Progressives rotate 180°on their views over night

One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
But only one side had a permit for their lawful and peaceful demonstration. The lawless left did what it always does - showed up to stir up shit.

Oh! Well if they HAD A PERMIT then that means their violence was just A-OK! Right Hatriot?

There was no violence until antifa showed up. There was a peaceful protest and a tiki torch march. No violence.

Oh, it was Antifa's fault that some right wing piece of shit decided to plow into a crowd killing an innocent woman?

That isn't when the violence started, you sleazy lying piece of shit, and it actually was partly their fault. If they hadn't violated the law to be there, it would never have happened.

They DID have a permit you lying scumbag.
There is no such thing privately owned business in socialists societies....

Yes there are.
Somebody someday will define socialism and communism in the USA. So far it seems the New BS GOP ikes to keep the conflation of the Cold War. Everywhere else democracy is the difference between them.
Will that definition include or exclude the murder of over 100 million people ?
Yes, by communists- not democratic socialists.
There isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two.
Only in stupid USA...DEMOCRACY is the difference DUHHHHH. "We're all socialists now" Finland PM when ACA passed...
People are standing up to groups and individuals that spread hate speech and who are widely condemned by every leader in our country including Trump. How can you compare that to an oppressed minority group like homosexuals?
How can you not, Slade? Either businesses have the right to refuse service or they don't. You can't have it both ways.
I understand your point and it is a fine debate. I just think that hate groups are in a different league than minority and even political groups.

Mano decides what is and is not a hate group, and what would be considered hate speech? Not one person in any of these threads has asked or stated what it would be. As it is now, say something another person don't like and it's hate. Sure, curb the rhetoric and maybe don't show up at a protest strapped up for a rumble. One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
You are right there was hate on both sides that showed up with purpose. One group showed up to express hate for Jews, blacks and non whites, to push the message that they want to take their country back.... the other group showed up to cast hate on their racist message and stand up for American values. If you want to equal those two then go ahead but I'd be careful who you express that too because it isn't going to be received well by many.
One group showed up to express hate for Jews, blacks and non whites, to push the message that they want to take their country back..
I thought it was a rally to protest
the removal of confederate statues/monuments
the other group showed up to cast hate on their racist message and stand up for American values.
American values..

Like what, BLM only if it involves a white cop
abortion isn't legalized killing, its a women's right
immigration laws are stupid, I can be here if I want
I can't afford the kids I have but I'm pregnant, 4 baby daddies
I know I'm not a boy, I'm a girl, says 3 yr old johnny
I'm gender neutral, I'm not male or female... not mentally ill
I don't know what the fuck I am...maybe an alien
homosexuality is normal because its normal to love
I'm black, its because of slavery that I'm uneducated,
and depend on the government for food, housing,
medical, utilities and cash, to take care of the kids
I have had with multiple men that I can't afford
These tests are too hard, lower the passing mark for us
Don't say Merry Christmas or God bless you, it's offensive

Those values dickhead
you're comparing lifestyle choices and politics to the agenda that's has resulted in 2 wars and millions of deaths. You may not see it but you sound ridiculous
Whether I support the Civil Rights Act and Public Accommodation laws or not is irrelevant. It IS the law. You can get rid of them all or add racist Nazis if you want. Good luck either way!
All "classes" should be equally protected. Someone who is black should have to adhere to the same speed limit as someone who is white. Someone who is muslim should face the same punishment for murder as someone who is christian.

And the government has absolutely no authority to tell private citizens on private property who to do business with. The dumb-ass lefties just learned the hard way the consequences of such. They were too stupid to realize celebrating restaurants denying service and tech companies blocking access exposed their stupidity and their hypocrisy. Oops...
you're comparing lifestyle choices and politics to the agenda that's has resulted in 2 wars and millions of deaths. You may not see it but you sound ridiculous
Sorry Slade...that dog don't hunt. That's a bullshit answer. Tomorrow, a muslim radical could easily start World War III over homosexuality. Then what? Are you going to condemn homosexuality because of it?

You're taking your own personal feelings and trying to justify them by seeking out examples you think you can twist. You've started with the conclusion and are looking for facts to support it.

Nazism and white supremacyism is political. If it's ok in your mind for left-wing political views then it has to be ok for Nazi political views. Otherwise, you're a facist looking to silence anyone who doesn't share your views.
Both were there with permits.
No they weren't you ignorant lying dillhole. The protestors who wanted to keep the monuments went through the legal process to hold a rally/protest and obtained a permit for the event. The lawless left-wing did what they always do - they came looking to oppress and silence through violence without a permit.
One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
But only one side had a permit for their lawful and peaceful demonstration. The lawless left did what it always does - showed up to stir up shit.

Oh! Well if they HAD A PERMIT then that means their violence was just A-OK! Right Hatriot?
They didn't create the violence, dillhole. It was the left-wing fascists that showed up looking for a fight who created the violence.

If they had kept their stupid asses at home where they belonged, who would the protestors been "violent" against? Each other? Idiot.
Oh, it was Antifa's fault that some right wing piece of shit decided to plow into a crowd killing an innocent woman?
Exactly. It was Antifa's fault. The first and only accurate thing you've ever said on USMB, sytfe.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
Have you ever heard of PA laws? And what they cover and DON'T cover? Educate yourself.
You had the opportunity just now to educate us all. You failed to do so. How interesting.
Gays are not protected by federal anti discrimination law. They are protected in several states.

Neo-Nazi-KKK-SkinHeads are not protected by any anti-discrimination laws.
Sure they are. The law must be applied equally. If one cannot refuse service for being gay, one cannot refuse service for being a Nazi.
This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility.
For the past 10 years or so we had to hear from progressives how businesses were not private. How they belonged to the government and/or the public. How serving the public meant they had no right to refuse service.

Yet the past few days, progressives had drowned social media celebrating stories of businesses who "serve the public" denying Nazi and/or white supremacist groups service. One was a restaurant. The big news today was ISP and cloud services denying their services to a website called "Daily Stormer" (apparently some white supremacist site).

So what happened? When a business owner wanted to refuse service to homosexuals based on their religious beliefs (fully protected by the U.S. Constitution), the left completely lost their shit. They insisted that it was "discrimination" and demanded that either the business be forced - at the barrel of a gun - to provide their products or services, or be run out of business.

And yet, when a business does the exact same thing to another group (for reasons not protected by the U.S. Constitution), all we hear from the fascists is "they have the right to refuse service".

This is what happens when views/ideologies are built from irrational emotion instead of logic and reason. There is an absurd contradiction and lack of consistency - which completely obliterates all credibility (hence the reason nobody takes the left seriously on anything).
You kidding? They change their argument or side within a second. Look at the losers who post here.

Here is the best example of these useful idiots for the democrat agenda.

Colbert: Trump fired Comey.

Audience : yaaaaay!!

Colbert: No, you are suppose to booooo!!

Audience: Booooooo!!!!

In a nutshell. I have said and I maintain. The left stand for nothing, except anything that will bring the country down. Anything that attacks the white Christian male.

That is it. That is all.
One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
But only one side had a permit for their lawful and peaceful demonstration. The lawless left did what it always does - showed up to stir up shit.

Oh! Well if they HAD A PERMIT then that means their violence was just A-OK! Right Hatriot?
They didn't create the violence, dillhole. It was the left-wing fascists that showed up looking for a fight who created the violence.

If they had kept their stupid asses at home where they belonged, who would the protestors been "violent" against? Each other? Idiot.

You are just as stupid as both groups. You say the sister rapers were being peaceful? Why then the helmets, sticks and pepper spray? Are yo so deprived of love and attention that you buy that shit ? You are to weak minded and suggestable to tak seriously. You are the sane type of stupid as Nancy P, just on the right.
One thing for sure, last weekend America saw two hate groups come together and embarrass the country. They need to starte disavowing the same behavior To.
But only one side had a permit for their lawful and peaceful demonstration. The lawless left did what it always does - showed up to stir up shit.

Oh! Well if they HAD A PERMIT then that means their violence was just A-OK! Right Hatriot?
They didn't create the violence, dillhole. It was the left-wing fascists that showed up looking for a fight who created the violence.

If they had kept their stupid asses at home where they belonged, who would the protestors been "violent" against? Each other? Idiot.

Who you callin idiot? You are defending rioters and looters. You get your marching orders from hannity or you live in fantasy land . To say the people who went to that rally did so to burn candles and sing you are just blind or deliberately dishonest. Likely the latter.
Whether I support the Civil Rights Act and Public Accommodation laws or not is irrelevant. It IS the law. You can get rid of them all or add racist Nazis if you want. Good luck either way!
All "classes" should be equally protected. Someone who is black should have to adhere to the same speed limit as someone who is white. Someone who is muslim should face the same punishment for murder as someone who is christian.

And the government has absolutely no authority to tell private citizens on private property who to do business with. The dumb-ass lefties just learned the hard way the consequences of such. They were too stupid to realize celebrating restaurants denying service and tech companies blocking access exposed their stupidity and their hypocrisy. Oops...

Tell me how your case goes, football star.

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