Progressives Destroy Family of 12

Have Progressives Destroyed this Family?

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I found a link which seems to be a local news: Off-grid couple faces hearing to regain custody of 10 children - News Weather Sports

It certainly isn't as the family has stated.

It certainly is:
Guess we're going to have to take all the kids away from Amish parents too!
“You are standing the chance of having your children removed,” Pate said.

Naugler: For what, under what grounds?
Pate: Let me just finish...
Naugler: For what, for not complying?
Naugler: I have constitutional rights, I have rights as a parent and my children won't speak to anybody without my permission, without an attorney or a lawyer.

The recordings detail several minutes of similar discourse. Pate warned Naugler she faced felony charges of interference and could lose custody by court order if she continued to deny CPS access to question her children.

The confrontations would end with both parties yelling and Naugler in cuffs.

Pate: Ma'am, sit down!
Naugler: You cannot kidnap my son!
Pate: You're gonna be under arrest.
Naugler: You can shoot me dead--but you won't kidnap my son!
Naugler: Ma'am, you need to sit down in that car!
Naugler: Shoot me!
Did you read the article? She knew she was recording the confrontation, keep that in mind.

I'm very pro-homeschooling, though have mega doubts about 'unschooling movement.' Yet, my problem with this hasn't anything to do with education at this point, but the idea that the father said for the son to get a gun, when turned down for potable water from a neighbor.

The 'housing' does not look ok for habitation. Someone should be checking on those kids. Maybe it's all okey dokey, but it sure doesn't look like it.

Agreed. From the article, which got it from Facebook:


This is a close-up of the "cabin" the family lives in, again from their Nosebook page via the PoliceStateDaily comments page (and check out the screencaps posted there from another commenter describing the father's several arrests for abuse and neglect, begging, how they have no kitchen and started fires (with gasoline) to cook (and got burned), how CPS has been out there "constantly" and they keep moving to evade them, how they slept the winter in a van and other stuff...


--- then put all that together with the comment on the OffTheGridNews page I made referece to earlier but didn't post:

These people are the worst kind imaginable. Know them well…I just sit and laugh at how they have scammed ALL of you! They are the biggest con-artists out there. They do nothing but prey off of good people, many who have just helped donate to their scam. They are NOT “un-schoolers, home-schooler’s or homesteaders! They actually give home-schooling families and people who live off the grid a horrible name. They’re kids are treated like slaves and it is sick! ...

.. Joe bullies local Bishops, preachers, and any and all clergy-by stating he will use force on them if money isn’t donated to him to pay his bills. He has also threatened good christian people and their children! YES! Their children…This is the kind of sick individual you all are donating money too. He has been arrested numerous times and has been reported to CPS numerous times by hard-working concerned citizens, not a meth using facebook user as they would like you to believe.

The children appear brain-washed and abused and have absolutely no social skills what so ever. You can contradict me all you wish, but we have experienced this family first-hand. I also know people who have been in the home and what you would experience upon entering is sickening! It was stated that there was human feces everywhere! The children looked as if they hadn’t been bathed in months with feces all over them. No water or beds for them to sleep in. She will post a picture on fb of a bed and spin it a thousand different ways to make you think the children have beds. She grooms dogs because he will not work! When you have ten kids…you work to support your family!

I don’t care what or where you live…a condo or in the wilderness! They manipulate social media to their advantage and I listened to that audio and that Sheriff was doing his JOB!!! She resisted arrest and put on a big show for everyone! THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME. They go into a grocery store and steal and pretend to fall, just so they can get money from the owners. They are hypocrites who judge everyone else in society who doesn’t live the way they do.

They also posted something once that all the men and women who fight for this country, deserve to die…these are two sick and twisted individuals. This time they went too far. The best thing that could ever happen is their children are taken away. It is my sincere hope they are not returned. I pray for that Sheriffs Dept, that they will be able to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. This is the truth and I could care less who replies and donates to them. They will squander all your money away and be back in the very same position months from now.
Again, more hearsay, but we start to get a picture. And we have actual pictures.

Clearly these people need help.
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Sounds suspiciously like a cash for kids government scheme.

CPS has a lucrative thing going by taking kids away from parents for money.

Cash for (litters of) kids?

You mean like 19 and Counting?

Now THAT is one screwy bunch but they're making big bucks off gullible fundies.

This bunch is getting their start with a Go Fund Me site. Next stop, a "reality" show on TLC.
And yet, among all this --- still no sign of "Progressives".


"so where is everybody?"​
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That's not even good enough for livestock.

But hey, as far as RW fundies care, sleeping under a tarp is just fine for kids.

Just hose them down for photos and soak the gullible.
Whelp ---- Alex Jones oughta be interesting tonight now that all this is coming out.

Why doesn't everybody come over, we'll get pizza and stay up all night "watching" Alex Jones. It'll be more than four people.
So this probably tall tale claims that the police roughed up the mother when she resisted arrest?

Why haven't all the RWnuts piled in to say,

well, if she hadn't resisted arrest, she wouldn't have been harmed.

Eh, did that opinion expire? Or is it just that it's color coded...
To the contrary, not only would she have avoided harm, by not resisting, she wouldn't have given them fuel for the fire, which will ultimately affect the children. Common sense comes in all colors.

What would be a valid reason for the gov. to remove a child from it's parents, aside from physical abuse, or drug activity, physical abuse including sexual abuse

You did a good thing in bringing this to our attention. Its a sad case of child abuse and neglect AND scamming/fleecing good hearted people.

Good for you.
Whelp ---- Alex Jones oughta be interesting tonight now that all this is coming out.

Why doesn't everybody come over, we'll get pizza and stay up all night "watching" Alex Jones. It'll be more than four people.


Not me.

I've read enough of his garbage to last a lifetime.

One would have to be truly stupid to read/listen to him.
Whelp ---- Alex Jones oughta be interesting tonight now that all this is coming out.

Why doesn't everybody come over, we'll get pizza and stay up all night "watching" Alex Jones. It'll be more than four people.


Not me.

I've read enough of his garbage to last a lifetime.

One would have to be truly stupid to read/listen to him.

I figure, considering the contrast between the illusion he got pawned with and what's coming out to be the reality, his squirming and spinning oughta be pretty entertaining.

Either that or he'll move on and pretend he never brought it up, like a USMB poster....

You did a good thing in bringing this to our attention. Its a sad case of child abuse and neglect AND scamming/fleecing good hearted people.

Good for you.

Oh no, they're living like people have for the last 200,000 years before the second half of the 20th century! AHH!!! Seize them, SEIZE THEM!


but the idea that the father said for the son to get a gun, when turned down for potable water from a neighbor.

The 'housing' does not look ok for habitation. Someone should be checking on those kids. Maybe it's all okey dokey, but it sure doesn't look like it.

Sounds like some good MSM character assassination.

You know, Eric Gardener was evil for selling cigareets, and Cliven Bundy was an evil racist for defending his land alongside 4 black militia man, and the white dude whose face was ripped off by a police dog for burning trash in can --- he was evil too.

The government is God and all who they crush are evil!

Also where's the arrest/conviction on that hearsay character assassination the MSM through out there to cover the government's ass?

I think the MSM and yourself should be held to same rigorous standard that I was at the start of this thread, prove your claim, show us an arrest record or conviction in relation to that attack on his character.

Even if that was true, why not just arrest the father and leave the kids with the mother

Prove your claim, like I was made to.

MSM huh?

You know all those comments I passed on about their conditions?
They came from your own links. The ones you started with. They were there the whole time.
Your own links.

And the pics of the tent and picnic table they live in was posted by the family themselves.

MSM .... SMH

You did a good thing in bringing this to our attention.

Hey, it's great that you and your crowd have stopped denying that this event took place. Admission is the first step towards recovery.

Nobody "denied it took place". We asked for a legitimate link You failed to come up with one. You should be thanking Annie.

But then again you lied about how nobody asked you what the sheriff told you, you lied about what Doc posted and you lied about what I posted. So this is par for the coarse.
Hey Luddly Neddite it seems that you and MSM failed to neglect that's a picture of the house they are currently building and the tarps are there temporarily:

You liberals are the most digusting slanderous piles of filth I've ever witnessed. I no longer despise you for your ignorance, because you are not ignorant, you're intentional deceitfully to bring us under your control. I HATE YOU.

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Hey Luddly Neddite it seems that you and MSM failed to neglect that's a picture of the house they are currently building and the tarps are there temporarily:

You liberals are the most digusting slanderous piles of filth I've ever witnessed. I no longer despise you for your ignorance, because you are not ignorant, you're intentional deceitfully to bring us under your control. I HATE YOU.


12 people are gong to live in that? really? I don't think so.
Did you read the article? She knew she was recording the confrontation, keep that in mind.

Oh no, she's also one of those evil troublemakers that records the police!

True Fact: I always got my camera-man filming me when I hand out Jury Nullification Fliers on the court steps since the police get really fucking scary every time I do it.

I admit, I wussed out the first time since I had no footage of the altercation. Too bad for the young men that got convicted for possessing marijuana that day.

I am very much in favor, as is the Constitution, of allowing the video recording of police or any public servants. Depending on the state though, audio is not always legal, though I don't know the rationale behind that. What I was bringing up is that her 'statements' with the police might just have been made to create the impressions they are now possibly trying to capitalize on.

That was exactly the impression I got from the audio she recorded. Like she was trying to bait the whole thing with a pre-scripted rant. That was before I read those commentaries, which all seem to confirm it.

It would appear they're leeches who manipulate and use other people for their own gain. They manipulated their neighbors, they manipulated their local churches, they manipulated Alex Jones and a couple of blogsites, and they manipulated 2A. Con artists but not very good ones.

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