Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

This country is, by nature, center right.

If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.
What problem?Are you really so entrenched in the belief that A) people are generally helpless and it is government that must take care of us? B) So much in denial of the fact that only 20% of the population willingly identifies itself as liberal?
Look, it is what it is. You'll never achieve your dream of a socialist utopia.
People are generally center right on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues.
Those are the facts. They are not in dispute.
If you really want to focus on the problem, look to the volatility of the financial markets.
Traditionally traders held stocks. Even when electronic trading began in the late 1990's, traders held the securities for a time. Buy and hold was the rule of the day.
Today, with every second of the business day billions of dollars of trades are made then minutes later those trades could be made in reverse.
This holds true with the commodities markets as well.
I am opposed to government interference in markets. However, regulations seem to be necessary to place curbs. Perhaps limits should be placed on day trading. Higher margins need to be required on commodity trades to curb market to market jumping and of course , out of control speculation which drives the markets up and down in seconds.
Someone has to take back America from the looney right before she's completely destroyed.

Obama has already done an excellent job of destroying America.


To be fair to Obama, I think alot of the blame belongs with we the people. We let him become President. Maybe not directly, but we are all responsible for the fact that he is President.

And the economy tanked because we the people and the government were corrupt enough to tank it. And we have been letting this progressive cancer eat away at society for nearly 100 years. And we sat back and slept because we were generally in good economic times. But we forsook, as a people, the principles that lead to those good economic times.

The economy tanked under George W. Bush.

Reagan Insider: 'GOP Destroyed US Economy'

How: Gold. Tax cuts. Debts. Wars. Fat Cats. Class gap. No fiscal discipline.

Reagan Insider: 'GOP Destroyed US Economy'
This country is, by nature, center right.

If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.

when asked about each policy individually, the country largely supports a center LEFT agenda.

maybe, I'd like to see a link to that please in any event.

in any case if you ask questions outside any self recrimination or recourse, like do you sppt. free health care, most folks say yes, then when you tell them how it ( or they) have to pay for it, their attitude changes.
If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.

when asked about each policy individually, the country largely supports a center LEFT agenda.

maybe, I'd like to see a link to that please in any event.

in any case if you ask questions outside any self recrimination or recourse, like do you sppt. free health care, most folks say yes, then when you tell them how it ( or they) have to pay for it, their attitude changes.

No it doesn't....
when asked about each policy individually, the country largely supports a center LEFT agenda.

maybe, I'd like to see a link to that please in any event.

in any case if you ask questions outside any self recrimination or recourse, like do you sppt. free health care, most folks say yes, then when you tell them how it ( or they) have to pay for it, their attitude changes.

No it doesn't....
That's you not liking the answer so you cross your arms across your chest and complete self denial of reality say "no, it doesn't"..
Look genius, for the most part people's political point of view begins and ends with their financial well being.
On individual policy, most people when asked will claim to be open minded because they feel they should be. However, when it gets down to brass tacks, their bank accounts and homes come first.
You can claim the country is center left all you like. The facts state otherwise.
But if it makes you feel better, that's fine.
If that is still true, then maybe that's the problem.

I agree. if we moved further to the right and actually lived moral and upright lives, this nation would be in a far superior place.

What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I didn't realize morals were that difficult to define. Ill give you a few examples

1) Honesty
2) Humility
3) Charity
4) Thrift/Frugality
5) Hard work
6) Personal responsibility

there are countless others. It's not really that complicated.
"Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people [The Elders of Israel] will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction."

Says who?
maybe, I'd like to see a link to that please in any event.

in any case if you ask questions outside any self recrimination or recourse, like do you sppt. free health care, most folks say yes, then when you tell them how it ( or they) have to pay for it, their attitude changes.

No it doesn't....
That's you not liking the answer so you cross your arms across your chest and complete self denial of reality say "no, it doesn't"..
Look genius, for the most part people's political point of view begins and ends with their financial well being.
On individual policy, most people when asked will claim to be open minded because they feel they should be. However, when it gets down to brass tacks, their bank accounts and homes come first.
You can claim the country is center left all you like. The facts state otherwise.
But if it makes you feel better, that's fine.

Anybody who doesn't know how 'free' healthcare is paid for is a moron, so his analogy is bad....

I didn't make any claim...

I agree. if we moved further to the right and actually lived moral and upright lives, this nation would be in a far superior place.

What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I didn't realize morals were that difficult to define. Ill give you a few examples

1) Honesty
2) Humility
3) Charity
4) Thrift/Frugality
5) Hard work
6) Personal responsibility

there are countless others. It's not really that complicated.

Yet another soundbite answer from the sound bite right.....

Well of course Nancy would support a group of people who don't know what it is they want but are willing to shut down the country to get it. Thinking like that goes along with her "We have to pass the bill to know what's in the bill" concept of government. In this case we need to scrap the system we presently have and then the OWS crowd will reveal to us what they'd like to replace it with. And for those of you that think this crowd might have some good ideas? Go to their website and read the minutes of their organizational meetings. These people couldn't find their asses if you gave them a one hand head start.

That's the problem with these protesters, Lakhota...they're upset but they're not really sure what they want other than rich people losing all their money and having that money funneled to them in the form of a guaranteed "living wage", amnesty for debts, free college tuition and $20 an hour minimum wage. None of that is going to fix the economy of course and most of it will in fact make the economy crater but hey...they think "they" will be set and they'll let the people they just seized all that money from figure out a way to make the US work again. It's the parable of the goose that laid the golden eggs being played out right in front of our faces. The OWS protesters want to kill the wealthy (ie...take away their wealth) yet they think the wealthy will still work just as hard as they always have to make more money so that it can be taken away again. It's an idiotic scenario conceived by naive children.
Anyone thought you'd see a day when you have a WHOLE party (Democrats) and A PRESIDENT going out there and ENCOURAGING people to civil Disobedience.?

These people aren't PROTESTING, they are BREAKING THE LAW.

but remember to vote Democrat in the 2012 elections..:eusa_whistle:
What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I didn't realize morals were that difficult to define. Ill give you a few examples

1) Honesty
2) Humility
3) Charity
4) Thrift/Frugality
5) Hard work
6) Personal responsibility

there are countless others. It's not really that complicated.

Yet another soundbite answer from the sound bite right.....
Amoral people have trouble recognizing morality.
What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I didn't realize morals were that difficult to define. Ill give you a few examples

1) Honesty
2) Humility
3) Charity
4) Thrift/Frugality
5) Hard work
6) Personal responsibility

there are countless others. It's not really that complicated.

Yet another soundbite answer from the sound bite right.....

I wouldn't have expected you to be unable to tell the difference between soundbytes and reality. Who knew?

But then, you might understand it and just be unable to respond. I can understand that.
What is your definition of moral? People not married but have kids? Is that moral or not? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I didn't realize morals were that difficult to define. Ill give you a few examples

1) Honesty
2) Humility
3) Charity
4) Thrift/Frugality
5) Hard work
6) Personal responsibility

there are countless others. It's not really that complicated.

Yet another soundbite answer from the sound bite right.....
Instead of dismissing the list because you have no rebuttal, perhaps you could explain what it is you disagree with in each item.
Do you have a problem with any or all of these items?
I surely don't
As far as I am concerned, they are words to live by. They are tenants.

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