Progressives: Despicable Liars

Dood, I haven't voted for a Progressive since 1924. Why do you need to lie about things?

here you go.... Sorry took so long but I have a life and it is more important then proving you a liar that we all know you to be.

Daaaaaaamn! Pogo just became someone's bitch yet again.

You have to ask yourself...what kind of tool denies that progressives exist? :banghead:
So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?
Bwahahahahaha! thanatos144 just made you his bitch and your best excuse for your lies is "Hitlery Clinton isn't an authority on political science"?!? What a tool.

So Pogo's position is that he is more of an authority on political science that Hitlery Clinton is... :lmao:
Think of the "logic" here by the resident idiot Pogo...

Barack Obama: "I'm a marxist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Bernie Sanders: "I'm a socialist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Hitlery Clinton: "I'm a progressive"
Pogo: "No she's not! She doesn't know what he is, but I do"

God almighty...what kind of tool does it take to deny reality. Hitlery Clinton in on video calling herself a progressive and still this dimwit attempts to deny it. Unbelievable....
Ohhhhh....I see the problem. Because they call that period in American history the "Progressive Period" you think progressivism officially ended at the end of that period.

Snowflake, the date range is not like the birth and death dates on a headstone. When it says 1890 - 1920, it doesn't mean that progressivism died at that moment. :lmao:

Yeah actually it does mean that. That's the whole point of establishing a "start date" and "end date".
Not that either is to be marked as an exact moment; they're approximations. But they're also dates that all those sources agree on. They round off to decade-ending numbers "90" and "20". If you want to fine tune it, "Fighting Bob" LaFollette was still around five more years, having died in 1925. And since he ran for POTUS as a Progressive in '24, I'll spot you five years.

Even 1925, for those of you not grasping math, would be 92 years ago. And perhaps we should explain that when we say "ago" we mean "in the past". Which means done. Over. Finished. Has run its course. Confined to the world of Yesterday. Which makes the last two words of your title especially ironic.

She is desperate for attention/arguments.

Still no word on who "she" is but it would appear you're the one staying up to three and four in the morning desperately trying to revive this fake horse that was DOA.
And yet the hag you voted for called herself a progressive..... Why do you feel the need to lie about things?


Dood, I haven't voted for a Progressive since 1924. Why do you need to lie about things?

here you go.... Sorry took so long but I have a life and it is more important then proving you a liar that we all know you to be.

So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?

Interesting. Because all I ever hear around this joint is "she's a liar".

Having it both ways: Priceless. :popcorn:

That's ok, you're a liar too. If she says she is a Progressive" then she is. You jus ain't all that Pogo.
Think of the "logic" here by the resident idiot Pogo...

Barack Obama: "I'm a marxist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Bernie Sanders: "I'm a socialist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Hitlery Clinton: "I'm a progressive"
Pogo: "No she's not! She doesn't know what he is, but I do"

God almighty...what kind of tool does it take to deny reality. Hitlery Clinton in on video calling herself a progressive and still this dimwit attempts to deny it. Unbelievable....

No shit, have you ever seen a more pompous ass than Pogo? It thinks it knows everything about everything.
Think of the "logic" here by the resident idiot Pogo...

Barack Obama: "I'm a marxist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Bernie Sanders: "I'm a socialist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Hitlery Clinton: "I'm a progressive"
Pogo: "No she's not! She doesn't know what he is, but I do"

God almighty...what kind of tool does it take to deny reality. Hitlery Clinton in on video calling herself a progressive and still this dimwit attempts to deny it. Unbelievable....

No shit, have you ever seen a more pompous ass than Pogo? It thinks it knows everything about everything.
I don't think it's that he "pompous" so much as he's a typical progressive - desperately trying to push his propaganda. He realizes his party is the party of oppression (fascism, communism, marxism, etc.) and as such, he'd desperate to relabel it as "liberals" and then try to convince everyone that it is "liberal" in the classical sense - as in liberty. The irony of course is that he's actually trying to credit his party with conservatism. But if he actually supported conservatism, he wouldn't get all of his gubm'nt handouts.
So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?
Here is the thing snowflake - it doesn't take a "political science authority" for her to know she is a progressive. You're literally the only asshole in the world denying that progressives are alive and well today. Notice that none of your fellow left-wing nitwits have agreed with you here? Yeah...there's a reason for that, snowflake.
Interesting. Because all I ever hear around this joint is "she's a liar".
And all you've ever claimed is that she's not. So which is homo? If she's so honest as you claim - why would she lie and say she is a "progressive"? Oops!
So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?
Here is the thing snowflake - it doesn't take a "political science authority" for her to know she is a progressive. You're literally the only asshole in the world denying that progressives are alive and well today. Notice that none of your fellow left-wing nitwits have agreed with you here? Yeah...there's a reason for that, snowflake.
Interesting. Because all I ever hear around this joint is "she's a liar".
And all you've ever claimed is that she's not.

Oh yeah?


So which is homo? If she's so honest as you claim - why would she lie and say she is a "progressive"? Oops!

I said, LINK Buttsoiler. Where am it?
So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?
Here is the thing snowflake - it doesn't take a "political science authority" for her to know she is a progressive. You're literally the only asshole in the world denying that progressives are alive and well today. Notice that none of your fellow left-wing nitwits have agreed with you here? Yeah...there's a reason for that, snowflake.
Interesting. Because all I ever hear around this joint is "she's a liar".
And all you've ever claimed is that she's not.

Oh yeah?


So which is homo? If she's so honest as you claim - why would she lie and say she is a "progressive"? Oops!

I said, LINK Buttsoiler. Where am it?
You honestly think saying link magically erases the posts you have made?

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
So you think Hillary Clinton is the authority on political science do you?
Here is the thing snowflake - it doesn't take a "political science authority" for her to know she is a progressive. You're literally the only asshole in the world denying that progressives are alive and well today. Notice that none of your fellow left-wing nitwits have agreed with you here? Yeah...there's a reason for that, snowflake.
Interesting. Because all I ever hear around this joint is "she's a liar".
And all you've ever claimed is that she's not.

Oh yeah?


So which is homo? If she's so honest as you claim - why would she lie and say she is a "progressive"? Oops!

I said, LINK Buttsoiler. Where am it?
You honestly think saying link magically erases the posts you have made?

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk

No need to. It magically exposes the fact that he doesn't have one, and is thus pulling it out of his ass.

He's prolly been combing the internets in vain ever since I posted that. :lol:
Think of the "logic" here by the resident idiot Pogo...

Barack Obama: "I'm a marxist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Bernie Sanders: "I'm a socialist"
Pogo: "No he's not! He doesn't know what he is, but I do"

Hitlery Clinton: "I'm a progressive"
Pogo: "No she's not! She doesn't know what he is, but I do"

God almighty...what kind of tool does it take to deny reality. Hitlery Clinton in on video calling herself a progressive and still this dimwit attempts to deny it. Unbelievable....

No shit, have you ever seen a more pompous ass than Pogo? It thinks it knows everything about everything.
I don't think it's that he "pompous" so much as he's a typical progressive - desperately trying to push his propaganda. He realizes his party is the party of oppression (fascism, communism, marxism, etc.) and as such, he'd desperate to relabel it as "liberals" and then try to convince everyone that it is "liberal" in the classical sense - as in liberty. The irony of course is that he's actually trying to credit his party with conservatism. But if he actually supported conservatism, he wouldn't get all of his gubm'nt handouts.

Once again Soiler-of-Butt --- I don't have a "party", as I've noted the entire time I've been on this site. Apparently four years isn't enough for Buttsoilers to learn how to read. I'm not a joiner; that's for joiners, like yourself, who can't think for themselves and need someone or something to hold their hand. :gay:

I'm part of the largest political party faction in these United States, which is "None".

But hey, as long as you're scraping around for links, go fetch one where I've indicated any kind of political affiliation.

"How to keep a moron busy".....
I said, LINK Buttsoiler. Where am it?
Your grammar reflects your intelligence. No wonder you vote Dumbocrat.

Same-old bores me. I get creative.
As I noted in my intro thread back in 2012, me typos are intentional like dat.

Btw --- how's that possessive pronoun lesson study coming along? You think you're ready for the quiz?

Here is a typical progressive feminist. First she creates confrontation with her children around. Then she uses foul language over and over and over while carrying one child on her back like she's hiking and the child is nothing but gear. And finally, she makes false accusations of "assault".


Watch: Liberal woman claims assault after being ‘offended’ by Confederate flag rug
This is how despicable progressives are - they are constantly filing false police reports to frame conservatives for "crimes" that never occurred:

But police are now saying the incident never happened. In fact, the woman apparently admitted to police that she made up the entire story about the attack at the hands of two white males.

Muslim Student Claimed White Man in Trump Hat Assaulted Her. Now Police Are Setting Record Straight.

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You get it now when early in the 20th Century Albert Osborn stated that: "those who expose their undeveloped natures would of course not do so if they knew they were doing it. The tragedy of ignorance is ignorance of it."

The Left, the Progressives and the Liberals of the democratic party and all of the Trump haters and bashers here and everywhere make false, ridiculous and idiotic claims because they have no idea how transparent their claims are. They say what they say and think what they think because it is what they want to believe and for others to hear. If not to sway them then just to annoy them. They are anarchists at best, sore losers, and they only make sense to themselves and others like them because they haven't the true sense to see how absurd their positions really are.

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