Projection - Election are stolen

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system
It has only to do with one man. Before he lost in 2020, there was no talk of massive election fraud. Then for some reason, this man became the savior for a sect of the voting populace.
In fact, there was only one election that we could have considered "stolen" (2000)....and even the men who were rightfully cheated out of the presidency had the good grace to concede..for the good of the country.
Unfortunately for the Judge we have to assume he's a piece of shit, he might be accurate though. Can't risk assuming that though based on how judges have acted since 2020.

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system
It just would not be an ordinary day if a Republican wasn't caught being a flaming hypocrite.

Trump is still lying to his supporters. This what he said yesterday:

“If you go back and look at all of the things that had been found out, it showed that I won the election in Wisconsin,” Trump told the newspaper. “It also showed I won the election in other locations.”

What things?

After Trump barely beat Hillary in Wisconsin in 2016, he lost to Biden by more than 20,000 votes in 2020. It’s a defeat he has refused to accept.

A bipartisan audit in 2021 determined there was no widespread fraud in the state’s election after Biden’s victory weathered recounts and court rulings.

Not being able to accept or believe isn't evidence Donald.

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system
If the election was stolen, it is pathetic no matter where it was done. How would I disrupt past or future elections if President Trump's angst over the election he believes.was stolen, and he was right?

I'm a senior citizen, my feet hurt, and I forget where I put my keys frequently. No way would I be able to disrupt a public election. I can barely get around due to usual senior issues. I will pray for fair elections in the future, but I maintain my First Amendment rights to speak and pray for right to be done, and I feel that being pre-accused of disrupting elections along with other innocent American voters is catagorically uncalled for.

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system
So why didn’t the voting system prevent him from voting?

Oh because it’s a joke and people vote illegally all the time.

So I guess he was right, eh?

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system

9 times??? Lightweight!

I kid! I kid!

The elections will be fine this year, no funny business. The repubs have just learned they will need to use the same tactics as dems did in last election.

All good though.

9 times??? Lightweight!

I kid! I kid!

The elections will be fine this year, no funny business. The repubs have just learned they will need to use the same tactics as dems did in last election.

All good though.

Voting is "tactics"? It`s been nearly 4 ears and the election deniers don`t have shit. Keep making fools of yours elves, if you like but normal people are still laughing at you. Not for losing, just for being idiots.
Voting is "tactics"? It`s been nearly 4 ears and the election deniers don`t have shit. Keep making fools of yours elves, if you like but normal people are still laughing at you. Not for losing, just for being idiots.

What are you talking about ? I said the same tactics and you start talking about cheating…are you trying to confess something?

I said the same tactics, so whatever dems did in 2020, the repubs must do in 2024. Mail in ballots, mass balloting, ballot harvesting, early voting, middle of the night voting dumps…EVERY tactic that dems used, repubs must use.

Unfortunately for the Judge we have to assume he's a piece of shit, he might be accurate though. Can't risk assuming that though based on how judges have acted since 2020.
It's amazing how many judges can't see the obvious voter fraud that happened in 2020.

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"Brian Pritchard, first vice chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine, as well as investigative costs, and be publicly reprimanded."

Pritchard had been sentenced in 1996 in Pennsylvania to three years’ probation for felony check forgery charges. His probation was revoked three times — once in 1999, after he moved to Georgia, and again in 2002 and 2004. In 2004, a judge imposed a new seven-year probationary sentence on Pritchard, thus making him ineligible to vote until at least 2011 in Georgia, where state law prohibits felons from voting.

Despite that, court documents showed that Pritchard signed voter registration forms in 2008 in which he affirmed that he was “not serving a sentence for having been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude.” He then cast ballots in four Georgia primary and general elections in 2008, as well as five special, primary and general elections in 2010.


It's incredibly obvious that he reason most people who attack election integrity, are people who would do things to disrupt elections. It's pathetic. To attack the US system
Election integrity people are from all walks. After 1996, when I got my computer, I got hooked on a website that had a connection with the NYTimes who were good enough to have a cyber meeting room for all. One night, I was just reading, I ran into a conversation of loyal democrats having a little brag session on who voted the most times in the presidential election of the day, and I gathered they were from locations as NYCity, Great Lakes states, California, and who knows where else, but some of them bragged on voting 4 times, and others as many as 30 times if they were precinct higher-ups. I was horrified and did not take part in this little brag session. Ever since then, I have put election bads into my disdain file, because precinct chairpersons who cheat personally should never hold a key to power to deprive th we American people as practiced lawfully--one person, one vote, not 30 votes because they could.:cranky:
9 times??? Lightweight!

I kid! I kid!

The elections will be fine this year, no funny business. The repubs have just learned they will need to use the same tactics as dems did in last election.

All good though.

No. If the right gets into cheating and hiding the truthful vote of the American people, we're worse than a third world country because two wrongs don't make a right; never has and never will. :cranky:
Election integrity people are from all walks. After 1996, when I got my computer, I got hooked on a website that had a connection with the NYTimes who were good enough to have a cyber meeting room for all. One night, I was just reading, I ran into a conversation of loyal democrats having a little brag session on who voted the most times in the presidential election of the day, and I gathered they were from locations as NYCity, Great Lakes states, California, and who knows where else, but some of them bragged on voting 4 times, and others as many as 30 times if they were precinct higher-ups. I was horrified and did not take part in this little brag session. Ever since then, I have put election bads into my disdain file, because precinct chairpersons who cheat personally should never hold a key to power to deprive th we American people as practiced lawfully--one person, one vote, not 30 votes because they could.:cranky:

I bet you went to the Feds with this after saving screen captures and those people are now in GITMO.

Great script for a fail movie

GOP official who claimed 2020 election was stolen voted illegally 9 times, judge rules

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

"A Georgia Republican official who pushed false claims that the 2020 election was “stolen” was found to have voted illegally nine times, a judge ruled this week."

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