Prominent Liberal Author: If I'd Known Biden Supports Lockdowns, 'I Never Would Have Voted for Hi

I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
Well that would be silly. The US needs to stop illegal immigration not fossil fuels to operate all the vehicles we need.....
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"

If it weren't for fossil fuels really supporting unconventional alternates, there would be no solar, wind, hydro right now. Solar, wind, hydro are supplemental, at best. Housing would be an excellent way to go with alternate energy.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

No, its not the same thing.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
Well that would be silly. The US needs to stop illegal immigration not fossil fuels to operate all the vehicles we need.....

It was a proposed joke for Joe. I kid the Trumpybear (who compared himself to Abe). Mexico didn't pay for a wall and there will be no magical point where fossil fuels are ended. Imo.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
Well that would be silly. The US needs to stop illegal immigration not fossil fuels to operate all the vehicles we need.....

It was a proposed joke for Joe. I kid the Trumpybear (who compared himself to Abe). Mexico didn't pay for a wall and there will be no magical point where fossil fuels are ended. Imo.
I get it, but yours makes no sense. The wall to prevent illegals does even if you pay for it.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"

If it weren't for fossil fuels really supporting unconventional alternates, there would be no solar, wind, hydro right now. Solar, wind, hydro are supplemental, at best. Housing would be an excellent way to go with alternate energy.

I've said many times fossil fuel has been a boon for mankind. For the other species on the planet, not so much.
If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.

I LOVE IT! Clueless Leftist fucks.

It's a total WIN-WIN:
  • If Trump wins reelection, I win.
  • If Biden gets in office, so many of his voters when they actually find out what this idiot stands for him and Harris intending to do, will rue the day they ever elected him wishing for Trump back, that I still win!
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
Well that would be silly. The US needs to stop illegal immigration not fossil fuels to operate all the vehicles we need.....

It was a proposed joke for Joe. I kid the Trumpybear (who compared himself to Abe). Mexico didn't pay for a wall and there will be no magical point where fossil fuels are ended. Imo.
I get it, but your makes no sense. The wall to prevent illegals does even if you pay for it.

Most people and illegal contraband come through on the highways, through the airports and other ports of entry, not trudging across the desert. ....or tundra....mile after mile..... wait, I regress.

Putting up or improving the barrier in populated and easily accessible areas make sense, but not one continuous wall.

(damn it now I want pancakes???)
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

No, its not the same thing.

Of course it is.
I haven't heard from Noami since Gore hired her to help make him more manly.

Lockdowns are like banning guns or making abortion illegal. Something the people would largely ignore.

Then why is he proposing such stupidity and absurdity? Mandating outdoor masks, app tracking and testing, vaccinations. I don't even comply now with indoor masks.

Why did Trump say he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

What Biden is doing is the same thing.

Biden should have said at that debate. "We're going to build the greatest, the best in the entire world, the greenest of green Electrical Grids. "

"And were gonna make Fossil Fuel pay for it! Haha. Just Kidding Abe. Transition. Abe do you know what that word means>>>>"
Well that would be silly. The US needs to stop illegal immigration not fossil fuels to operate all the vehicles we need.....

It was a proposed joke for Joe. I kid the Trumpybear (who compared himself to Abe). Mexico didn't pay for a wall and there will be no magical point where fossil fuels are ended. Imo.
I get it, but your makes no sense. The wall to prevent illegals does even if you pay for it.

Most people and illegal contraband come through on the highways, through the airports and other ports of entry, not trudging across the desert. ....or tundra....mile after mile..... wait, I regress.

Putting up or improving the barrier in populated and easily accessible areas make sense, but not one continuous wall.

(damn it now I want pancakes???)
Well at least its a start.....
Poor Zippy. President Elect aka good old Joe, already said on national television that the president doesn't actually have the legal authority to order a national lock down, and that it must come from the Governors, who do have the power to order lock downs and other measures to ensure the public health and safety.
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs. So what?
He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Biden would have the support of ALL the blue states and once the nonstop media spotlight is turned on recalcitrant governors and the public relations drumbeat starts sounding (in media, in pop culture, in a 24/7 news cycle) you will find lots of cowardly weak kneed governors falling into line.

Wake the fuck up!
It appears that a few oblivious Leftists have finally realized that it is irrational to blame Trump for (a) not taking the pandemic seriously, and (b) the horrific loss of jobs. Because if he had taken the pandemic seriously, as the Leftist claim he should have, the loss of jobs would have been much, much worse, and the economy would be so fucked up now that recovery could take a generation.

And now, Joe Biden, who trumpeted the need to close down to slow the spread, is forced to acknowledge tacitly that that would be an enormously stupid thing to do right now.

But maybe he is still too oblivious to see this.

Western Europe has pretty much destroyed any claims they might make about the efficacy of any of these measures

I heard Ezra Klein call trump a "grim realist" on the issue a few weeks back hahahaha

They're broken and ashamed
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.

Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.

Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.

It is becoming clear.

"Some ways in which shutdowns are applied may indeed be unconstitutional, as when a mayor allows a civic group but not a church to convene in numbers, or when a gun shop gets treated less favorably than comparable small businesses because someone in the governor’s office isn’t fond of Second Amendment rights. Those cases, important as they are, change only a few lockdown outcomes. And the remedy that follows — making restrictions neutral and even‐handed — is different from lifting those restrictions.

As for the argument that lockdowns as such are broadly unconstitutional, that one has begun to reach judges — and fallen on its face.

Business people in Pennsylvania and Michigan have already sued to reopen their businesses, and the judiciary in both states has said no. In Pennsylvania, while three Justices partially dissented, they did so without endorsing the plaintiffs’ contentions of unconstitutionality, instead indicating that they deserved more latitude to develop their case. The Michigan ruling upholding Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s order against challenge was handed down by a judge who earlier served as deputy legal counsel to former Republican Governor John Engler and has advised the state’s Federalist Society chapter."

"During the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago, prohibition on public assemblies and closure of businesses were common. Were any of these steps ever successfully challenged as unconstitutional? I haven’t been able to find a single instance of that. "
What is the point of this all? So Biden doesn't have the legal authority to declare lock downs.

One would think a prominent liberal author would know the limits of presidential power.

He doesn't have the legal authority to disenfranchise millions of American voters either.
That hasn't stopped him.

Now the unfounded allegations are up to millions of disenfranchised voters huh?

Wow you guys are a hoot. No wonder you've been fooled into thinking ol'Trumpybear won.

Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.

It is becoming clear.

"Some ways in which shutdowns are applied may indeed be unconstitutional, as when a mayor allows a civic group but not a church to convene in numbers, or when a gun shop gets treated less favorably than comparable small businesses because someone in the governor’s office isn’t fond of Second Amendment rights. Those cases, important as they are, change only a few lockdown outcomes. And the remedy that follows — making restrictions neutral and even‐handed — is different from lifting those restrictions.

As for the argument that lockdowns as such are broadly unconstitutional, that one has begun to reach judges — and fallen on its face.

Business people in Pennsylvania and Michigan have already sued to reopen their businesses, and the judiciary in both states has said no. In Pennsylvania, while three Justices partially dissented, they did so without endorsing the plaintiffs’ contentions of unconstitutionality, instead indicating that they deserved more latitude to develop their case. The Michigan ruling upholding Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s order against challenge was handed down by a judge who earlier served as deputy legal counsel to former Republican Governor John Engler and has advised the state’s Federalist Society chapter."

"During the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago, prohibition on public assemblies and closure of businesses were common. Were any of these steps ever successfully challenged as unconstitutional? I haven’t been able to find a single instance of that. "

Hasn't reached SCOTUS yet

I don't really care what scared little judges with no sense think, the only nation in the western world who put it all on a technocratic doctor decided to stay open (sweden).

There is no rational first principles line to draw from a yearly flew season and corona. And these lockdowns run on businesses, they can't lock down citizens. Which makes them useless

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that. Doubling a very small % of our population dying is still a very small %. Our response was absurd. Especially considering most people who were dying were over life expectancy
Doesn't seem clear governors have this power either yet here we are....?

How exactly do a few thousand old people dying in your state from a cold give your governor the right to mandate anything?

Happens every year.
It happens in Oregon all the time. Kate Brown tightens the screws down on everybody a little more every
time a few people kick off with a covid connection.

No one feels good about people dying but this is socializing of a disease (everyone is penalized when
grandad dies) and an overt exercise in controlling the public under one person's dictates.

Dr Naomi Wolf

If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, which is something historically unprecedented in any pandemic, and a terrifying practice, one that won’t ever end because elites love it, I would never have voted for him.
8:03 PM · Nov 8, 2020

BJ -


How fucking tight is that Bubble that the Bubblecultists live in?
Damn Biden loves the poorly informed.

Not nearly as much as the right loves a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.

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