Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

I guess "can't we all just get along" isn't going to work anymore.

Progressive Va. School Refuses To Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids

News media recently attacked second lady Karen Pence for teaching art at a Christian school that requires fidelity to Christian sexual mores from students and staff. Now a progressive private school that used to play athletic games against Pence’s Immanuel Christian School is refusing to play against them at their facility, on grounds that playing basketball at a Christian school makes children “unsafe.” Yes, really.

The school in question did not go out of their way to advertise their viewpoints, they were thrust into the limelight because Pence's wife had the audacity to work there, and the media decided to make them a "Christians bad" story.

I particularly like these parts:

So we decided that we would invite ICS to play all of the games at Sheridan. Since ICS declined our offer to host, we will only play our home games and will not go to ICS to play.

When Immanuel kids come to play at Sheridan, Donovan said, her students plan to antagonize the Christian children by plastering LGBT images across their clothing and waving LGBT-celebratory signs during games.

So they asked to hold all the games on their home court, because, you know, uncomfortable, and then the person said they would go out of their way to make the other schools kids be uncomfortable as possible.

What a display of doublethink.

More hate and bigotry, if a school refuses to play another school for whatever reason it’s a forfeit and the team that made the decision gets a loss and the other school gets a win. If they wind up playing against each other in the playoffs, that would be pretty interesting.

Petty, silly and Immature.
What's most disturbing about the progressive school's stance on this is the mention of them preparing to chant things at the visiting team and put up signs supporting a gay and transgender agenda. So it's "uncomfortable" for their students to simply visit the other school where to the best of my knowledge no behavior like that has ever taken place but it's OK for them to deliberately try and make the visiting students from the Christian school feel extremely uncomfortable? "Progressives" have lost their minds.

Naw, you guys have lost your minds when you just run out of people to hate, and you have to run on your own loopy economic ideas.
More hate and bigotry, if a school refuses to play another school for whatever reason it’s a forfeit and the team that made the decision gets a loss and the other school gets a win. If they wind up playing against each other in the playoffs, that would be pretty interesting.

Petty, silly and Immature.

Naw, dude, what is silly is that we are still discussing a right to be a bigot in this country.

If they were banning black kids and staff, there wouldn't be an issue here.
What's most disturbing about the progressive school's stance on this is the mention of them preparing to chant things at the visiting team and put up signs supporting a gay and transgender agenda. So it's "uncomfortable" for their students to simply visit the other school where to the best of my knowledge no behavior like that has ever taken place but it's OK for them to deliberately try and make the visiting students from the Christian school feel extremely uncomfortable? "Progressives" have lost their minds.

Naw, you guys have lost your minds when you just run out of people to hate, and you have to run on your own loopy economic ideas.

Us guys? Not sure what you mean by that, Joey since I don't have a problem with gay people and I'm one of the least religious people you'll ever meet. My point is that when it comes to tolerance...the left always accuses the right of having none...but in reality it's usually "you guys" that have no tolerance...something that this "progressive" school is demonstrating by how they treat some people who don't have the same views as they do.
I have lived long enough to know there is no shortage of intolerant people on both sides of the isle...They just don't agree on specifics but it is there..
Us guys? Not sure what you mean by that, Joey since I don't have a problem with gay people and I'm one of the least religious people you'll ever meet. My point is that when it comes to tolerance...the left always accuses the right of having none...but in reality it's usually "you guys" that have no tolerance...something that this "progressive" school is demonstrating by how they treat some people who don't have the same views as they do.

If Jesus was telling the people at the religious school "no Blacks", we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So why are we tolerating it for the gays?
Right wingers are raising their kids to be such sensitive sissies.

They get so upset just because other kids are wearing rainbow pins.

What are they going to do when they see an actual rainbow? Fall down on the ground in fits of weeping?
So you are saying that we cannot shield children from these people???

Who's "we", bigot? None of the children involved belong to you. Even if you managed to produce spawn, I doubt you could afford to send them to either of these schools. You're awfully quick to deal yourself into the raising of other people's children.

And the answer is, "Wanting to 'protect' children from ever having to encounter people who are different from them is the definition of 'bigotry'." So congratulations on revealing yourself for what you are yet again.
I'm not confused, Marty - and I've already addressed directly what my view is.

If this was a school that banned black folks - this would be an EXPECTED protest.


Since society is so far behind in ridding itself of homophobia, this seems new and weird to do. It's okay, the Country is catching up! Same way they did on Marriage.

It's not weird at all, a person should not be Banned from some-place because of their legal sexual disposition, just like they shouldn't be banned because of their racial dispositions. It's prehistoric to accept this level of bigotry, or to dignify it at all. Others using their 1st Amendment against it gives them a choice: learn from it, or continue down the broken path. Dispositions are our natural state of being, and when they're not criminal and infringing on anyone - casting them out is a disgusting thing to do. ESPECIALLY if they're children, it's actually pretty disgusting!

That is your opinion, and the opinion of the left. Plenty of religious people still see homosexuality is as sinful. Do not mistake tolerance for acceptance, and do not assume tolerance will continue if acceptance is forced.

The progressive school's leaders are using children for political purposes, which is the only disgusting thing going on.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.

When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.

Frankly, the league should inform Bigot High School that if they do not show up to the game where and when it has been scheduled, they will forfeit the game to their opponents. I believe that is the standard rule in high school leagues for no-shows.

It depends on what type of people run the league. If they are also SJW idiots they will find some way to let the progressive school off the hook.

My understanding - although there's obviously a dearth of media coverage on the subject, so it's hard to research - is that this is not the only "progressive" school progressing into hatred and bigotry. There are apparently other schools in the country which have taken it upon themselves to decide that they can't participate in competitions with Christian schools because they might get "religious cooties", AND those schools are pressuring their leagues to let them get away with it without taking the forfeit. I find it very doubtful that leftists are capable of taking a "principled stand" on anything for any longer than it takes them to bullly others into letting them escape the penalty.
Protest is not force.
Law and violence is force.

They did it the right way, and you don't like their Opinion.

Your opinion is just as great as anyone else's - but Racists are typically shunned, fired, booted and not taken very seriously and so will go the same for homophobes. It's progress, and our acceptance of others and no longer burning them at the stake can be directly correlated on a graph with our drastic reduction in Violence.

Have you seen this?

The statistics are actually pretty great. Sorry if you're old and had to go through that whole 80s thing but - it's much safer per capita today.

When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.

Frankly, the league should inform Bigot High School that if they do not show up to the game where and when it has been scheduled, they will forfeit the game to their opponents. I believe that is the standard rule in high school leagues for no-shows.
It's a given that they forfeit, Cecilie. That's what makes it a principled stance - because the parents of the Christian school kids need someone else to teach their kids basic principles of anti discrimination in society. That's really sad, too.

And yet the progressive school people are discriminating against the christian school.

Two wrongs only make a right in the addled mind of the progressive.
So, the Christian school is WRONG for their discrimination now? Can I mark you down for that in virtue of saying "two" wrongs?

So the progressive school is wrong for THEIR discrimination now? Or are you still sticking to the hypocritical "It's not wrong when WE do it" stance?
Right wingers are raising their kids to be such sensitive sissies.

They get so upset just because other kids are wearing rainbow pins.

What are they going to do when they see an actual rainbow? Fall down on the ground in fits of weeping?

They are so sensitive that a Progressive school can’t play at there school? It seems that the left is being the sensitive sissies.
So you are saying that we cannot shield children from these people???

Who's "we", bigot? None of the children involved belong to you. Even if you managed to produce spawn, I doubt you could afford to send them to either of these schools. You're awfully quick to deal yourself into the raising of other people's children.

And the answer is, "Wanting to 'protect' children from ever having to encounter people who are different from them is the definition of 'bigotry'." So congratulations on revealing yourself for what you are yet again.

You are a fundie, and your cult has made no secret of trying to recruit kids when their parents aren't around. Also, if you read the article, some of the Sheridan school students said they felt unsafe at ICS. Apparently, folks at the Sheridan school disapprove of discrimination.The article also said that ICS could come there and play.

I personally was ambushed by two members of my writers' group, two crazy women who rudely whipped out bibles and started questioning me on my beliefs, and I am an adult. Imagine if I had been a child. Only three of us showed up that night and we were supposed to be there to critique each other's work. It's funny that one of them had asked me previously to edit her autobigraphy. I'm glad I ducked.
People used to a lot less rude than they are now.
When you use the bully pulpit of opinion, when you shun anyone that doesn't agree with you, you are using force. Stop trying to kid yourself.

The right way would have been to wear a patch, or hold up signs and such. Refusing to play, and by extension making the league choose between schools is force.

Sorry, but unless you eliminate every single mainline religion, or change them into things not remotely the same as they are now, then you will not get people to accept homosexualty as normal.

Frankly, the league should inform Bigot High School that if they do not show up to the game where and when it has been scheduled, they will forfeit the game to their opponents. I believe that is the standard rule in high school leagues for no-shows.
It's a given that they forfeit, Cecilie. That's what makes it a principled stance - because the parents of the Christian school kids need someone else to teach their kids basic principles of anti discrimination in society. That's really sad, too.

And yet the progressive school people are discriminating against the christian school.

Two wrongs only make a right in the addled mind of the progressive.
So, the Christian school is WRONG for their discrimination now? Can I mark you down for that in virtue of saying "two" wrongs?

So the progressive school is wrong for THEIR discrimination now? Or are you still sticking to the hypocritical "It's not wrong when WE do it" stance?
The school issuing their boycott is in the right in my opinion. Parents teaching their kids to be bigots against someone's natural disposition is kind of sick & twisted.
In your view they are wrong, and then you go with the wrong of being passive aggressive ninnys.

But you see it as a "right" which makes you a passive aggressive ninny enabler.

If I had kids I wouldn't send them to either school, but that doesn't mean I want to make the schools change what they do.
I don't want to MAKE anyone do ANYTHING - it seems your Authoritarian bent is the one who wants to MAKE kids play a game because you disagree with their form of protest.

When you support boycotts like this, of course you are trying to MAKE people change. And it never ends there. It goes from this, to petitions to the league to kick out the Christian school, to lawsuits to make them change their hiring practices.
no, speech is the antithesis of force..thats its virtue. you just dont like your pet bigotries being eroded. oh well

The force is the work behind the words, when you try to remove people from society via your words, you are using force.

My issue is again the freedom of others to live how they see fit, not to force them to behave and think they way the prevailing winds want them to.

My views on homosexuality are not material, and I disagree mostly with the Christian school, but I defend their right to set their own rules in this instance, and to not be shamed for it.
Then, why don't you support others who do not want to support them? Why isn't my freedom NOT to hase my kids go there for an event?

Who said you didn't? Why do leftists never understand that having the freedom to do something isn't the same as doing it without being criticized? Given the way every other word out of your mouth is condemning and criticizing others for disagreeing with you, it's fairly amazing that you collapse into a heap of tears about "oppression" the first time someone dares to suggest merely that your behavior might be bad.

Put on some big-boy Underoos and butch up, snowflake.
When you support boycotts like this, of course you are trying to MAKE people change. And it never ends there. It goes from this, to petitions to the league to kick out the Christian school, to lawsuits to make them change their hiring practices.
no, speech is the antithesis of force..thats its virtue. you just dont like your pet bigotries being eroded. oh well

The force is the work behind the words, when you try to remove people from society via your words, you are using force.

My issue is again the freedom of others to live how they see fit, not to force them to behave and think they way the prevailing winds want them to.

My views on homosexuality are not material, and I disagree mostly with the Christian school, but I defend their right to set their own rules in this instance, and to not be shamed for it.
Free speech is one of the Virtues of the Enlightenment period. If you cannot stand it, its a function of what the speech is saying and not of disliking the Virtue of free speech.

One would hope.

It's when you back up your speech with consequences to someone else's speech that the issue appears.

This isn't trying to convince the others to change their mind, it's to shun them and force them to submit.
Shunning is speech.

It allows the ideas of merit to STAND on their merit, and then others can decide based on the merit who to stand WITH.

Thats the beauty of Liberty.

At least it is when you're doing it. When someone you disagree with does it - or can be accused of doing it - suddenly it's antithetical to liberty and needs the government to come in and tell them to get their nasty selves back in line with "good speech", ie. what you think they should say.
no, speech is the antithesis of force..thats its virtue. you just dont like your pet bigotries being eroded. oh well

The force is the work behind the words, when you try to remove people from society via your words, you are using force.

My issue is again the freedom of others to live how they see fit, not to force them to behave and think they way the prevailing winds want them to.

My views on homosexuality are not material, and I disagree mostly with the Christian school, but I defend their right to set their own rules in this instance, and to not be shamed for it.
Free speech is one of the Virtues of the Enlightenment period. If you cannot stand it, its a function of what the speech is saying and not of disliking the Virtue of free speech.

One would hope.

It's when you back up your speech with consequences to someone else's speech that the issue appears.

This isn't trying to convince the others to change their mind, it's to shun them and force them to submit.
Shunning is speech.

It allows the ideas of merit to STAND on their merit, and then others can decide based on the merit who to stand WITH.

Thats the beauty of Liberty.

At least it is when you're doing it. When someone you disagree with does it - or can be accused of doing it - suddenly it's antithetical to liberty and needs the government to come in and tell them to get their nasty selves back in line with "good speech", ie. what you think they should say.
Strawman. What a waste of time.
The force is the work behind the words, when you try to remove people from society via your words, you are using force.

My issue is again the freedom of others to live how they see fit, not to force them to behave and think they way the prevailing winds want them to.

My views on homosexuality are not material, and I disagree mostly with the Christian school, but I defend their right to set their own rules in this instance, and to not be shamed for it.
Free speech is one of the Virtues of the Enlightenment period. If you cannot stand it, its a function of what the speech is saying and not of disliking the Virtue of free speech.

One would hope.

It's when you back up your speech with consequences to someone else's speech that the issue appears.

This isn't trying to convince the others to change their mind, it's to shun them and force them to submit.
Shunning is speech.

It allows the ideas of merit to STAND on their merit, and then others can decide based on the merit who to stand WITH.

Thats the beauty of Liberty.

Shunning is an action, not speech. Trying to get others to shun as well is speech in the furtherance of a greater action.

Trying to shame people who think differently than you isn't liberty, it's tyranny.

I mean you DO realize that the private school shuns teachers who don't agree with them, don't you?

Actions most certainly can be free speech.

I'm not sure why it's suddenly such an outrageous shock that businesses hire employees whose thinking on relevant subjects is in line with the business's.
Shunning is speech.

It allows the ideas of merit to STAND on their merit, and then others can decide based on the merit who to stand WITH.

Thats the beauty of Liberty.

Shunning is an action, not speech. Trying to get others to shun as well is speech in the furtherance of a greater action.

Trying to shame people who think differently than you isn't liberty, it's tyranny.

I mean you DO realize that the private school shuns teachers who don't agree with them, don't you?

Actions most certainly can be free speech.

That is the mission of the school. If the progressive school wants to be honest and come out and say "our mission is to be assholes to people we don't like" then I would have less of an issue.

it's not like the Christian School wants the gay teacher to never teach anywhere. However I have a feeling the Progressive school's wish is to get the Christian School kicked out of the conference.

But what do you care what they WISH to do? The school would have a pretty plain case of religious discrimination if they were kicked out of the conference. Even if every other school refuse to play at their campus, so what? You take the forfeit wins and move on.

At that level the idea is about playing and improving how you play, which doesn't happen in a forfeit.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure all the kids on all those teams are there because they want to play, not just chalk up forfeit wins because the other side is a bunch of xenophobic bigots.
Except there is no evidence of bigotry

Sure there is... They just dress it up in religion and claim it isn't.

So one more time.

View attachment 243613

No there is not

CIte one piece of evidence that this specific school teaches bigotry.

They teach beliefs that disagree with what the left wants them to believe, and everyone knows that all beliefs opposed by the left are "bigotry" by definition.
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So you are saying that we cannot shield children from these people???

Who's "we", bigot? None of the children involved belong to you. Even if you managed to produce spawn, I doubt you could afford to send them to either of these schools. You're awfully quick to deal yourself into the raising of other people's children.

And the answer is, "Wanting to 'protect' children from ever having to encounter people who are different from them is the definition of 'bigotry'." So congratulations on revealing yourself for what you are yet again.

You are a fundie, and your cult has made no secret of trying to recruit kids when their parents aren't around. Also, if you read the article, some of the Sheridan school students said they felt unsafe at ICS. Apparently, folks at the Sheridan school disapprove of discrimination.The article also said that ICS could come there and play.

I personally was ambushed by two members of my writers' group, two crazy women who rudely whipped out bibles and started questioning me on my beliefs, and I am an adult. Imagine if I had been a child. Only three of us showed up that night and we were supposed to be there to critique each other's work. It's funny that one of them had asked me previously to edit her autobigraphy. I'm glad I ducked.
People used to a lot less rude than they are now.

"You are . . . a person! And a woman! And a brunette! I think it's a terrible insult to call you something you proudly admit to being, because I'm sure it will make you ashamed of it!"

Stopped reading there. I've heard you spew bitterness because you can't be me far too many times to need it again. And let's face it, it's not like you will ever say anything that will edify anyone, anyway.

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