Prominent lawyer Lisa Bloom sought donor cash for two Trump accusers

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paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.
Paid testimony is called "witness tampering."
What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.

Frank Marshall Davis? Yep, you;re nuts.

In what way?

I suspect you are simply ignorant.

I have no doubt that you suspect a lot of goofy stuff, and after you repeat those things enough, you finally believe them to be true.

You haven't been conditioned to know who Davis is, have you sparky? Your masters never explained the relationship of this open Marxist revolutionary to Ann Dunham and the Dunham clan, did they?
Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.

Frank Marshall Davis? Yep, you;re nuts.

In what way?

I suspect you are simply ignorant.

I have no doubt that you suspect a lot of goofy stuff, and after you repeat those things enough, you finally believe them to be true.

You haven't been conditioned to know who Davis is, have you sparky? Your masters never explained the relationship of this open Marxist revolutionary to Ann Dunham and the Dunham clan, did they?

I've heard lots of crazy conspiracy theories. No doubt, you believe them.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.
Of course it's a coup. What do you think that FBI traitor meant by "insurance policy?"

I won't explain that again. You should check with a credible source if you want an answer.
I don't need a "credible source." Unlike snowflakes, I'm able to commit logic on my own.
They paid the Russians to concoct a story slandering Trump, then used it to obtain a FISA warrant to illegally wiretap Trump Tower. Comey wrote his letter of exoneration for Hillary before he did his charade of an investigation. Bloom was bribing women to claim Trump assaulted them. Every day something new comes out to expose the Democratic Party for their crimes, yet Mueller, Rothenstein, and apparently Sessions, are ignoring these obvious and provable crimes while the attempted coup by the left continues unimpeded even though there is absolutely no evidence of guilt of any kind on the part of the President. The corruption at the highest levels of our government is undeniable.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.
Of course it's a coup. What do you think that FBI traitor meant by "insurance policy?"

I won't explain that again. You should check with a credible source if you want an answer.
I don't need a "credible source." Unlike snowflakes, I'm able to commit logic on my own.

Right, because party rhetoric means more than facts to you.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.
Of course it's a coup. What do you think that FBI traitor meant by "insurance policy?"

I won't explain that again. You should check with a credible source if you want an answer.
I don't need a "credible source." Unlike snowflakes, I'm able to commit logic on my own.

Right, because party rhetoric means more than facts to you.
You mean like how you justify bribing people for false testimony because of party?
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.

When have Republicans done it?
Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.
So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.


Paying a mortgage gives ZERO dollars to the person too.

Get off your "brain dead lying partisan dumb ass" :lol:
I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.


Paying a mortgage gives ZERO dollars to the person too.

Get off your "brain dead lying partisan dumb ass" :lol:
That was so weak.
This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.


Paying a mortgage gives ZERO dollars to the person too.

Get off your "brain dead lying partisan dumb ass" :lol:
That was so weak.

Let's see - someone says if you go file a complaint, we'll pay all the legal costs (lawyers are expensive)....vs. if you go file a complaint we'll pay off your mortgage.

You seem to think there is a big difference. Only in your little pointy head.
I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....

The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.


Paying a mortgage gives ZERO dollars to the person too.

Get off your "brain dead lying partisan dumb ass" :lol:
wrong you RETARD paying off a mortgage is the same as giving cash it pays for their home a PERSONAL finance issue.
The bootlickers claim it was for "legal fees."

They hypocrits think it's ok when Republicans do it.
Once again brain dead lying partisan dumb ass, No Republican ever offered a bribe to make a claim against a democrat. Offering to pay court costs and lawyer fees gives ZERO dollars to the person.


Paying a mortgage gives ZERO dollars to the person too.

Get off your "brain dead lying partisan dumb ass" :lol:
That was so weak.

Let's see - someone says if you go file a complaint, we'll pay all the legal costs (lawyers are expensive)....vs. if you go file a complaint we'll pay off your mortgage.

You seem to think there is a big difference. Only in your little pointy head.
Actually dumb ass in the first case the person only gets their legal costs paid if sued in the second they get the cash no matter what.
Oh, you're paying off my mortgage? Wow, that's $1500 a month I can save. Thanks! What do you want me to say about Trump again?
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