Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

Which state or localities lists white supremacist in their public accommodation laws? Have white supremacist been historically discriminated against in public accommodation?
So is your position that only a select few special groups should be privileged to receive "public accommodation"? Your position is that the law should not be applied equally for everyone? :uhh:

It's the law, puppy, not my position, the law. Best of luck to you getting it changed. Sniveling over and over here ain't gonna cut it.
What, RT, Sputnick or Alex Jones not cover this?
I'm afraid to ask what "RT" or "Sputnick" are...and I'm not sure if Alex Jones covered that or not. I don't go to his website for the mainstream incidents that all media is covering. Sorry to disappoint!

Oh, Glen Beck didn't cover Crooked Donnie Small Hands lies either? So "mainstream".
Then your anti-American. Because America demands tolerance. People are free in this country to be racist, hateful, bigoted, homophobic and anything else they want to be.

True, the happy day when we send these people off to re-education camps to correct their mental problems isn't here... yet. Hoping some day for that happy day.

But we are at a point when you are any of those things at work, you can get fired, or your business can be fined up the yinyang!
Which state or localities lists white supremacist in their public accommodation laws? Have white supremacist been historically discriminated against in public accommodation?
So is your position that only a select few special groups should be privileged to receive "public accommodation"? Your position is that the law should not be applied equally for everyone? :uhh:

It's the law, puppy, not my position, the law. Best of luck to you getting it changed. Sniveling over and over here ain't gonna cut it.
Look at Seawytch weasel out of answering. She knows she's fucked. She must either support the service of Nazis or admit that she's a hypocritical dirt-bag who wants to oppress anyone who isn't like her.
Oh, Glen Beck didn't cover Crooked Donnie Small Hands lies either? So "mainstream".
Now that you actually got correct - I do turn to Glenn Beck for about 75% of my news (TheBlaze has proven itself to be the most honest, most reliable news source in the world).

And if you weren't a partisan hack addicted to left-wing propaganda, you would know that Glenn Beck spends his days absolutely obliterating President Trump. He can't say anything nice about the President. You should really tune in some time - you would become the biggest Beck fan within minutes.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
I am not sure where the left has swung 180 degrees, they have always been into thought control. And they love FORCED thought control the best.
Which state or localities lists white supremacist in their public accommodation laws? Have white supremacist been historically discriminated against in public accommodation?
So is your position that only a select few special groups should be privileged to receive "public accommodation"? Your position is that the law should not be applied equally for everyone? :uhh:

It's the law, puppy, not my position, the law. Best of luck to you getting it changed. Sniveling over and over here ain't gonna cut it.
Look at Seawytch weasel out of answering. She knows she's fucked. She must either support the service of Nazis or admit that she's a hypocritical dirt-bag who wants to oppress anyone who isn't like her.

Only in your twisted mind.
Oh, Glen Beck didn't cover Crooked Donnie Small Hands lies either? So "mainstream".
Now that you actually got correct - I do turn to Glenn Beck for about 75% of my news (TheBlaze has proven itself to be the most honest, most reliable news source in the world).

And if you weren't a partisan hack addicted to left-wing propaganda, you would know that Glenn Beck spends his days absolutely obliterating President Trump. He can't say anything nice about the President. You should really tune in some time - you would become the biggest Beck fan within minutes.

And yet you still believe the lie that the counter protesters had no permit. How weird....
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
Politics is not religion. And, we know it takes morals to have moral forms of indignation. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about morals or the law.
And yet you still believe the lie that the counter protesters had no permit. How weird....
Show me a shred of evidence that they had a permit. A photoshopped "permit" that isn't even filled out other than the name doesn't get the job done.

And...ask yourself this question: why the fuck would the city issue a permit to two separate groups of protestors on the same day? That's a logistical nightmare. And....especially when those groups are opposing factions on an issue. That's a guarantee powder keg. If the city actually did do that, they should be held civilly and criminally responsible.

Your buying into the lie. Whatever the left tells you, you accept unquestioned. Think for yourself. And research it on something that isn't MSNBC or
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
Politics is not religion. And, we know it takes morals to have moral forms of indignation. That is why, nobody takes the right wing seriously about morals or the law.
Do you have anything of substance to say or do you believe that blabbering nonsensically will cause people to believe you are "smart"? What the fuck does "religion" have to do with anything? My post pointed out the extreme hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the bat-shit left-wing lunatics like yourself. Own it. Own it or change your views. But don't babble like an idiot because you're embarrassed about your own actions and your hoping to draw attention away from them.
And yet you still believe the lie that the counter protesters had no permit. How weird....
Show me a shred of evidence that they had a permit. A photoshopped "permit" that isn't even filled out other than the name doesn't get the job done.

And...ask yourself this question: why the fuck would the city issue a permit to two separate groups of protestors on the same day? That's a logistical nightmare. And....especially when those groups are opposing factions on an issue. That's a guarantee powder keg. If the city actually did do that, they should be held civilly and criminally responsible.

Your buying into the lie. Whatever the left tells you, you accept unquestioned. Think for yourself. And research it on something that isn't MSNBC or

I already provided you two links to fact check sites. Both called Crooked Donnie Small Hands statement a bald faced lie.

I listen to NPR. I highly recommend you try it.
I listen to NPR. I highly recommend you try it.
Of course you do! They are as left-wing as it gets. And remember, communists listen to state-run media as well. People who think for themselves, however, prefer something a little more independent.
I already provided you two links to fact check sites. Both called Crooked Donnie Small Hands statement a bald faced lie.
Sweetie...some left-wing site with an agenda screaming "liar" is not evidence. Show me a video of someone with the permit. Show me a reliable source reporting that the left had a permit to be there.
Look at Seawytch weasel out of answering. She knows she's fucked. She must either support the service of Nazis or admit that she's a hypocritical dirt-bag who wants to oppress anyone who isn't like her.

Um... no. Public Accommedation Laws don't apply to political movements, especially fringe ones.

But tell you what, why don't you put on your brownshirt and swastika and march into a diner and see what they say.
Um... no. Public Accommedation Laws don't apply to political movements, especially fringe ones.
And what is the "Gay Rights" movement....a bowel movement? It's a political movement you nitwit. :eusa_doh:
There is something about the racism, discrimination, bigotry topics that I just have no tolerance for.
Then your anti-American. Because America demands tolerance. People are free in this country to be racist, hateful, bigoted, homophobic and anything else they want to be.

And there wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for people like you. If everyone ignored them (like I do) it wouldn't be an issue. It takes two sides to go to war my friend. Leave them be to be racist and hateful and there won't be a problem. Simple.
Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...
You made a great point there, my friend. Why let a-holes strip us of our constitutional rights? The best thing society can do is let them rant and rave and just ignore them. They will grow exhausted screaming at the wind. And they make themselves look stupid.

If the left had any brains, they would have gone about their daily lives last weekend and if their schedule had absolutely caused them to come in contact with the protestors, just waving and saying "God Bless" would have been the best course of action.
I agree with you, but I also understand the conviction by many to stand up to this kind of hate. This is where it gets tricky. Though I agree that ignoring the haters is the best way to go about it because when you engage it gives them fuel and exposure. If the anti-hate crowd were to engage then they should do so in a peaceful way that drowns out the hate. From the reports i've seen from the Boston rallies it appears that for the most part its been a positive display. The numbers of the anti-hate group dwarfs the haters. I'm not seeing much violence. It appears that the anti-hate protestors are focusing on their message and not shutting down the haters. I also like to think that the anti-hate crowd is comprised of liberals, conservatives, democrats and republicans. This should be a uniting issue and it is a shame that it has become a polarizing political thing. For this I do blame Trump for the way he handled it and the media for fueling the fight, but ultimately Trump is our leader and he needs to do better. Lets hope we've seen the worst of it and sane minds can come together to both support free speech and rally against racism and hate.
And what is the "Gay Rights" movement....a bowel movement? It's a political movement you nitwit.

No, there are gay conservatives and gay liberals, so not so much.

Being gay isn't a choice, buddy.

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