Progressives: Despicable Liars

I can and would articulate my opinions on the St. of CA's economic situation.
Hey ignoramus? When I said “CA”, I was referring to ColonelAngus - not California. Holy shit are you stupid. You can’t follow a basic conversation. :laugh:

Not only are you a callous conservative, you are captious too. Since Col. Angus is nothing more than a bump on the road he is very forgettable, just like you.
Not only are you a callous conservative, you are captious too.
Not only are you an ignorant progressive, you are also a horrible person. Anyone who can’t follow a conversation they are in is an idiot. Anyone who thinks that defending liberty is “callous” is a super idiot.
Not only are you a callous conservative, you are captious too.
Not only are you an ignorant progressive, you are also a horrible person. Anyone who can’t follow a conversation they are in is an idiot. Anyone who thinks that defending liberty is “callous” is a super idiot.

I'm sorry, I should use definitions when my vocabulary is far beyond you level of education and intelligence. I will try in the future to talk down to you, and avoid anything too difficult for someone of your mental capacity to comprehend.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports or making false accusations to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:
“During the conversation with the waitress, the waitress confessed to writing the racial comment on the ticket herself due to being upset that day,” Shipley explained.

He noted that the server took the ticket book, which contained the ticket from the sheriff’s employee’s table, and hand-wrote the slur herself while hiding out in the restroom.
This is what the left does every single day in this country. They engage in acts of racism, violence, and crime and attempt to frame conservatives for it. Sick.

Waitress reportedly scrawled racial slur on a receipt and tried to frame a sheriff’s employee for it

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This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports or making false accusations to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:
“During the conversation with the waitress, the waitress confessed to writing the racial comment on the ticket herself due to being upset that day,” Shipley explained.

He noted that the server took the ticket book, which contained the ticket from the sheriff’s employee’s table, and hand-wrote the slur herself while hiding out in the restroom.
This is what the left does every single day in this country. They engage in acts of racism, violence, and crime and attempt to frame conservatives for it. Sick.

Waitress reportedly scrawled racial slur on a receipt and tried to frame a sheriff’s employee for it

View attachment 208706

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does a dishonest waitress have to do with either a sociopolitical movement of the period 1890-1920, or with "the left"?

Strawman much, Buttsoiler?

Check your own thread title, fucking moron....

I know, I know, you don't have the balls to answer, run away and hide, wimpy.
Let’s hope this piece of shit is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Then, after the allegations were made public, the man who reported them recanted his story via social media on Sept. 26. The tomfoolery diverted valuable committee resources and slowed the process of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Grassley said.
This is what the left does. Lying. False accusations. Misinformation. A bunch of disgusting animals.

Senate Judiciary Committee refers ‘false statements’ against Brett Kavanaugh to FBI

Let’s hope this piece of shit is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Then, after the allegations were made public, the man who reported them recanted his story via social media on Sept. 26. The tomfoolery diverted valuable committee resources and slowed the process of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Grassley said.
This is what the left does. Lying. False accusations. Misinformation. A bunch of disgusting animals.

Senate Judiciary Committee refers ‘false statements’ against Brett Kavanaugh to FBI

View attachment 219791
Look how these lying scum deflect spin and lie.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:
One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
The left is truly the ideology of evil. No morals. No ethics. No integrity.


Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155
if only, we could lead by example.

i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155
if only, we could lead by example.

i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
I always say proof means nothing to liberals, and no amount of showing them what their scum brothers are doing matters. They want violence and crime.

if only, we could lead by example.
You do, snowflake. You’ve been showing the left how to lie, cheat, and steal since you joined USMB. Every post you make on “USMB leads by example” with bullshit and pure propaganda.
i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
Nobody here is surprised at all by that statement. Progressives always side with dictators and communist states.
I'm sorry, I should use definitions when my vocabulary is far beyond you level of education and intelligence.
Since you’re incapable of following the conversation, why don’t you focus on reading comprehension second (after mastering basic grammar first) before attempting to trick everyone into thinking you’re “intelligent” by using words you don’t even know how to use?
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155
if only, we could lead by example.

i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
I always say proof means nothing to liberals, and no amount of showing them what their scum brothers are doing matters. They want violence and crime.

View attachment 226678
so what; the right wing always blames the Poor under Capitalism, Because they are not worth it.
if only, we could lead by example.
You do, snowflake. You’ve been showing the left how to lie, cheat, and steal since you joined USMB. Every post you make on “USMB leads by example” with bullshit and pure propaganda.
i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
Nobody here is surprised at all by that statement. Progressives always side with dictators and communist states.
only when they are more honest than the right wing.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

View attachment 100155
if only, we could lead by example.

i sometimes believe the Russians more than the right wing.
I always say proof means nothing to liberals, and no amount of showing them what their scum brothers are doing matters. They want violence and crime.

View attachment 226678
so what; the right wing always blames the Poor under Capitalism, Because they are not worth it.
When called out notice they deflect and lie.
so what; the right wing always blames the Poor under Capitalism
Under capitalism, no “blame” is necessary because it produces prosperity. The problem is, you left-wing idiots deploy failed socialist policies and attempt to blame the failure on capitalism.

Capitalism has no welfare. Capitalism has no social security. Capitalism has no food stamps. Capitalism has no government housing. Capitalism has no Obamacare.
so what; the right wing always blames the Poor under Capitalism
Under capitalism, no “blame” is necessary because it produces prosperity. The problem is, you left-wing idiots deploy failed socialist policies and attempt to blame the failure on capitalism.

Capitalism has no welfare. Capitalism has no social security. Capitalism has no food stamps. Capitalism has no government housing. Capitalism has no Obamacare.
or financing Government with the Other, Peoples' Debt.

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