Progressives have officially surrendered all grip on reality

Oh the irony... :lmao: The irony!!!

Hey "ignorant dumbfuck" - it is "know nothing about" not "no nothing about".

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way - let's focus on how you're throwing a fit because someone mentioned how you idiots contradict yourself and you can't come up with a good excuse for it.

Oh the irony...:rolleyes-41: The irony!!!

From post 9 (yes, it is your post) on this OP.
"You're ignorance is so deep" it's "your" not "you're'

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way, nobody is contradicting anybody. You're just cherry picking facts. The science is in. Global warming is real. Humans are contributing. Get over it.
Yeah...the science is in - and it unequivocally proved that "Global Warming" was a scam created by Al Gore and his cronies for wealth and power. Unfortunately, mindless minions such as yourself provide them with both.
  • Tell me something Grumpy - why did progressives have to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climage Change" if it was real? Oh yeah....because after three straight years of colder than usual weather, the American people realized that "Global Warming" was a scam.
  • And why did the polar ice-cap expand mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq miles) when the "Global Warming" conspiracy theorist "scientists" predicted that it would be completely melted by 2014?
  • And tell me something else Grump - if "Global Warming" was real, why were there not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" where progressive political activists were caught discussing about how they were falsifying their research to show "Global Warming" when they couldn't find any existed?
Don't worry Grumpy - we all now you can't answer these. So the pressure is off. Just give us more of your mindless progressive minion drivel.
Oh the irony... :lmao: The irony!!!

Hey "ignorant dumbfuck" - it is "know nothing about" not "no nothing about".

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way - let's focus on how you're throwing a fit because someone mentioned how you idiots contradict yourself and you can't come up with a good excuse for it.

Oh the irony...:rolleyes-41: The irony!!!

From post 9 (yes, it is your post) on this OP.
"You're ignorance is so deep" it's "your" not "you're'

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way...
Hey dumbass? That will happen with an auto-correct at times as the system guesses that you intend to type "you are" in a contraction. But only an idiot types "no nothing" :lmao: (that is never the result of an auto-correct)
Oh the irony... :lmao: The irony!!!

Hey "ignorant dumbfuck" - it is "know nothing about" not "no nothing about".

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way - let's focus on how you're throwing a fit because someone mentioned how you idiots contradict yourself and you can't come up with a good excuse for it.

Oh the irony...:rolleyes-41: The irony!!!

From post 9 (yes, it is your post) on this OP.
"You're ignorance is so deep" it's "your" not "you're'

Now that we have your extreme illiteracy out of the way...
Hey dumbass? That will happen with an auto-correct at times as the system guesses that you intend to type "you are" in a contraction. But only an idiot types "no nothing" :lmao: (that is never the result of an auto-correct)

"Auto-correct" :lol:

A poor workman blames his tools.
Yeah...the science is in - and it unequivocally proved that "Global Warming" was a scam created by Al Gore and his cronies for wealth and power.

And that's why Al Gore is in that powerful position he's in today.

yep, people like the op wants to do away with any regulations on food, water, air, environment or investment into this country. Somehow he thinks other people have lost their grip on reality? If your idea of America looks a little like the poor side of town in India or parts of Africa...Well, you're talking about yourself.
You're ignorance is so deep and profound that it literally never ceases to amaze me Matthew. Here is someone who figured it out 200 years ago (and you still haven't)

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

(Psst...stupid...just because the federal government isn't authorized to do something doesn't mean your state, county, or city governments can't)

You should try English. People around here might be better able to figure out what the fuck you're trying to say.
Yeah...the science is in - and it unequivocally proved that "Global Warming" was a scam created by Al Gore and his cronies for wealth and power. Unfortunately, mindless minions such as yourself provide them with both.
  • Tell me something Grumpy - why did progressives have to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climage Change" if it was real? Oh yeah....because after three straight years of colder than usual weather, the American people realized that "Global Warming" was a scam.
  • And why did the polar ice-cap expand mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq miles) when the "Global Warming" conspiracy theorist "scientists" predicted that it would be completely melted by 2014?
  • And tell me something else Grump - if "Global Warming" was real, why were there not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" where progressive political activists were caught discussing about how they were falsifying their research to show "Global Warming" when they couldn't find any existed?
Don't worry Grumpy - we all now you can't answer these. So the pressure is off. Just give us more of your mindless progressive minion drivel.

It has been proven. You can ramble on with your conspiracy theories all you want. Fact is, climate scientists agree. Gee listen to some whacko on a messageboard or scientists. Gee, I wonder which one...
Hey dumbass? That will happen with an auto-correct at times as the system guesses that you intend to type "you are" in a contraction. But only an idiot types "no nothing" :lmao: (that is never the result of an auto-correct)

Yeah right. Course it is...:rolleyes-41:
Hey dumbass? That will happen with an auto-correct at times as the system guesses that you intend to type "you are" in a contraction. But only an idiot types "no nothing" :lmao: (that is never the result of an auto-correct)

"Auto-correct" :lol:

A poor workman blames his tools.[/QUOTE]

That aside, why was he typing 'you are' anyway? It was always supposed to be 'your'. If he had typed 'your' in the first place it wouldn't have auto corrected. he's an idiot.
yep, people like the op wants to do away with any regulations on food, water, air, environment or investment into this country. Somehow he thinks other people have lost their grip on reality? If your idea of America looks a little like the poor side of town in India or parts of Africa...Well, you're talking about yourself.
You're ignorance is so deep and profound that it literally never ceases to amaze me Matthew. Here is someone who figured it out 200 years ago (and you still haven't)

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

(Psst...stupid...just because the federal government isn't authorized to do something doesn't mean your state, county, or city governments can't)

You should try English. People around here might be better able to figure out what the fuck you're trying to say.
The problem, Carby, is your limited intellect. I'm speaking proper, articulate English. The fact that you are confused by it speaks volumes (not the least of which being that you are another prime example of our failed progressive public schools).
Yeah...the science is in - and it unequivocally proved that "Global Warming" was a scam created by Al Gore and his cronies for wealth and power. Unfortunately, mindless minions such as yourself provide them with both.
  • Tell me something Grumpy - why did progressives have to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climage Change" if it was real? Oh yeah....because after three straight years of colder than usual weather, the American people realized that "Global Warming" was a scam.
  • And why did the polar ice-cap expand mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 sq miles) when the "Global Warming" conspiracy theorist "scientists" predicted that it would be completely melted by 2014?
  • And tell me something else Grump - if "Global Warming" was real, why were there not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" where progressive political activists were caught discussing about how they were falsifying their research to show "Global Warming" when they couldn't find any existed?
Don't worry Grumpy - we all now you can't answer these. So the pressure is off. Just give us more of your mindless progressive minion drivel.

It has been proven. You can ramble on with your conspiracy theories all you want. Fact is, climate scientists agree. Gee listen to some whacko on a messageboard or scientists. Gee, I wonder which one...
Only idiot here would claim that the progressive rebranding of "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" is a "conspiracy theory" :lmao:

Or that the polar ice-cap expanding over 60% (some 900,000 sq miles) after idiot progressives predicted it would be completely melted is a "conspiracy theory" :lmao:

Or that the infamous rounds of "Climate Gate" were "conspiracy theories" :lmao:

Watching you meltdown and run from facts after you get owned is hilarious. Almost as hilarious as you calling someone a "no nothing" :lmao:
"Auto-correct" :lol:

A poor workman blames his tools.

That aside, why was he typing 'you are' anyway? It was always supposed to be 'your'. If he had typed 'your' in the first place it wouldn't have auto corrected. he's an idiot.
Not true at all junior. Just typing y o u and then hitting the next key wrong can resort in "you're" in iOS. Now tell everyone how you "no nothing" :lmao:

What an uneducated tool...
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
Except they have not. This year marks the first time they have dealt with it at all.

Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage at the Olympics?

The interesting thing here is that they require a medical threshold to be met for the 'average' testosterone for women to compete with other women. Also interesting is that women have no restrictions to compete with men. They base this on scientific research, a noteworthy point.

Transgender rules that remain focused on birth sex though.
When the sun supernovas in 4 billion years, it wil suck in the earth. That is global warming and there is nothing we can do about it.
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
Except they have not. This year marks the first time they have dealt with it at all.

Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage at the Olympics?

The interesting thing here is that they require a medical threshold to be met for the 'average' testosterone for women to compete with other women. Also interesting is that women have no restrictions to compete with men. They base this on scientific research, a noteworthy point.

Transgender rules that remain focused on birth sex though.
Sex assigned at birth. There is no birth sex.
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
Except they have not. This year marks the first time they have dealt with it at all.

Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage at the Olympics?

The interesting thing here is that they require a medical threshold to be met for the 'average' testosterone for women to compete with other women. Also interesting is that women have no restrictions to compete with men. They base this on scientific research, a noteworthy point.

Transgender rules that remain focused on birth sex though.
Sex assigned at birth. There is no birth sex.

What is that supposed to mean?
Are you actually trying to say that you do not have a natural sex at birth? That is rather nonsensical and pointless. There is a sex at birth and it is not 'assigned.' It is biological fact weather or not you want to acknoledge it.
yep, people like the op wants to do away with any regulations on food, water, air, environment or investment into this country. Somehow he thinks other people have lost their grip on reality? If your idea of America looks a little like the poor side of town in India or parts of Africa...Well, you're talking about yourself.
You're ignorance is so deep and profound that it literally never ceases to amaze me Matthew. Here is someone who figured it out 200 years ago (and you still haven't)

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all." -Frédéric Bastiat

(Psst...stupid...just because the federal government isn't authorized to do something doesn't mean your state, county, or city governments can't)
Here in the modern day, socialism is defined as always democratic well regulated capitalism. Communism NOT.
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
Except they have not. This year marks the first time they have dealt with it at all.

Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage at the Olympics?

The interesting thing here is that they require a medical threshold to be met for the 'average' testosterone for women to compete with other women. Also interesting is that women have no restrictions to compete with men. They base this on scientific research, a noteworthy point.

Transgender rules that remain focused on birth sex though.
Sex assigned at birth. There is no birth sex.

What is that supposed to mean?
Are you actually trying to say that you do not have a natural sex at birth? That is rather nonsensical and pointless. There is a sex at birth and it is not 'assigned.' It is biological fact weather or not you want to acknoledge it.
Sex assigned at birth can be wrong. You can't even base it on genetics, it isn't that clear. XY is only usually male, XX only usually female. And intersexed babies are another issue as are all the other variants like XXY, XYY, XXXY, X0, XYYY. What the doctors think doesn't matter in the end. What they do does.
More evidence of how progressives have surrendered all grip on reality:

What if a college basketball star, born male, were to claim to be transgender and go out for the WNBA?

Say that I am sentenced to a five-year prison term for bank fraud. Though confinement can never be pleasant, I’d find it far more tolerable if I could convince the judge that though biologically I have XY chromosomes, in my opinion I’m really a woman and thus my confinement should be in a female prison with a female cellmate. For the court to fail to take my sexual opinion into consideration would violate our Constitution’s Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, I could say.

When Transgender Rights Move From Bathroom to Basketball
The Olympics have been dealing with this kind of thing for sometime now. Life goes one when rational people think, leaving you out in the cold.
Except they have not. This year marks the first time they have dealt with it at all.

Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage at the Olympics?

The interesting thing here is that they require a medical threshold to be met for the 'average' testosterone for women to compete with other women. Also interesting is that women have no restrictions to compete with men. They base this on scientific research, a noteworthy point.

Transgender rules that remain focused on birth sex though.
Sex assigned at birth. There is no birth sex.

What is that supposed to mean?
Are you actually trying to say that you do not have a natural sex at birth? That is rather nonsensical and pointless. There is a sex at birth and it is not 'assigned.' It is biological fact weather or not you want to acknoledge it.
Then there's the brain...

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