight, and I'd be glad to answer you based on my actual thoughts.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Seems like each school is standing by their principles to me. If the prog school doesn't want to play with the Xtians then so be it. IE. Not. Important. Outrage over nothing.

The thing is the Christian school's team isn't enforcing any qualifications on any other team.

Stop trying to link admittance policies with being on the court at the same time, in a given place.

None of that is relevant. The Xtian school has been boycotted by the prog school for either good/bad reason or no reasons at all. Speculation beyond the facts is a fool's errand.

It is all relevant. If you actually read the link, it would explain the progressive schools "reasons" for not wanting to play at the Christian school.

Note they offered to let both games be played at the progressive school, and insinuated the christian school players would be mocked mercilessly.
Yes, it is. it's being unable to stand anyone who thinks differently than you to be able to interact with you at something so simple as a High School basketball game.

Americans self segregate all the time. Why do you feel all the hand wringing on this particular issue is particularly notable?

Because it is over something a simple as playing someone else in an established high school basketball league.

You show up, you play, you leave. There is no endorsement of ideas, no agreement to a position, no acceptance of anything except play basketball.

Pretty sure they don't even really talk to each other. I don't recall seeing any debates on existentialism breaking out on basketball courts.
Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!
No, you ignore my point that while most religions have a taboo on homosexual acts, most also don't promote racism. That makes your appeal to the race card invalid when discussing this school in particular, and most religious schools.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

"I'm happy that other people think freedom of speech is only for speech I agree with! It makes me happy to think that in the future, there will be lots more intolerant haters like me lying to themselves about being good people!"
and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
Um, race was used as an analogy.

Do you know the function of the tool we call "analogy?"

The analogous properties were that both race and sexual attraction are not consciously decided.....and the analogy flows from there.

You're dismissing the analogy because this church isnt racist - when that's completely besides the point.

Why is this like talking to 12 year olds?

One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

"I'm happy that other people think freedom of speech is only for speech I agree with! It makes me happy to think that in the future, there will be lots more intolerant haters like me lying to themselves about being good people!"
You missed it again.

Actually, I said the explicit opposite. I was asked, directly, if I want the Church forced out of their views.

My answer was NO, with no equivocation.

It's always best to just base these things on stuff we actually say, not some charicature that playing too much in partisan lala land paints for you. It's turned a lot of folks into freaks saying things that no humans would actually ever say, face to face.

Ahh, the internet!
Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

So I hear you saying that playing a basketball game against a team from a Christian school is participating in and endorsing their beliefs. But refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is ridiculous, because how could THAT be construed as participating in and endorsing their lifestyle.

Do I have this straight, or are you actually less hypocritical than I currently think you are?
You don't have it straight, because the word "cake" was nowhere inside of the post you're quoting.

Let me know when you have it straight, and I'd be glad to answer you based on my actual thoughts.

"I can't answer your point, so I'm going to pretend I don't know what it was!"

So yes, you actually are the hypocrite I think you are, on top of being a bigot who sounds indistinguishable from any Klan member in the 1770s. Bravo!!!

And you're done. If I want to talk to garbage, I'll drive down to the city dump . . . which probably smells better than your putrid rationalizations.
It seems you are out of material. Maybe the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
I had hope for you that you were a reasonable adult man, I really did, but your arguments were fallacious and based on name calling tactics and you could barely follow a simple syllogism.

I'll try to engage you again in a few months when you've had some time to cool off and perhaps sharpen up your reasoning capabilities.

Run away little girl, run away.

I guess you melt as well.
That's just more immature name calling, Marty. Your reasoning was incompetent, and now you're the keyboard warrior archetype as a backup?

This site's entertaining!!

you get what you deserve. All you do is word games and circular arguments. you try to justify bigotry due to bigotry with a straight face, and you ignore any point you know weakens you argument.

The only thing left is to try to figure out who's sock you are.
The argument that is circular is yours, by saying school x's bigotry is more noble than school Y's, because snowflake. The lack of coherence is actually pretty gross.

You are again confusing the basketball court with the school's mission statements, and by extension their admission and employment policies.

You need all to be on the same field, and they are not.
One is a behavior, one is skin color.

You keep ignoring that most religions say the behavior of homosexuality is sinful. Unless you feel like making government force religions to change that, it is always going to be true.
Sexual attraction is a disposition.
Acting on your attraction is a behavior.
Homosexuality refers to the disposition of liking the same sex. Homosexual ACTS refer to the behavior.

and most Church positions are that the act is the sin, and thus this school does not want students or faculty that do not agree the same.
I'm not disputing what any Church thinks.

I'm happy that their Bigotry was not dignified using the good ole' American 1st Amendment. That makes me happy for the future.

"I'm happy that other people think freedom of speech is only for speech I agree with! It makes me happy to think that in the future, there will be lots more intolerant haters like me lying to themselves about being good people!"
You missed it again.

Actually, I said the explicit opposite. I was asked, directly, if I want the Church forced out of their views.

My answer was NO, with no equivocation.

It's always best to just base these things on stuff we actually say, not some charicature that playing too much in partisan lala land paints for you. It's turned a lot of folks into freaks saying things that no humans would actually ever say, face to face.

Ahh, the internet!

Still not worthy to talk to me. So sorry. Evolve a few hundred more years, and come back.
I wonder if the Christian school was all or predominately Black if this would have happened.
Or another religion.

So the school is proud to not only teach bigotry, but put it into action.

Ugly stuff.
What do you mean, Mac?

The school is teaching anti-bigotry if you researched the Story.

The school they declined to Visit bans Gay Parents, Students, and families that merely SUPPORT LGBT rights.

Do you want to teach kids that that form of Bigotry, as you just decried with this post, is OKAY?

Seems to me like you don't support a school that teaches bigotry.

So I hear you saying that playing a basketball game against a team from a Christian school is participating in and endorsing their beliefs. But refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding is ridiculous, because how could THAT be construed as participating in and endorsing their lifestyle.

Do I have this straight, or are you actually less hypocritical than I currently think you are?
You don't have it straight, because the word "cake" was nowhere inside of the post you're quoting.

Let me know when you have it straight, and I'd be glad to answer you based on my actual thoughts.

"I can't answer your point, so I'm going to pretend I don't know what it was!"

So yes, you actually are the hypocrite I think you are, on top of being a bigot who sounds indistinguishable from any Klan member in the 1770s. Bravo!!!

And you're done. If I want to talk to garbage, I'll drive down to the city dump . . . which probably smells better than your putrid rationalizations.
Thats a REALLY weird rant.

Why did it trigger you so much that you were wrong about Cake?

You people are fuggin nutbags!!! No wonder.
Stop running to the amendment. I am not calling on any government intervention here.

I am calling out the school for being a bunch of snowflakes.


Wow, caps. How 3rd grade of you.
^ THAT wasn't 3rd grade at all, and wasn't a waste of time either! And neither is THIS!


That's every bit as true as your delusion that you're a decent person.
You don't know me, Cecilie, but if your benchmark for judging a human's overall moral framework is a debate over a messageboard - then I WOULD speculate that you should re-evaluate your broken thought processes.

You're still not addressing anything directly, but you're more than happy to play your hand against strawmen.

Still Neanderthal bigoted garbage . . . although I will admit that your cross-burning is probably a bit more "on-the-nose" than your Klan forebears.

Whenever you get opposable thumbs, primitive, you will let me know, won't you?

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