Progressives world.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
God came to Earth and before him stood all who lived on this Planet. God said" This is the day you all have waited for and it shall happen. Suddenly a large group of people fell to the ground and they left the earth, their body's flashed away. Next god said all those who are to young to know right from wrong and to follow, and they left. Next God states those who have never believed in me who believed now will follow. God stated, those who have never heard of me shall go also. I was then he stated those who are not able to think or are mentally not normal will go also. God was about to leave when a person yelled out "what about me". God stated" The rest of you are Progressives, and you are to be rewarded also. You shall inherent this world and shall rule it in all matters. God left and Progressive cheered. This was when the problems began. No one wanted to work, no one wanted to dig coal let alone burn it. The World broke down into the Rich Progressives ruling and the others become slaves for the good of the Rich.
Little Empires of Kings and Queens was to come into the Earth.

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