Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

To the point, charities don't get the job done. Pick up a history book, and read what the world was like before the progressive era. For most people, it kind of sucked.
To your point, pick up a history book and read about what the world was like before America declared independence in 1776. It really sucked.

The worst off during the Great Depression was a billion times better off than the best off under Vlad the Impaler or Genghis Khan. And since the progressive era, we've reversed course and headed back towards that nightmare because of the greed and envy of parasites such as yourself.
To the point, charities don't get the job done.
Even if that were true (and it's not), it doesn't matter. Charity's inability to "get the job done" is not grounds for violating the U.S. Constitution.

If the American people actually wanted your idiotic communism, they would have voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to reflect that. They haven't. Enough said.
This may be a first but i'm going to defend P@triot ... Yes he can be a doubebag sometimes, like most of us we get involved in heated political discussion and dive down to the gutter. I'm guilty of it. I've gotten into it with Pat and called him a douchebag many times as we come at several issues from opposite sides. He is a tough, hard headed debater but he is capable of reasonable debate. I've left a few heated debates with him frustrated but grateful for the challenge and usually with a few things on my mind to think about. Its all about approach and tone. A start is believing that you have political opponents who are smart and good hearted people. If you can do that then you can give productive debate a chance. I'm not yet sure that Pat agrees on that point as he may still think all Lefties are crazy, evil or misguided people :) But i've seen cracks in that shell

You give Poodle way too much credit.

He's a 25 year old child who read Ayn Rand in High School and he really thinks that's how the world ought to work.

There are conservatives here I kind of respect. I think there are problems with the entitlement state and we need to reform some things.

He isn't one of them, because his philosophy lacks any kind of humanity. Anyone who needs help is a "parasite" in his view.

He also has a habit of accusing people of things without any evidence when he can't win a debate otherwise.

So, no, he doesn't deserve respect.
I've had good conversations with him on fiscal issues and we have found some middle ground. He pisses me off when we talk about civil rights especially in the LGBT areas. I'm sure I piss him off too but that's ok because I know I'm right :)
To your point, pick up a history book and read about what the world was like before America declared independence in 1776. It really sucked.

Poodle, America of 1776 still sucked if you were Native american or black. The thing is, if Slave Rapist Washington ended up at the end of a rope... we'd be Canadians today.

We'd have ended slavery without a civil war, and we'd have single payer health care.

The worst off during the Great Depression was a billion times better off than the best off under Vlad the Impaler or Genghis Khan. And since the progressive era, we've reversed course and headed back towards that nightmare because of the greed and envy of parasites such as yourself.

poodle, you wouldn't have lasted five minutes during the Great Depression. Like most libertarian mutants, you like living in a civilized society, you just don't want the responsibilities.
To the point, charities don't get the job done.
Even if that were true (and it's not), it doesn't matter. Charity's inability to "get the job done" is not grounds for violating the U.S. Constitution.

If the American people actually wanted your idiotic communism, they would have voted to amend the U.S. Constitution to reflect that. They haven't. Enough said.

Guy, I just checked, the Constitution is not written on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

It was written 200 years ago by slave-raping assholes who shit in chamber pots and thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment.

Me, I like clean indoor plumbing and effective medical treatment, and I really, really don't care that a slave raping asshole 200 years ago wasn't imaginative enough to think we might develop those things some day.
To your point, pick up a history book and read about what the world was like before America declared independence in 1776. It really sucked.

Poodle, America of 1776 still sucked if you were Native american or black. The thing is, if Slave Rapist Washington ended up at the end of a rope... we'd be Canadians today.

We'd have ended slavery without a civil war, and we'd have single payer health care.

The worst off during the Great Depression was a billion times better off than the best off under Vlad the Impaler or Genghis Khan. And since the progressive era, we've reversed course and headed back towards that nightmare because of the greed and envy of parasites such as yourself.

poodle, you wouldn't have lasted five minutes during the Great Depression. Like most libertarian mutants, you like living in a civilized society, you just don't want the responsibilities.

Is stupidity an inherited disease in your family?

You are an embarrassment.
Is stupidity an inherited disease in your family?

You are an embarrassment.

Duly noted you couldn't refute my points.

A country founded on a notion of equality that still had slavery was bound to fail.... and it did.
Is stupidity an inherited disease in your family?

You are an embarrassment.

Duly noted you couldn't refute my points.

A country founded on a notion of equality that still had slavery was bound to fail.... and it did.
I think saying that we evolved fits better than saying that it failed. As for your healthcare ideas, they sound great, I just wish the conversation was more based on specifics, namely how will it operate, how much will it cost, and how does it get paid for.... if we put half the energy of our political talk and media attention into focusing the collective brainpower into proposing and analyzing productive ideas, then I think we could achieve great things. Instead we seem to prefer extreme partisan squabbles that lack substance and focus on drama and demonization.
Is stupidity an inherited disease in your family?

You are an embarrassment.

Duly noted you couldn't refute my points.

A country founded on a notion of equality that still had slavery was bound to fail.... and it did.
You didn't have any points ...
You merely wanted to get attention, so you posted an anti-American screed completely devoid of reality.

I hope you got your thrill.
Is stupidity an inherited disease in your family?

You are an embarrassment.

Duly noted you couldn't refute my points.

A country founded on a notion of equality that still had slavery was bound to fail.... and it did.
I think saying that we evolved fits better than saying that it failed. As for your healthcare ideas, they sound great, I just wish the conversation was more based on specifics, namely how will it operate, how much will it cost, and how does it get paid for.... if we put half the energy of our political talk and media attention into focusing the collective brainpower into proposing and analyzing productive ideas, then I think we could achieve great things. Instead we seem to prefer extreme partisan squabbles that lack substance and focus on drama and demonization.
The lack of substance and the focus on drama allows some to think they actually have something to contribute to the conversation. It isn't necessary to ACTUALLY think about solutions, when all you have to do is line up and call people names.
The thing is, if Slave Rapist Washington ended up at the end of a rope... we'd be Canadians today.
Yep. And if you had balls, a backbone, a work ethic, and accepted personal responsibility, you would be a real man. What's your point? :dunno:
Guy, I just checked, the Constitution is not written on a stone tablet enscribed by God.
It doesn't need to be to be the supreme law of the United States. And I just checked - it is still the supreme law of the U.S. And literally nobody cares that you don't like it.
It was written 200 years ago by slave-raping assholes
That lie has been debunked millions of times, Goebbels. :lmao:
Me, I like clean indoor plumbing and effective medical treatment
And yet you're not willing to work for any of those things. What you actually like is mooching off of society.
A country founded on a notion of equality that still had slavery was bound to fail.... and it did.
All we did was become the greatest superpower in the history of the planet. We didn't see failure until the uneducated (such as yourself) bought into the idiotic idealism of marxism.
Bwahahahahaha!!! Justin Trudea does the 180° progressive Peabody and summons his best Donald Trump...
MONTREAL (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who once took to Twitter to welcome Syrian refugees into the country, said on Sunday that there would be "no advantage" to entering "irregularly."

"Canada is an opening and welcoming society," he told reporters in Montreal following talks with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. "But let me be clear. We are also a country of laws. Entering Canada irregularly is not an advantage. There are rigorous immigration and customs rules that will be followed. Make no mistake."
Seems Trudea and his fellow idealistic Canadians aren't enjoying all of the Mexicans who are self-deporting from the U.S. to Canada.


Canada's Trudeau warns against entering country 'irregularly'
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....
They have to play by our rules government is the referee
Government has to play by our rules and the U.S. Constitution says they don't get to play "referee" with the free market.
Bullshit you God damn fool! The government is the referee and I can't believe I even have to explain it
See that's the problem the federal government is picking winners and losers… Corruption it's part of the federal government it's called the deep state
I think saying that we evolved fits better than saying that it failed. As for your healthcare ideas, they sound great, I just wish the conversation was more based on specifics, namely how will it operate, how much will it cost, and how does it get paid for.... if we put half the energy of our political talk and media attention into focusing the collective brainpower into proposing and analyzing productive ideas, then I think we could achieve great things. Instead we seem to prefer extreme partisan squabbles that lack substance and focus on drama and demonization.

Sorry, man, I was proud veteran until this country let Trump be president. If the country treats "picking leader of the Free World" like "The winner of Reality Show", it gave up it's right to be great.

Now we are up there with Caligula's Rome or Hitler's Germany as a country that has failed the "Basic Decency Test'.

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