Progressives unable to get out of their own way

Or as a conservative said about the framers:
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter the produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought." Douglas MacArthur
Yeah...liberal in the true sense (ie founded in liberty). Not in the hijacked left-wing communist sense of today.

By the way - citing Douglas freaking McArthur is fall down hilarious. Not really a "founder" chief. :lmao:

I'll take Thomas Jefferson any day - an actual founder who personally penned the Declaration of Independence. He was there in the beginning when the nation was founded. Unlike Douglas McArthur whose impact occurred in the 1930's :lol:

“lt is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all” - Thomas Jefferson (1795)

Does that sound "liberal" to you? Sounds like the ultimate conservative to me. Essentially he says - we wouldnt even assemble a government if it weren't for the need to secure our rights.

Government exists only to secure your rights - and not one damn thing more. It should be small, limited, and and nearly powerless. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and the rest of the great men who built this nation were quite clear on that. It doesn't matter how bad you want to erase history and rewrite it to fit your ideology.
And what of the happiness of its citizens, doesn't Government have a responsibility in that area?
The founders had a small limited government and they changed it to a larger government with a great deal more power?
Or as a conservative said about the framers:
"For the framers of the Constitution were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter the produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought." Douglas MacArthur
Yeah...liberal in the true sense (ie founded in liberty). Not in the hijacked left-wing communist sense of today.

By the way - citing Douglas freaking McArthur is fall down hilarious. Not really a "founder" chief. :lmao:

I'll take Thomas Jefferson any day - an actual founder who personally penned the Declaration of Independence. He was there in the beginning when the nation was founded. Unlike Douglas McArthur whose impact occurred in the 1930's :lol:

“lt is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all” - Thomas Jefferson (1795)

Does that sound "liberal" to you? Sounds like the ultimate conservative to me. Essentially he says - we wouldnt even assemble a government if it weren't for the need to secure our rights.

Government exists only to secure your rights - and not one damn thing more. It should be small, limited, and and nearly powerless. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and the rest of the great men who built this nation were quite clear on that. It doesn't matter how bad you want to erase history and rewrite it to fit your ideology.
And what of the happiness of its citizens, doesn't Government have a responsibility in that area?
The founders had a small limited government and they changed it to a larger government with a great deal more power?
And what of the happiness of its citizens, doesn't Government have a responsibility in that area?
No. It doesn't. At all. And it's astoundingly stupid to even ask that question. Some people are completely incapable of even being happy. Then what? What does government do in that situation?
And what of the happiness of its citizens, doesn't Government have a responsibility in that area?
No. It doesn't. At all. And it's astoundingly stupid to even ask that question. Some people are completely incapable of even being happy. Then what? What does government do in that situation?
Ever hear of the pursuit of happiness?
And what of the happiness of its citizens, doesn't Government have a responsibility in that area?
No. It doesn't. At all. And it's astoundingly stupid to even ask that question. Some people are completely incapable of even being happy. Then what? What does government do in that situation?
Ever hear of the pursuit of happiness?
Yep. Notice what it says? It does not say "government provided happiness". It says "the pursuit of happiness". As in the government is not permitted to interfere in your pursuit of happiness. As in, just another example of the framers insisting on small, limited government.
The phrase is from Jefferson's Declaration of Independence,
We have discovered in the years it is hard to pursue happiness if people are hungry, needing medical care and so forth. Or as Madison said in 1788 "It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, is the real welfare of the great body of the people and is the supreme object to be pursued...."
The phrase is from Jefferson's Declaration of Independence,
We have discovered in the years it is hard to pursue happiness if people are hungry, needing medical care and so forth. Or as Madison said in 1788 "It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, is the real welfare of the great body of the people and is the supreme object to be pursued...."
You clearly don't understand what that means or what James Madison's position was on the role of government...


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