Prominent lawyer Lisa Bloom sought donor cash for two Trump accusers

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It amounts to the same thing in the end. You are paying someone to make a claim. Would they have made the claim if they had not been paid? This splitting of hairs is nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.

Again difference between paying someone to make a claim and offering to pay legal fees after they've made one.
Would they have made the claim without the promise of compensation? Doubtful. Your atr trying to grab the nonexistent higher ground in the scum.
paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.
Kills any court case for any of them that excepted the greenbacks.....

I don't think so.

A court case isn't dependent on that but on evidence.
Your not very well versed on Fruit of the poisons tree (or vine). IF any branch or root is infected the tree as whole will be thrown out.

Bribes in an attempt to gain people to "make statements" true or not, will poison the whole thing.. Nothing they say after that point we be deamed credible. There will always be questions on the motive and truthfulness..

So paying for the Clinton accusers legal fees means nothing they say is credible?

On the other hand - that is only one of the accusers.
legal fee's? you mean like buying off one woman's house or offering cash payments of 750,000.00 just to publicly claim something? BIG DIFFERENCE! So now bribing people is 'pay legal fee's"? is that what your insinuating?

When you are paying someone to make a legal case - what you actually pay for is apples and oranges - it's all the same. Unless you're a hypocritical partisan.
SO you think it OK to pay someone to lie for your cause and destroy another persons life... Fucking pathetic.....
I don't think so.

A court case isn't dependent on that but on evidence.
Your not very well versed on Fruit of the poisons tree (or vine). IF any branch or root is infected the tree as whole will be thrown out.

Bribes in an attempt to gain people to "make statements" true or not, will poison the whole thing.. Nothing they say after that point we be deamed credible. There will always be questions on the motive and truthfulness..

So paying for the Clinton accusers legal fees means nothing they say is credible?

On the other hand - that is only one of the accusers.
legal fee's? you mean like buying off one woman's house or offering cash payments of 750,000.00 just to publicly claim something? BIG DIFFERENCE! So now bribing people is 'pay legal fee's"? is that what your insinuating?

When you are paying someone to make a legal case - what you actually pay for is apples and oranges - it's all the same. Unless you're a hypocritical partisan.
SO you think it OK to pay someone to lie for your cause and destroy another persons life... Fucking pathetic.....


I haven't said it's "ok" - that is YOUR argument.
Now i know why the USA is in the state it is in.... NO ETHICS... NO MORAL CENTER...
I am soooo shocked! Who would have ever imagine Democrats would pay women to accuse Trump? Their ethics are beyond reproach! the fuck does Lisa Bloom "represent" democrats and NOT JUST HERSELF out for the money???

You orange clown is EXACTLY the same caliber of ethics as Bloom .....LOL
She was getting the money to pay off the women from democratic donations

The Hill now reporting they have found 4 more women who were approached and are coming clean..

The number of women approached is now over 6, who have admitted they were offered money for any accusation... This is not going to end well... Election Tampering....Criminal Defamation...
You understand there is a difference between paying for someone's legal costs and paying them to make a claim, right?

And what legal costs have they had exactly?
It amounts to the same thing in the end. You are paying someone to make a claim. Would they have made the claim if they had not been paid? This splitting of hairs is nothing more than partisan hypocrisy.
wrong paying legal expenses ONLY applies if they get sued and have to go to court,paying their mortgage or offering them 750000 dollars is a direct bribe to make an accusation.

It is all a "bribe". You're just trying to give a free pass to your side.
wrong you fucking loon, paying court costs gives ZERO dollars to the person and only happens if they are sued. Paying the mortgage or paying 750k dollars to that person is a direct remittance as in a BRIBE that DIRECTLY pays the person with no requirement to be sued and every dollar goes to their personal wealth enhancement.

It pays THEIR costs. You are still paying someone. Just like paying a mortgage. Don't be so dense.
the dense one is you retard paying court costs gives not one dime to the person and only happens if they get sued. Paying the mortgage or 750 k dollars is a direct remittance to the person solely for the purpose of their testimony and is illegal.
I am soooo shocked! Who would have ever imagine Democrats would pay women to accuse Trump? Their ethics are beyond reproach! the fuck does Lisa Bloom "represent" democrats and NOT JUST HERSELF out for the money???

You orange clown is EXACTLY the same caliber of ethics as Bloom .....LOL
She was getting the money to pay off the women from democratic donations
Bloom stated she was looking for accusations against Trump and was using democrat donors to make payments to them.... If that doesn't scream lying democrat partisan hack bitch, nothing does...
Paying legal fees is paying the attorney. Not direct cash, not a mortgage and does not include tabloid interviews.
Being reported by many, if this is true, what does this mean for Americas future? Is this in fact the angle the left are looking to exploit and abuse? I am betting yes. Right out of the Communist handbook.

Prominent lawyer Lisa Bloom sought donor cash for two Trump accusers

A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trumpduring the final months of the 2016 election, according to documents and interviews.

California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.

The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.

Bloom, who has assisted dozens of women in prominent harassment cases and also defended film executive Harvey Weinstein earlier this year, represented four women considering making accusations against Trump last year. Two went public, and two declined.

Lisa Bloom's and Jill Harth's statements to The Hill

Why did you post the article from the Pundit rather than from the Hill? Oh yes, to show a more biased version of events. The Hill reproduces large parts of the lawyer's statement explaining the situation thoroughly--something you are not interested in. You just want to make an accusation and let it stir things up. If we need any evidence to back up the accusations it is Trump's Access Hollywood tape and the interview with Howard Stern where Trump himself admits to his behavior of assaulting women.
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It is all a "bribe". You're just trying to give a free pass to your side.
Kills any court case for any of them that excepted the greenbacks.....

I don't think so.

A court case isn't dependent on that but on evidence.
Your not very well versed on Fruit of the poisons tree (or vine). IF any branch or root is infected the tree as whole will be thrown out.

Bribes in an attempt to gain people to "make statements" true or not, will poison the whole thing.. Nothing they say after that point we be deamed credible. There will always be questions on the motive and truthfulness..

So paying for the Clinton accusers legal fees means nothing they say is credible?

On the other hand - that is only one of the accusers.
legal fee's? You mean like buying off one woman's house or offering cash payments of $750,000.00, 250,000.00, 100,000.00, 50,000.00 or 10,000.00 just to publicly claim something? BIG DIFFERENCE! So now bribing people is "paying legal fee's"? Is that what your insinuating?
They also claim that money paid to foreign agents to smear the opposition candidate are "legal fees."
Again difference between paying someone to make a claim and offering to pay legal fees after they've made one.
Would they have made the claim without the promise of compensation? Doubtful. Your atr trying to grab the nonexistent higher ground in the scum.
paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.
In other words, they accused Trump only because they were bribed.

Tell us something we don't already know.
Being reported by many, if this is true, what does this mean for Americas future? Is this in fact the angle the left are looking to exploit and abuse? I am betting yes. Right out of the Communist handbook.

Prominent lawyer Lisa Bloom sought donor cash for two Trump accusers

A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trumpduring the final months of the 2016 election, according to documents and interviews.

California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.

The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.

Bloom, who has assisted dozens of women in prominent harassment cases and also defended film executive Harvey Weinstein earlier this year, represented four women considering making accusations against Trump last year. Two went public, and two declined.

A website called TRUE pundent--really---:badgrin: Anyone that builds a website where they have to had the word "true" in it, is a little suspect don't you think?


I doubt Natasha Stoynoff--People Magazine writer was paid for her story.


Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story
Do you think she was too ugly for Trump--:badgrin:

And there were more.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

Of course the tape:

So let me make sure I understand the benchmarks being laid down here.

1) No one should raise money for the victim of a crime.

2) No one should sell the rights to a story about the victim of a crime.

Do I have that right?

No. No one should fund OBVIOUS FALSE ACCUSERS.

This is fraud, these people belong in prison.
What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.
So let me make sure I understand the benchmarks being laid down here.

1) No one should raise money for the victim of a crime.

2) No one should sell the rights to a story about the victim of a crime.

Do I have that right?

No. No one should fund OBVIOUS FALSE ACCUSERS.

This is fraud, these people belong in prison.
What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.

Yeah, and his ex wife admitted that she lied in order to get a better deal at the court. If you are so knowledgeable, how did you conveniently just forget to state that the claim was completely debunked (as in all likelihood were the rest)?

Because you are full of shit, and a liar.
So let me make sure I understand the benchmarks being laid down here.

1) No one should raise money for the victim of a crime.

2) No one should sell the rights to a story about the victim of a crime.

Do I have that right?

No. No one should fund OBVIOUS FALSE ACCUSERS.

This is fraud, these people belong in prison.
What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.

Yeah, and his ex wife admitted that she lied in order to get a better deal at the court. If you are so knowledgeable, how did you conveniently just forget to state that the claim was completely debunked (as in all likelihood were the rest)?

Because you are full of shit, and a liar.

Women always lie to get a better deal in court. Always. Ask any guy who has been through a divorce.
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