Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

Yep. And if you had balls, a backbone, a work ethic, and accepted personal responsibility, you would be a real man. What's your point?

Dude, I could put my resume up against yours and come out better any day of the week.

Because mine includes military service...
All we did was become the greatest superpower in the history of the planet. We didn't see failure until the uneducated (such as yourself) bought into the idiotic idealism of marxism.

Guy, we became a "Super Power" because all the other powers beat each other into a pulp in two world wars.

That's pretty much like saying "Ringo Starr is the Greatest Musician Every".

Being in the Right Place at the Right time is great and all, but it's hardly a virtue.

It doesn't need to be to be the supreme law of the United States. And I just checked - it is still the supreme law of the U.S. And literally nobody cares that you don't like it.

Yup, subject to interpretation by 9 guys in robes... who have said a whole bunch of stuff you don't like IS constitutional like the ACA (hey, hows that repeal working out for you, Poodle) and Abortion on Demand.

And yet you're not willing to work for any of those things. What you actually like is mooching off of society.

Dude, I'm happy to work and happy to pay my taxes... and unlike you I actually understand how taxes work.
I think saying that we evolved fits better than saying that it failed. As for your healthcare ideas, they sound great, I just wish the conversation was more based on specifics, namely how will it operate, how much will it cost, and how does it get paid for.... if we put half the energy of our political talk and media attention into focusing the collective brainpower into proposing and analyzing productive ideas, then I think we could achieve great things. Instead we seem to prefer extreme partisan squabbles that lack substance and focus on drama and demonization.

Sorry, man, I was proud veteran until this country let Trump be president. If the country treats "picking leader of the Free World" like "The winner of Reality Show", it gave up it's right to be great.

Now we are up there with Caligula's Rome or Hitler's Germany as a country that has failed the "Basic Decency Test'.
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, it's best if you stay in seclusion in your mothers basement. Bedwetter
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, it's best if you stay in seclusion in your mothers basement. Bedwetter

see, bud, this is why most people have you on ignore. You never add anything to a conversation.
The federal government has destroyed this country, career politicians/deep state are removing all freedoms one by one.
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee
Government has to play by our rules and the U.S. Constitution says they don't get to play "referee" with the free market.
Bullshit you God damn fool! The government is the referee and I can't believe I even have to explain it
See that's the problem the federal government is picking winners and losers… Corruption it's part of the federal government it's called the deep state

This is why Republicans aren't realistic and you suck at governing.

"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

Trump said it best last night. I can't believe I'm quoting him but I am. He said, "I'm going to flip flop now because what I was saying before wasn't reality. Not even close. But bullshit is what wins votes with stupid Americans so I lied. Anyways, we are going to stay in Afganistan until the threat is over. All my talk about withdrawing was unrealistic. And what the fuck am I going to do about Pakistan? Holy fuck!

So all of the failures of Republicans to repeal the ACA or do a lot of things they said they would do, are proof that their rhetoric doesn't match reality. Neither does yours. But your bs got Trump elected so now you get a change to prove me wrong. Go for it.
Does this sound like Trump and his rich buddies?

Reagan was the first American president to actually preach that his own job was a bad thing. He once said, "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." One can only assume he was speaking of himself and his fellow Republicans, and certainly the current Congress's devotion to the interests of inherited wealth and large corporations displays how badly his philosophy has corrupted a role so noble it drew idealists like Jefferson, Lincoln, and the two Roosevelts.

But cons can't imagine anybody wanting to devote their lives to the service of their nation. The highest calling in their minds is to make profit.

As Reagan said: "The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away."

This mind-set - that the only purpose for service in government is to set up the interests of business - may account for why not a single military-eligible member of the Bush or Cheney families has enlisted in their parents' "Noble Cause," whereas all four sons of Franklin Roosevelt joined and each was decorated - on merit - for bravery in the deadly conflict of World War II.

There are, after all, no reasons in the conservative worldview for government service other than self-enrichment. As Ronald Reagan said: "Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."

What they don't say is that the reason they want to remove government in its protective capacity is because they can then make an enormous amount of money, and have a lot of control over people's lives, when they privatize former governmental functions. They want a power vacuum, so corporations and the rich can step in. And with no limits on the inheritability of riches after the "death tax" is ended, wealth vast enough to take over the government can emerge.
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee
Government has to play by our rules and the U.S. Constitution says they don't get to play "referee" with the free market.
Bullshit you God damn fool! The government is the referee and I can't believe I even have to explain it
See that's the problem the federal government is picking winners and losers… Corruption it's part of the federal government it's called the deep state
I quoted the wrong article

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

In actual fact, there is no such thing as a "free market." Markets are the creation of government.

Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.

And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without rules won't work.
I think saying that we evolved fits better than saying that it failed. As for your healthcare ideas, they sound great, I just wish the conversation was more based on specifics, namely how will it operate, how much will it cost, and how does it get paid for.... if we put half the energy of our political talk and media attention into focusing the collective brainpower into proposing and analyzing productive ideas, then I think we could achieve great things. Instead we seem to prefer extreme partisan squabbles that lack substance and focus on drama and demonization.

Sorry, man, I was proud veteran until this country let Trump be president. If the country treats "picking leader of the Free World" like "The winner of Reality Show", it gave up it's right to be great.

Now we are up there with Caligula's Rome or Hitler's Germany as a country that has failed the "Basic Decency Test'.
It's not our finest moment I'll give you that. But I don't define our country by one shitty leader. He will be out of there in about 3 more years and we have plenty of others out there making their art, competing in sports, building their businesses, raising their family's, helping their communities and fighting for our rights... these are the people that make our country great. Not our politicians
It's not our finest moment I'll give you that. But I don't define our country by one shitty leader. He will be out of there in about 3 more years and we have plenty of others out there making their art, competing in sports, building their businesses, raising their family's, helping their communities and fighting for our rights... these are the people that make our country great. Not our politicians

Here's the underlying problem I see with that.

Whether you agree or disagree with them or not, most of the people who've run for President at at their hearts decent guys. I didn't like Mitt Romney, I thought he had awful ideas and a goofy religion, but at the end of the day, he was a decent enough human being.

Trump, on the other hand, is not a decent human being. And we all knew that, but there were too many people who wanted to extend the middle finger to Washington and half the country.

I honestly don't know how we come back from that.
It's not our finest moment I'll give you that. But I don't define our country by one shitty leader. He will be out of there in about 3 more years and we have plenty of others out there making their art, competing in sports, building their businesses, raising their family's, helping their communities and fighting for our rights... these are the people that make our country great. Not our politicians

Here's the underlying problem I see with that.

Whether you agree or disagree with them or not, most of the people who've run for President at at their hearts decent guys. I didn't like Mitt Romney, I thought he had awful ideas and a goofy religion, but at the end of the day, he was a decent enough human being.

Trump, on the other hand, is not a decent human being. And we all knew that, but there were too many people who wanted to extend the middle finger to Washington and half the country.

I honestly don't know how we come back from that.
We hold our nose and swallow. There is a new election in 3 years and we need smart and decent opponents to run against him. We limit and check his powers so he can not inflict permanent damage, which is for the most part how our government is structured. We hope that he can get some good things accomplished legislatively in between the petty fights he picks with the media and his opponents. Lets just hope his mouth does not get us into a war. I don't think it will because of our Military strength and because other leaders know that he is a short term representative, there will be a new one around the corner. The collective world may just be holding their nose right now. Yes thats embarrassing but we will get through it.
We hold our nose and swallow. There is a new election in 3 years and we need smart and decent opponents to run against him. We limit and check his powers so he can not inflict permanent damage, which is for the most part how our government is structured. We hope that he can get some good things accomplished legislatively in between the petty fights he picks with the media and his opponents. Lets just hope his mouth does not get us into a war. I don't think it will because of our Military strength and because other leaders know that he is a short term representative, there will be a new one around the corner. The collective world may just be holding their nose right now. Yes thats embarrassing but we will get through it.
You are more optomistic than I am.
Cut the one line flames. We're writing twice the normal amounts of warnings to get folks back to the rules of the board. Discuss the TOPIC -- not the posters or ban yourselves until you can do that..
Cut the one line flames. We're writing twice the normal amounts of warnings to get folks back to the rules of the board. Discuss the TOPIC -- not the posters or ban yourselves until you can do that..

In order to understand the value of an input, or the quality of it, you must understand the context in which it is presented.
Cut the one line flames. We're writing twice the normal amounts of warnings to get folks back to the rules of the board. Discuss the TOPIC -- not the posters or ban yourselves until you can do that..

In order to understand the value of an input, or the quality of it, you must understand the context in which it is presented.

Only thing we look for is specific TOPICAL content. It's simple. It's either there or is isn't. All the juvenile sparring and horseshit with each other is OBVIOUSLY out of hand. Here at USMB and the nation is general. USMB REMAINS committed to allowing abusive and unpopular speech. But by OUR rules. And all those simple rules means that members RESPECT the topic of the specific thread they are in in every post..
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee

Rustic doesn't get it that Businesses have to play by the rules and regulations within civilized society. Sure, leninist societies don't allow for a private sector but ours sure as hell does and that includes any nation that function well.

There's a key difference between referee and "owner" of the production that he doesn't get.
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee

Rustic doesn't get it that Businesses have to play by the rules and regulations within civilized society. Sure, leninist societies don't allow for a private sector but ours sure as hell does and that includes any nation that function well.

There's a key difference between referee and "owner" of the production that he doesn't get.
No one owns anything in a socialist society... hence the constant failure
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee

Rustic doesn't get it that Businesses have to play by the rules and regulations within civilized society. Sure, leninist societies don't allow for a private sector but ours sure as hell does and that includes any nation that function well.

There's a key difference between referee and "owner" of the production that he doesn't get.
No one owns anything in a socialist society... hence the constant failure
No one owns anything in Canada? Tell that to the Germans who own my company. They'll laugh at you. Or Australia. You're an American rwnj

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