Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.
Well, Van Jones lied to you, and you believed him.

Remember the DC Snipers who snipered kids at school in the Beltway as well as all kinds of other people?



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Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.
Well, Van Jones lied to you, and you believed him.

Remember the DC Snipers who murdered kids at school in the Beltway?

I believe Van Jones was making more of a Columbine statement where students were massacred by their classmates.
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Van Jones is the man! He's also right that only white kids shoot up schools.
Well, Van Jones lied to you, and you believed him.

Remember the DC Snipers who murdered kids at school in the Beltway?

I believe Van Jones was making more of a Columbine statement where students were massacred by their classmates.
I believe you are trying to weasel out of being a naive, gullible person who laps up under-the-table ways to usurp free speech and make the political process in America as vicious and divisive as you can.

Here's the scoop the day the two blacks decided to shoot it up at a school:

Virginia and other areas

At this point Malvo and Muhammad started covering a wider area and taking more time between shootings. On October 4, 43-year-old Caroline Seawell was wounded at 2:30 p.m. in the parking lot of an MJ Designs (now Michaels) Craft Store at Spotsylvania Mall in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, just outside the city of Fredericksburg, while she was loading purchases into her minivan.
On October 7, at 8:09 a.m., Iran Brown​, a 13-year-old boy, was shot — accounts vary between the lower body, stomach and chest — as he arrived at the Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Bowie, Maryland, in Prince George's County (Brown's name was concealed from the public but was later revealed). His aunt, a nurse who had just brought him to school, rushed him to a hospital emergency room. Despite serious injuries, including damage to several major organs, Brown survived the attack and ultimately testified at Muhammad's trial.[12] At this crime scene the authorities discovered a shell casing as well as a Tarot card (the Death card) inscribed with the phrase, "Call me God" on the front and, on three separate lines on the back, "For you mr. Police." "Code: 'Call me God'." and "Do not release to the press."[13]

source: Wikipedia
When you dish it out, you better get used to taking it.
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

Take back? The Looney Left has Control of the government. Unless youre now accusing Obama of being part of the Tea Party. In that case, no thank you. You can keep him.
Wow, they must want to be really, really certain obama isn't reelected.

Congress has Obama's hands tied, so he may even have a hand in this...

Maybe if he could get his own party to support his legislation or let it come up for a vote, he might get something passed.

Yeah, it's probably unlikely at this point. But his failure in leadership is hardly the Republicans fault.

First they tried the 'Coffee Party'.... Epic Fail.

Then they tried the 'citizen journalists' (via the HuffPuff).... Epic Fail.

So now they're trying an 'October Offensive'.... Who gives a fuck? Bring it on. This country is, by nature, center right. Live with it, Lefties. Your constant fails are fun.

I especially enjoyed their attempt at talk radio. That was fun.

Yeah. I agree. Whatever happened to that?
This is going to be funny and pointless all at the same time. Have at it losers, with sooon to be arrest records. That goes over well in a corporate job interview. I see you were arrested in a violent demonstration against us, why should we hire you again?

Oh, Pshhawww!

Holder will have their arrest records quashed...
Van Jones is a communist. I suggest he, and anyone who agrees with him, move to China.

Van Jones is a great American patriot. I'm sure you prefer Ayn Rand types.

So you think someone who wants to viiolently overthrow the Republic and transform it into a Communist regime is a great American Patriot?

Out of curiousity, what would you have to do to be an American traitor in your book?
This country is, by nature, center right.

If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.

I agree. if we moved further to the right and actually lived moral and upright lives, this nation would be in a far superior place.

What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...
Van Jones is a great America patriot. So is Jane Fonda!

So you like 9/11 truthers and people who aim anti-aircraft guns at our soldiers..

1. 9/11 truthers are entitled to their opinions.

2. Jane Fonda didn't shoot anyone.

1. Yes, Freedom of speech allows people to have stupid ideas. It also allows the rest of us to criticize those ideas and speak the Truth.

2. There are more ways to destroy lives and betray your country than merely shooting them.
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.
No..Your side has control now. You people have fucked up this country since 2007. We're done.
The dems lose the Senate and the White House next year.
If you don't think so ,check your history.
Each time the economy is in bad shape the party in power gets the blame. Typically the House and Senate are either turned over or the majority party is significantly weakened. Same for the White House. The President gets the blame..
Jones is nothing more than a professed communist that would love to see our society replaced by socialism. And idiots think he is doing the right thing, IDIOTS!!!!!

Van Jones is a "former" communist.

To be a former communist he would have to renounce communism and find a new idealogy. He hasnt done that. In fact, he's still arguing for the same idealogy he was in the past.

But then you did put former in quotes, so im guessing you already knew that.
I do note the left demonizes the TEA Party...but finds it necessary to emulate them?

How phoney can this be? Really?

Excellent point. They keep trying to say they are doing the same thing as the Tea party and protesting, but they hate them. it's weird.
Got people resisting arrest now huh? Must be they didn't cover that on the bus trip into Wall Street.
This country is, by nature, center right.
If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.

when asked about each policy individually, the country largely supports a center LEFT agenda.
That's because the left heists the center right position when it realizes it cannot get rid of it with 10,000 local leftist lockstepping journalists losing money for their local papers with silly attacks.

After the left heists the position, it reinvents itself as "center left."

Case in point: in the year 2000 and before, blue states were Republican. When McCain and Obama ran, a leftist lockstepping press committee got together and changed all the maps to opposite colors to confuse the people. I saw several websites of lefties laughing their asses off about this.

That's just one point of the heist.

Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

Obama has already done an excellent job of destroying America.


To be fair to Obama, I think alot of the blame belongs with we the people. We let him become President. Maybe not directly, but we are all responsible for the fact that he is President.

And the economy tanked because we the people and the government were corrupt enough to tank it. And we have been letting this progressive cancer eat away at society for nearly 100 years. And we sat back and slept because we were generally in good economic times. But we forsook, as a people, the principles that lead to those good economic times.

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