Progressives: Despicable Liars

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly committing crimes and attempting to frame innocent, law abiding conservatives for them.
But the school has since discovered that one of the black cadets at the academy was responsible for the hate crime, which has been revealed to be a hoax.
And, as usual, the media went wild over the alleged “crime” but has been dead silent about the fact that a lying liberal was behind it (as always).

You’ll Never Guess Who Wrote the Racist Message Targeting Black Air Force Cadets

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly committing crimes and attempting to frame innocent, law abiding conservatives for them.
But the school has since discovered that one of the black cadets at the academy was responsible for the hate crime, which has been revealed to be a hoax.
And, as usual, the media went wild over the alleged “crime” but has been dead silent about the fact that a lying liberal was behind it (as always).

You’ll Never Guess Who Wrote the Racist Message Targeting Black Air Force Cadets

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That's the Commandment that trumpanzees don't follow.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly committing crimes and attempting to frame innocent, law abiding conservatives for them.
But the school has since discovered that one of the black cadets at the academy was responsible for the hate crime, which has been revealed to be a hoax.
And, as usual, the media went wild over the alleged “crime” but has been dead silent about the fact that a lying liberal was behind it (as always).

You’ll Never Guess Who Wrote the Racist Message Targeting Black Air Force Cadets

View attachment 162695

Here's the thing.

Conservatives never act the way the little Goebbels of the Communist press portray them to act.

I mean, if the Conservatives refuse to be racists who harass blacks and other people favored by the Communists, what are the democrats to do other than fake a few crimes?

It's the Conservatives fault for not living up to the stereotype propagated by the leftist press and their party masters.
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports or making false accusations to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:
“I did write it,” Cavil said Monday. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.” Cavil also apologized to a reporter for lying to him about the story. “I’m sorry. I deeply made a huge, big mistake,” Cavil said. “And I’m in the process of getting the help that I need.”
This is what the left does every single day in this country. They engage in acts of racism, violence, and crime and attempt to frame conservatives for it. Sick.

Texas steakhouse customer banned for racist note to waiter – then the truth comes out

This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports or making false accusations to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:
“I did write it,” Cavil said Monday. “I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.” Cavil also apologized to a reporter for lying to him about the story. “I’m sorry. I deeply made a huge, big mistake,” Cavil said. “And I’m in the process of getting the help that I need.”
This is what the left does every single day in this country. They engage in acts of racism, violence, and crime and attempt to frame conservatives for it. Sick.

Texas steakhouse customer banned for racist note to waiter – then the truth comes out

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Where the fuck does your link mention anything about "Progressive" anything, Buttsoiler?

"Progressive" -- not found. Not even insurance. Flo a no-show.

Where the fuck does it say anything about "the left"?

Or anything remotely about any kind of "politics" in any way whatsoever?

Oh and the exact same applies to the last two bullshit posts you made on this page too.

Nice biblical quote. Maybe you should actually, y'know, read it.

Flaming Dumbass.
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IRONY: "This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly committing crimes and attempting to frame innocent, law abiding conservatives for them."

What was that commandment? Oh, yea, Thou shall not bear false witness against they neighbor.

Irony, hypocritical variety.
IRONY: "This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly committing crimes and attempting to frame innocent, law abiding conservatives for them." What was that commandment? Oh, yea, Thou shall not bear false witness against they neighbor. Irony, hypocritical variety.
What “irony”? There is a link to a verifiable article in every post. Watching you become unraveled over the truth is priceless. I love watching the inner conflict as you slowly realize how you were a weak-minded minion who was easily duped.
Liberals lie..bigly

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Progs have to lie because their ideology hurts America.

If they told the truth about their intentions, they wouldn’t win any elections.
Progs have to lie because their ideology hurts America. If they told the truth about their intentions, they wouldn’t win any elections.

What truths are they?

That the left is made up of dictators with a deep and disturbing lust for power and control.

Do you believe anyone takes you seriously?
They don’t have to. All they have to do is accept reality. Something progressives refuse to do.
Progs have to lie because their ideology hurts America.

If they told the truth about their intentions, they wouldn’t win any elections.

What truths are they?

Like when Gruber admitted they lied about Obamacare, for example.

Another example is liberals constantly lie to minorities that Republicans will put them back in chains. Hillary lied about the Primaries being authentic.

It goes on and on.
Progs have to lie because their ideology hurts America.

If they told the truth about their intentions, they wouldn’t win any elections.

What truths are they?

Like when Gruber admitted they lied about Obamacare, for example.

Another example is liberals constantly lie to minorities that Republicans will put them back in chains. Hillary lied about the Primaries being authentic.

It goes on and on.

Full of Bullshit ^^^; how pitiful.
Full of Bullshit ^^^; how pitiful.

It’s appropriate the phrase “full of bullshit” is next to your name. Your inability to articulate what is “bullshit” about CA’s post speaks volumes.

I can and would articulate my opinions on the St. of CA's economic situation. The fact is assholes and ignoramus will never read and consider any post which is substantive, thoughtful and thought provoking - you are an example of an asshole who continues to play the same tune, off key, each time you post a thread, or respond to a reasoned post.

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