Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
But only one side had a permit for their lawful and peaceful demonstration. The lawless left did what it always does - showed up to stir up shit.

Oh! Well if they HAD A PERMIT then that means their violence was just A-OK! Right Hatriot?
They didn't create the violence, dillhole. It was the left-wing fascists that showed up looking for a fight who created the violence.

If they had kept their stupid asses at home where they belonged, who would the protestors been "violent" against? Each other? Idiot.

And there it is again. "If she hadn't been wearing that short skirt"...
Both were there with permits.
No they weren't you ignorant lying dillhole. The protestors who wanted to keep the monuments went through the legal process to hold a rally/protest and obtained a permit for the event. The lawless left-wing did what they always do - they came looking to oppress and silence through violence without a permit.

you're comparing lifestyle choices and politics to the agenda that's has resulted in 2 wars and millions of deaths. You may not see it but you sound ridiculous
Sorry Slade...that dog don't hunt. That's a bullshit answer. Tomorrow, a muslim radical could easily start World War III over homosexuality. Then what? Are you going to condemn homosexuality because of it?

You're taking your own personal feelings and trying to justify them by seeking out examples you think you can twist. You've started with the conclusion and are looking for facts to support it.

Nazism and white supremacyism is political. If it's ok in your mind for left-wing political views then it has to be ok for Nazi political views. Otherwise, you're a facist looking to silence anyone who doesn't share your views.
Maybe you're right. That's not how I see myself and not the way I think about most things as I am very much a supporter of personal freedoms and equality. There is something about the racism, discrimination, bigotry topics that I just have no tolerance for. I think it is disgusting, anti American, and an immediate threat to our people that has already resulted in the loss of millions of lives. There is a line and these areas are where I draw my line.

If a war got started over homosexuality and millions died because of it, I'm pretty sure America would come out on the side of inclusiveness and anti-discrimination which would reenforce the same principles that I'm standing for with this issue.
Despite the media declaring this sort of "moral equivalency" off limits, a near-majority of Americans surveyed about last weekend's events in Charlottesville blame the violent upheaval on "both sides" (40 percent) or on the Antifa Left (nine percent). Slightly fewer (46 percent) point the finger at the Alt-Right as the primary culprits. This result may stun members of the press who've spent days scolding anyone, including President Trump, who has raised the specter of left-wing violence in this context. It seems the general public isn't nearly as horrified by Trump's framing as "opinion leaders" are -- via Axios:


Watching media coverage, you'd think Trump is nearly alone in believing "both sides" share fault for the Charlottesville violence. Turns out, most Republicans have his back...Far more blame "the far right groups" for Charlottesville (46%) than "the counter-protesters" (9%), but a remarkable 40% concur with Trump's assertion that both were equally responsible. "Beneath the surface, we see the same partisan division: Two-thirds of Democrats (66%) blame the far-right groups rather than the counter-protesters (6%), while Republicans overwhelmingly blame both sides equally (64%). About the same proportion of Republicans blame the far-right groups (18%) as the counter-protestors (17%)."
You are defending rioters and looters.
Hey dillhole? The protestors weren't rioting or looting. If you can't get the facts straight, shut the fuck up and go away. Idiot.

They had a permit to protest. The lawless left-wing fascists did what they always do - violated the law and came looking for trouble.
Good luck with your court challenge. What's your strategy? ...or is creating whining thread after whining thread about public accommodation laws it for you?
I don't need a "strategy" nor do I need a "court challenge". I just need to speak the truth and watch you fascists lose your shit.

Good luck with your court challenge. What's your strategy? ...or is creating whining thread after whining thread about public accommodation laws it for you?
I'm confused on your position here sweetie (typical when it comes to leftists). Since your such a big "accommodation laws" supporter, you must be absolutely livid that white supremacists were denied at restaurants and has their website taken off of the internet - right? Can you clarify for the class?
Both were there with permits.
No they weren't you ignorant lying dillhole. The protestors who wanted to keep the monuments went through the legal process to hold a rally/protest and obtained a permit for the event. The lawless left-wing did what they always do - they came looking to oppress and silence through violence without a permit.

View attachment 144423
Wow....photoshop. I'm in awe.... :doubt:

(the left-wing idiots weren't even smart enough to fill out the form in their photoshopping :laugh: )
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There is something about the racism, discrimination, bigotry topics that I just have no tolerance for.
Then your anti-American. Because America demands tolerance. People are free in this country to be racist, hateful, bigoted, homophobic and anything else they want to be.

And there wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for people like you. If everyone ignored them (like I do) it wouldn't be an issue. It takes two sides to go to war my friend. Leave them be to be racist and hateful and there won't be a problem. Simple.
Good luck with your court challenge. What's your strategy? ...or is creating whining thread after whining thread about public accommodation laws it for you?
I don't need a "strategy" nor do I need a "court challenge". I just need to speak the truth and watch you fascists lose your shit.


You really have a skewed idea of what "losing their shit" entails. Mocking you and wishing you luck....unhinged.
Good luck with your court challenge. What's your strategy? ...or is creating whining thread after whining thread about public accommodation laws it for you?
I'm confused on your position here sweetie (typical when it comes to leftists). Since your such a big "accommodation laws" supporter, you must be absolutely livid that white supremacists were denied at restaurants and has their website taken off of the internet - right? Can you clarify for the class?

Which state or localities lists white supremacist in their public accommodation laws? Have white supremacist been historically discriminated against in public accommodation?

I absolutely support Nazis or Nazi supporters like Trump challenging PA laws. You're obviously not dedicated enough to your cause to challenge them yourself. Starting thread after thread, sniveling and whining about PA laws is all you can muster up. You sure you weren't on the cheerleading squad instead of football?
Both were there with permits.
No they weren't you ignorant lying dillhole. The protestors who wanted to keep the monuments went through the legal process to hold a rally/protest and obtained a permit for the event. The lawless left-wing did what they always do - they came looking to oppress and silence through violence without a permit.

View attachment 144423
Wow....photoshop. I'm in awe.... :doubt:

(the left-wing idiots weren't even smart enough to fill out the form in their photoshopping :laugh: )

What, RT, Sputnick or Alex Jones not cover this?

Trump wrong that counter-protesters had no permit


Analysis | President Trump’s false claim that counterprotesters lacked a permit

There is something about the racism, discrimination, bigotry topics that I just have no tolerance for.
Then your anti-American. Because America demands tolerance. People are free in this country to be racist, hateful, bigoted, homophobic and anything else they want to be.

And there wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for people like you. If everyone ignored them (like I do) it wouldn't be an issue. It takes two sides to go to war my friend. Leave them be to be racist and hateful and there won't be a problem. Simple.
Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...
Which state or localities lists white supremacist in their public accommodation laws? Have white supremacist been historically discriminated against in public accommodation?
So is your position that only a select few special groups should be privileged to receive "public accommodation"? Your position is that the law should not be applied equally for everyone? :uhh:
What, RT, Sputnick or Alex Jones not cover this?
I'm afraid to ask what "RT" or "Sputnick" are...and I'm not sure if Alex Jones covered that or not. I don't go to his website for the mainstream incidents that all media is covering. Sorry to disappoint!
There is something about the racism, discrimination, bigotry topics that I just have no tolerance for.
Then your anti-American. Because America demands tolerance. People are free in this country to be racist, hateful, bigoted, homophobic and anything else they want to be.

And there wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for people like you. If everyone ignored them (like I do) it wouldn't be an issue. It takes two sides to go to war my friend. Leave them be to be racist and hateful and there won't be a problem. Simple.
Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...
You made a great point there, my friend. Why let a-holes strip us of our constitutional rights? The best thing society can do is let them rant and rave and just ignore them. They will grow exhausted screaming at the wind. And they make themselves look stupid.

If the left had any brains, they would have gone about their daily lives last weekend and if their schedule had absolutely caused them to come in contact with the protestors, just waving and saying "God Bless" would have been the best course of action.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
/----/ Libs change their position like the wind to suit their immediate needs.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
People are standing up to groups and individuals that spread hate speech and who are widely condemned by every leader in our country including Trump. How can you compare that to an oppressed minority group like homosexuals?
Do gays spread anything but hate speech........classs
/----/ In addition to hate speech, Libs spread:
  • Hepatitis. Hepatitis. ...
  • Chancroid. Chancroid. ...
  • Trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis. ...
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts. ...
  • Herpes. Herpes. ...
  • Gonorrhea. Gonorrhea. ...
  • Chlamydia. Chlamydia.

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