Prominent lawyer Lisa Bloom sought donor cash for two Trump accusers

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No. No one should fund OBVIOUS FALSE ACCUSERS.

This is fraud, these people belong in prison.
What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.

Yeah, and his ex wife admitted that she lied in order to get a better deal at the court. If you are so knowledgeable, how did you conveniently just forget to state that the claim was completely debunked (as in all likelihood were the rest)?

Because you are full of shit, and a liar.

Women always lie to get a better deal in court. Always. Ask any guy who has been through a divorce.

Of course, their lawyers tell them to do so, as the judges at family court are old fat feminists who believe anything a woman says. It would be stupid to not to. It's called "divorce-rape".
So let me make sure I understand the benchmarks being laid down here.

1) No one should raise money for the victim of a crime.

2) No one should sell the rights to a story about the victim of a crime.

Do I have that right?

No. No one should fund OBVIOUS FALSE ACCUSERS.

This is fraud, these people belong in prison.
What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.

Yeah, and his ex wife admitted that she lied in order to get a better deal at the court. If you are so knowledgeable, how did you conveniently just forget to state that the claim was completely debunked (as in all likelihood were the rest)?

Because you are full of shit, and a liar.

What evidence do you have they were lying?

The timing of the events. And as far as I understand the accusations were withdrawn (I suppose they ran out of money to pay the false accusers), after Trump won the election. What a total coincidence, how did that happen? They just forgot about it after the election was over huh...

At least 15 women have accused him. Only three have resulted in widely known litigation so far.

His ex-wife withdrew her rape claim after a massive divorce settlement.

Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 for breech of contract, and for non-violent sexual harassment. She dropped her sexual harassment claim as a stipulation for a very large settlement payment by Trump for her breech of contract claim.

Summer Zervos is currently seeking a deposition from Trump, and has no intention of withdrawing any claims.

The other 12 are currently trying to get him into court.

Your belief that claims against him have all been withdrawn is drastically wrong.

Yeah, and his ex wife admitted that she lied in order to get a better deal at the court. If you are so knowledgeable, how did you conveniently just forget to state that the claim was completely debunked (as in all likelihood were the rest)?

Because you are full of shit, and a liar.

Women always lie to get a better deal in court. Always. Ask any guy who has been through a divorce.

Of course, their lawyers tell them to do so, as the judges at family court are old fat feminists who believe anything a woman says. It would be stupid to not to. It's called "divorce-rape".

Is that your proof that she admitted that she lied?
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.
Again difference between paying someone to make a claim and offering to pay legal fees after they've made one.
Would they have made the claim without the promise of compensation? Doubtful. Your atr trying to grab the nonexistent higher ground in the scum.
paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.

Mueller hasn't finished his investigation. I know you wish he had,
Not one reason to ever communicate with the left. Every day it is proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that they are what I say they are. Every day I tell you they are nothing but bloated fucking demented piece of shit hypocrites who stand for nothing other than taking this country down and sticking a thumb in the eye of male white Christians.
Mueller hasn't finished his investigation. I know you wish he had,

Mewler was empowered to investigate Russian collusion. That failed 6 months ago. Since then Mewler and his DNC thugs have engaged in a witch hunt to dig up or fabricate anything, no matter how far removed from "Russian collusion" including financial transactions a dozen years back.

Mewler wants to "get Trump" through any means, legal or otherwise. The Lisa Bloom affair shows just how corrupt you leftist are and the depths you will sink to initially to corrupt the election process and now to stage the coup you are attempting.

Now we will see if Sessions is worth a shit, since I guarantee that Bloom did not disclose the bribes made to the accusers as campaign spending, despite the fact that the payments were made by Soros et al specifically to damage the Trump campaign and bolster the Clinton campaign. If a Republican had done this, there would already be dozens of arrests. I get that democrats are not subject to the law, but Bloom is not Hillary, she is just a Clinton Capo. Sessions might decide to actually apply the law to her.
Would they have made the claim without the promise of compensation? Doubtful. Your atr trying to grab the nonexistent higher ground in the scum.
paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.
Mueller hasn't finished his investigation. I know you wish he had,

Mewler was empowered to investigate Russian collusion. That failed 6 months ago. Since then Mewler and his DNC thugs have engaged in a witch hunt to dig up or fabricate anything, no matter how far removed from "Russian collusion" including financial transactions a dozen years back.

Mewler wants to "get Trump" through any means, legal or otherwise. The Lisa Bloom affair shows just how corrupt you leftist are and the depths you will sink to initially to corrupt the election process and now to stage the coup you are attempting.

Now we will see if Sessions is worth a shit, since I guarantee that Bloom did not disclose the bribes made to the accusers as campaign spending, despite the fact that the payments were made by Soros et al specifically to damage the Trump campaign and bolster the Clinton campaign. If a Republican had done this, there would already be dozens of arrests. I get that democrats are not subject to the law, but Bloom is not Hillary, she is just a Clinton Capo. Sessions might decide to actually apply the law to her.

Mueller was empowered to investigate Russia's efforts to interfere in our elections. Not whether that happened, because it's already been proven that it happened, but how they went about it. If Trump and his campaign had nothing to do with it, they have nothing to worry about. The investigation is far from complete, and NOBODY is saying what has been discovered yet.
paying legal fees is not compensation dumb ass it ony pays if sued and then only pays lawyer and court costs. No money is given to the accuser for personal use like paying the mortgage or 750k to do as you wish with.

Paying a person's legal fees is NOT compensation?

:lmao: :lol: :lmao:
NO it is not it ONLY happens if they are sued and it gives ZERO dollars to the person for personal wealth or material gain.

Personal as in getting a settlement? That kind of personal gain that wouldn't have been realized otherwise because if their legal fees hadn't been covered they likely would never have gone to court in the first place? Think about it.

So, you support paid "testimony"

Or is it, you support any action that furthers the coup your traitorous party is engaged in?

I couldn't care less as long as there is nothing illegal involved. I just find your side’s hypocritical contortions and faux outrage pathetically amusing.

This is illegal. Campaign funding is required to be disclosed. The millions paid to fabricate dirt against Trump in order to boost the Clinton campaign was never disclosed.

This anonymous donor (George Soros) who paid $750,000.00 to have one of the allegations fabricated might have just slightly exceeded the $500 individual cap.....
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.

Frank Marshall Davis? Yep, you;re nuts.
Mueller hasn't finished his investigation. I know you wish he had,

Mewler was empowered to investigate Russian collusion. That failed 6 months ago. Since then Mewler and his DNC thugs have engaged in a witch hunt to dig up or fabricate anything, no matter how far removed from "Russian collusion" including financial transactions a dozen years back.

Mewler wants to "get Trump" through any means, legal or otherwise. The Lisa Bloom affair shows just how corrupt you leftist are and the depths you will sink to initially to corrupt the election process and now to stage the coup you are attempting.

Now we will see if Sessions is worth a shit, since I guarantee that Bloom did not disclose the bribes made to the accusers as campaign spending, despite the fact that the payments were made by Soros et al specifically to damage the Trump campaign and bolster the Clinton campaign. If a Republican had done this, there would already be dozens of arrests. I get that democrats are not subject to the law, but Bloom is not Hillary, she is just a Clinton Capo. Sessions might decide to actually apply the law to her.

Mueller was empowered to investigate Russia's efforts to interfere in our elections. Not whether that happened, because it's already been proven that it happened, but how they went about it. If Trump and his campaign had nothing to do with it, they have nothing to worry about. The investigation is far from complete, and NOBODY is saying what has been discovered yet.

We know all about Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign colluding with Russia to produce a fake "dossier" to interfere with the election on behalf of Clinton, Obama, Comey, and the DNC. Yet Mewler chases financial fraud from a dozen years ago that has no bearing at all on the campaign, while utterly ignoring the blatant corruption in front of hi,m.

Mewler is a hack and a fraud, a disgrace to the once great FBI.
The democrat treason of an attempted coup is based on the best witness testimony that money can buy, along with threats against those who don't go along.

So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.

Frank Marshall Davis? Yep, you;re nuts.

In what way?

I suspect you are simply ignorant.
So now you think it's a coup? That's funny.

What is your word for the attempt to dislodge the legally elected government (executive branch) that the democrat traitor party is engaged in?

Now we see that you traitors have stooped to outright buying fake testimony in your lust to overthrow the legal government.

Tell me, why has Mewler not arrested this criminal?

Oh, that's right, his job is chief witch hunter.
And how many times did we have to listen to you going on about the Birther crap, impeach Obama, Benghazi, Emails....blah blah blah.

You are a mod, so show ANY post from me, EVER promoting the birther bullshit?

You can't, and we both know it. Obama was born in Hawaii, where his father, Frank Marshall Davis lived.

Frank Marshall Davis? Yep, you;re nuts.

In what way?

I suspect you are simply ignorant.

I have no doubt that you suspect a lot of goofy stuff, and after you repeat those things enough, you finally believe them to be true.
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