
Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
This term is used a lot on this board but it seems some who use the tactic just really don't get what it is, how it is used and just what it indicates in the person using the technique of Projection. Projection is something that kids use. But when adults use it...that is a different matter and a serious one.
So. Here is a quick article on it.

Projection is a dangerous psychological dysfunction, but it can and must be fought through exposing its hypocrisy at every opportunity. Most people are not actually evil or bad, but this dysfunction deludes good people into projecting their own darkness on to others. We must all show people like the activists above that they are actually manifesting what they seek to destroy. Without anger, hate, or violence, we must all have the courage to speak calmly to people locked in their own projections and help them realize what they are really doing. They may feel that they have good intentions, but their actions are creating evil.
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What amazes me is how a simple thing it is to see children being groomed and know it is wrong.

The leftists here value their tribal identity above all else, though, and so spring into action to defend it at every turn.

They support it because they think they should.
People can think what they want without some elitist academic telling them that they are victims of a psychological disfunction. The problem for Americans is that they are unwilling victims of the mainstream media that has become a disfunctional propaganda arm of a political agenda that ignores or justifies hatred and violence from the left.

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